Oct 18, 2023 14:55
9 mos ago
26 viewers *
Spanish term

Actividades de interés general consideradas de interés social

Spanish to English Other Law (general)
Este término lo he encontrado traduciendo una noticia de una ONG española. Encuentro el término «Actividades de interés general» a secas, pero no como «Actividades de interés general consideradas de interés social». Entonces me pregunto: ¿Hay en inglés un equivalente al último término que he nombrado?
Un saludo y gracias.
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Non-PRO (1): Toni Castano

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Toni Castano Oct 23, 2023:
@Ángel Thanks for your feedback (and your patience!). I said I would be posting some more reference material. So here we go. What follows is the definition of "fines sociales" in Spain:
Renta 2022: ¿En qué consiste la casilla de la iglesia y la de fines sociales?
¿Qué es la asignación de cantidades a fines de interés social?
Para este año el Estado destinará a subvencionar actividades de interés social el 0,7% de la cuota íntegra del IRPF correspondiente a los contribuyentes que manifiesten expresamente su voluntad en tal sentido.
Se entiende por actividades de interés general consideradas de interés social las siguientes:
• La atención a las personas con necesidades de atención integral sociosanitaria.
• La atención a las personas con necesidades educativas o de inserción laboral.
• El fomento de la seguridad ciudadana y prevención de la delincuencia.
• La protección del medio ambiente.
• La cooperación al desarrollo.

I would not say all these items are in line with the (broad) definition of "Welfare State", but some of them definitely are. I believe Adrian´s suggestion is appropriate.
Ángel Fernández Molero (asker) Oct 23, 2023:
Close query? Hello, shall we close the query with the contribution of the colleague Adrian MM.? Or is there any other possibility? Thank you too, @AllegroTrans, I think your entries are very pertinent.
AllegroTrans Oct 21, 2023:
Also "interest" can be a false friend
Ángel Fernández Molero (asker) Oct 20, 2023:
@Toni Yes, I would say that part of the text is somewhat related to the Agencia Tributaria in the same way you have stated earlier. I think this "Promoción de la Participación de la Población Gitana" is one of those "fines de interés social", since here the text is related to an NGO (Fundación Secretariado Gitano).
AllegroTrans Oct 19, 2023:
Official translation of "interés social" in Spain Toni, there is no such thing as an "official translation" into English, in Spain, except in the context of EU/international admin. etc. This is quite simply because English is not an official language of Spain. The translations you refer to were in all probability done by non-native speakers of English.
Toni Castano Oct 19, 2023:
@Ángel Could you please confirm if your text is related in any way to tax returns to the Spanish Agencia Tributaria?
Toni Castano Oct 19, 2023:
Misgivings about "social" and "social interest" The colleagues AllegroTrans and Adrian MM. have expressed their misgivings against the too literal (and meaningless) translation of "social" and "social interest" in this context, and I must say that I have to rectify and remove the expression "nonsense" I had posted previously, because what they have said is not such nonsense, but something justified.
@Ángel, I shall try to finish my intervention tomorrow. I need to finish my inquiry and confirm some points still unclear to me. This will take some time. But meanwhile I wish to apologize to Adrian MM. because my qualification of "nonsense" of what he had written is on no account such thing. He may be well right in his approach to the query.
Toni Castano Oct 19, 2023:
Official translation of "interés social" in Spain Official version of the Spanish Agencia Tributaria
This is the Spanish official rendering of "interés social" available on the web site of the Agencia Tributaria, where the expression "fines de interés social" is translated as "social purposes". This site is available in Spanish and English, and also in the other official languages in Spain:
Cómo indicar la asignación tributaria en Renta WEB
Si quieres asignar un porcentaje de la cuota íntegra a colaborar con el sostenimiento económico de la Iglesia Católica, o con otros fines de interés social, primero verifica y acepta la información de la ventana inicial "Datos Identificativos".
How to indicate the tax assignment in Renta WEB
If you want to assign a percentage of the total amount to be paid in collaboration with the Catholic Church's economic sustainability, or for other social purposes, first verify and accept the information from the initial window "Identification Details."
AllegroTrans Oct 19, 2023:
"social" frequently amounts to a false friend, especially when used as a single word. Spain (and other continental jurisdictions) use the word in a far broader context than in British English. Beware!
Toni Castano Oct 19, 2023:
@Ángel Thanks for your feedback. Please don't close the query yet. I still do have something to add, but I can't do it right now (I'm replying from my mobile). Thanks for your patience.
Ángel Fernández Molero (asker) Oct 19, 2023:
@Toni Thank you, Toni. I think your option is the one which fits best, at least in my text. How can I close the discussion with that answer?
Ángel Fernández Molero (asker) Oct 19, 2023:
Context Full sentence: «Estas actividades se organizan en el marco del Programa estatal para la Promoción de la Participación de la Población Gitana, financiadas por los Programas estatales de Actividades de Interés general consideradas de interés social, correspondientes a la Secretaría de Estado de Derechos Sociales».
AllegroTrans Oct 18, 2023:
"considered of social interest" but what does this actually mean?
Toni Castano Oct 18, 2023:
@Patinba I certainly understand what you hint at, and I agree with you, fully. I shall try to correct the nonsense posted below, I cannot do it now
patinba Oct 18, 2023:
@Toni Please post your discussion entry (which it isn't) as an answer (which it is) otherwise less approrpiate answers might get into the glossary.
Toni Castano Oct 18, 2023:
@Ángel Welcome to KudoZ. I am posting some references that will help you understand and decide the best option for your query.
The granting of subsidies to entities of the Third Sector and the Spanish Red Cross for the realization of programs of general interest charged to the tax allocation of 0,7% of the Personal Income Tax, with respect to those taxpayers who have put the X in the box “for activities of general interest considered of social interest" (...)

