Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:

Expert opinion on loss of work capacity

Added to glossary by Emilia Lago
Jun 1, 2023 13:51
1 yr ago
30 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Medical Insurance Medicina Laboral/ Seguro de discapacidad/ Accidente laboral
Es un documento emitido por un tribunal de evaluación de discapacidad emitido en Colombia ("Junta Regional de Calificación
de Invalidez"). El término es el encabezamiento.
Mi duda es la traducción del termino DICTAMEN ya que cuando es emitido por una Junta (no como opinión de experto o perito) creo que traducir como "report" u "opinion" no tiene la misma fuerza legal. Pero al no ser un juzgado no se si es adecuado traducir como "verdict", "sentence" o similares


Lisa Rosengard Jun 1, 2023:
Un dictamen es un juicio con opinión que se emite sobre algo. (
It's a court or tribunal decision which is made after consideration of expert medical opinion on the nature of the case or the reason for which a worker can be rendered as either fit or unfit to work following an incident. In such a case if someone is no longer able to attend work then the expert opinion influences the person's entitlement to claim compensation or invalidity benefit while he or she is unable to return to work.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

Expert opinion on loss of work capacity

One essential point to bear in mind here for the translation is that the issuing organ of the “dictamen” is not a judicial body, i.e. it is not a tribunal or court. The expression “tribunal de evaluación” (this “tribunal” is actually the Junta Regional de Calificación de Invalidez!!!) might have a confusing effect on the reader here. But it is necessary to stress that the issuing organ, this Junta Regional de Calificación de Invalidez, is an administrative body affiliated in Colombia to the national social security system. Therefore, as such, this body does not issue “rulings”, a distinct legal term meaning an official decision made by a judge or court. What this organ issues are “expert opinions”, which is the English counterpart of the Spanish expression “dictamen pericial”. In your text, only the term “dictamen” appears, but it actually refers to “dictamen pericial”, an expert opinion.

You do not like “report” or “opinion” as a translation for “dictamen”, but this rendering is the one that fits the meaning the best in the context given, in my opinion. Alternative terms to “ruling” such as “verdict” or “sentence” are obviously fully wrong and misleading for the reasons explained.

Read here please the key terms at the beginning of the text (it includes an English translation). You will see that “dictamen pericial” is the full expression for “dictamen”:
Crítica a la contradicción del dictamen pericial de forma oral en los procesos laborales en Colombia
(…) procedimiento de contradicción de dictamen pericial presentado por la Junta Regional de Calificación de Invalidez de Caldas (…).

Here, from the same text, a definition of “dictamen pericial” is included:
“Para Jairo Parra Quintano el dictamen pericial es un “medio de prueba que consiste en la aportación de ciertos elementos técnicos, científicos o artísticos que la persona versada en la materia de que se trate hace para dilucidad un asunto que requiere especiales conocimientos”.

Definition of “Junta Regional de Calificación de Invalidez”:
1. ¿QUÉ ES LA JUNTA REGIONAL DE CALIFICACIÓN DE INVALIDEZ DEL VALLE DEL CAUCA? La Junta Regional de Calificación de Invalidez es un organismo del sistema de seguridad social integral del orden nacional, de creación legal, adscrita al Ministerio del Trabajo con personería jurídica, de derecho privado, sin ánimo de lucro, de carácter interdisciplinario, sujetas a revisoría fiscal, con autonomía técnica y científica en los dictámenes periciales, cuyas decisiones son de carácter obligatorio.

Note added at 7 hrs (2023-06-01 21:24:31 GMT)

To clarify this critical point for those who, regrettably, still have not understood what it actually means. The apparently conflictive phrase segment “cuyas decisiones son de carácter obligatorio” does NOT refer to “dictámenes periciales”. The “dictámenes” and the “decisiones” are TWO different things. “Cuyas decisiones” does actually refer to the Junta Regional de Calificación de Invalidez, the decisions of which/whose decisions are of mandatory nature. “Cuyas”, a relative pronoun, does not refer to the “dictámenes periciales”, but to the Junta Regional.
I hope this helps clarify things a bit further.

Note added at 1 day 5 hrs (2023-06-02 18:58:50 GMT)

@Emilia. Glad to help! Se trata de una "expert opinion", una especie de peritaje (no sé si ustedes emplean peritaje en la Argentina). En realidad, esta opinión experta sí equivale a un "informe" (report), es eso en definitiva, pero me decanto por "expert opinion" como traducción. El primer enlace, de Colombia, ofrece el enfoque adecuado. Espero que te resulte útil.
Note from asker:
Muchas gracias por tu respuesta y toda la fundamentación! No es que no me gusta el término "report" sino que no estaba segura que fuera adecuado. En tu opinión: ¿se entiende mejor "report" o "expert opinion"? También consideré como opción "pronouncement", pero no se si ese término es utilizado en el ámbito.
Muchisimas gracias!!
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM. : AT is wrong and so is this ProZ entry: Cut to West and Couture, Lat. Am. legal terms.
1 hr
Hola Adrian. Yes, he's wrong.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muy útil y bien fundamentado!!"
32 mins

Ruling on loss of capacity for work

Loss of capacity for work means loss of capacity for work as a result of an occupational accident, an accident on the way to/from work or due to contracting an occupational disease. The incapacity for work shall be expressed in percentages.