The 2nd International Congress on Accessibility to Public Health Systems, organised by Doctors of the World, will be held on 19 and 20 October 2023 in the Auditorium of the University of Almeria. (...) through the call of the Secretary of State for Agenda 2030 and the call for activities of general interest considered of social interest for this year.

I hope this helps you.
AllegroTrans Oct 18, 2023:
Asker Please post the full sentence containing this, or if it is a heading, some of the text which follows it.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

activities for the public benefit deemed within the purview of social welfare

I'm still unsure after grave study and practice of this area of the law (Equity in E&W), even off the back of the Discussion Entries and some literal ProZ glossary entres, what 'general or social interest' is supposed to mean but, in UK law, both parts would need (to) be considered by the Charity Commissioners from a private / taxable if benefitting no-one or tax-exempt public charity point of view.

If this question is non-Pro, then I'm an amateur.

Example sentence:

IATE: es motivo de interés general COM en motive of public interest COM + The process of assessing the applicant organization to determine whether its intended purpose is *within the purview of Social Welfare and Development*.

Today\'s public welfare programs still embody much of the old theory that welfare is a form of *charity* and that dependency is to be blamed on the individual.

Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : I think you've successfully got round the temptation to render this into meaningless translationese (viz. "social interest" = worthy of gossip/Facebook etc.; "general interest" = worthy of a Daily Mail article or a Kirsty Wark programme)
15 hrs
Thanks, Chris, and gracias ! I worked 'backwards' from Henry Hinds' social welfare ProZ answer that 'dovetailed' with my own idea. My 'Snell's Law of Equity' textbook, Chancery Div. Reports & law of charities alarm bells starting ringing at this question.
agree Toni Castano : Adrian, I owe you an apology. You did not post any “nonsense”, your answer reflects accurately the meaning of the original for the UK scenario/readership. You have my support on this one. I shall try to add some more references tomorrow.
2 days 39 mins
Gracias & thanks, Toni, but you don't owe me an apology or need (to) say sorry outside of Blighty (England). The question prima facie/ on the face of it/ looks like a contender for a literal translation, until Chancery Law Reporting bells started ringing.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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