Loss of capacity for work Definition | Law Insider

DWP responds to today's tribunal ruling on the Work ...
GOV.UK › government › news › dwp-resp...
22 May 2013 — DWP responds to today's tribunal ruling on the Work Capability Assessment. The department disagrees with today's tribunal ruling and intends ...

Note added at 33 mins (2023-06-01 14:24:41 GMT)

Example sentences
tribunal ruling
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But campaigners believe that yesterday's employment tribunal ruling marks a turning point.

Times, Sunday Times

But she was ordered to pay a 100,000 costs bill after her appeal against an employment tribunal ruling was rejected.

The Sun

Last week's employment appeal tribunal ruling on holiday pay was another straw in the wind on this, possibly a significant one.

Times, Sunday Times

Unlike judges who can stay on until 70 (including part-timers after last week's tribunal ruling), lawyers 'retire' at their peak - usually their mid-50s.

Times, Sunday Times

The firm said last week the tribunal ruling was 'self-explanatory' and would not comment.

Times, Sunday Times

Note added at 6 hrs (2023-06-01 20:20:12 GMT)


Del lat. dictāmen.

1. m. Opinión y juicio que se forma o emite sobre algo.
Note from asker:
Thank you so much! In this case... the entity that isues the "dictamen" is not a tribunal. That is why I´m not sure the term "ruling" is correct in this context
Peer comment(s):

agree Hernan Casasbuenas : I agree, the ruling has legal force.
18 mins
agree David Russell
1 hr
agree neilmac
1 hr
disagree Adrian MM. : despite ProZ glossary entries & even though court-issued. Refer to any dictionary //Pls. read carefully 'Art. 39.procedimientos que deban culminar en la adopción de una Resolución *o* Dictamen'
3 hrs
Perhaps you can explain why this is not a binding ruling? What would be the point of a mere opinion if it is not given the force of a ruling? Charlie Sicknote (or his employer) could simply ignore it
neutral Toni Castano : Please read my additional note. I just hope you will be able to understand this time better.
7 hrs
OK, but it seems counterintuitive for a tribunal (per Asker's text) to issue a mere "opinion"; I will not contradict you as you clearly have knowledge on this subject
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

legal decision based on medical knowledge

The court decides whether or not the person is able to return to work or not, following an incident. I think a verdict, which is the decision of a jury after the trial of a case, an expressed conclusion, judgement or opinion is an appropriate translation, but it might not be a regularly used word in English.
If a worker wishes to claim invalidity benefit then he or she is expected to complete and return a claim form. A government or benefit agency then makes a decision based on the information retrieved.

En ciertos casos si un trabajador tiene que reclamar por causa de su invalidez ante su empleo y que ya no puede volver más a su trabajo, tiene que completar un formulario para la agencia gubernamental de los pagos, impuestos y subsidios laborales. Desde eso un tribunal toma una decisión sobre la información que tiene mandada. No sé si se usa la palabra veredicto que puede ser la decisión con alguna sabiduría médica sobre un incidente que causa la invalidez laboral.

Note added at 5 days (2023-06-06 17:45:59 GMT) Post-grading

"Una entidad encargada de resolver una solicitud pensional vulnera los derechos a la seguridad social y al debido proceso cuando se abstiene de estudiar con un documento distinto al dictamen de pérdida de capacidad laboral se puede probar el estado de invalidez necesario para acceder la prestación" (Bogotá 16/12/2022)

Note added at 5 days (2023-06-06 18:03:30 GMT) Post-grading

"Con el dictamen, se prueba el porcentaje de pérdida de la capacidad laboral. En Colombia, una persona es considerada inválida si ha sufrido un porcentaje de pérdida de la capacidad laboral igual o superior a un 50%, según el artículo 38 de la ley 100 de 1993. Cuando existen secuelas pemanentes que afectan la capacidad laboral de la víctima, es conveniente obtener un dictamen de pérdida de la capacidad laboral en firme, antes de presentar cualquier reclamación."

Note added at 5 days (2023-06-06 18:11:21 GMT) Post-grading

It's about a worker's loss of labour capacity following an incident at work. for which a worker would claim invalidity benefit. A social security department would reach a decision based on medical knowledge and information from the injured person, as to whether or not the victim is entitled to the benefit and how much financial assistance he or she should receive. In Colombia the injured person is considered as invalid if he or she has lost 50% of his or her capacity to work.
If a worker wishes to claim invalidity benefit then he or she is expected to complete and return a claim form. A government or benefit agency then makes a decision based on the information retrieved.
Note from asker:
Thank you!
Peer comment(s):

neutral ormiston : You have lost the 'perdida' and the the whole issue
1 day 36 mins
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