Jun 15 16:03
3 mos ago
20 viewers *
Spanish term

con desproporción, vicios y ventaja

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) derecho inmobiliario
Narra la parte demandante, que suscribió documento autenticado ante la Notaría Pública xxxxxxxx, de fecha xxxxxxxx, inserto bajo el número x, Tomo xx, Folios xx al xx, por el cual con **desproporción, vicios y ventaja**, se efectuó una írrita partición de la comunidad conyugal, la cual acompañó a la presente demanda y cuyo contenido íntegro se da por reproducido, mediante el cual disolvieron la comunidad de bienes gananciales que existió entre ellos con motivo del matrimonio que contrajeron...

pais: Venezuela

I was thinking Inequity, ...., and undue advantage perhaps?


Proposed translations

1 hr
Spanish term (edited): desproporción, vicios y ventaja

disparity, flaws and undue influence

3 separate terms, so strictly 3 different questions.

I can't recall a term of art of undue advantage, rather of undue influence in English law.
Example sentence:

Chi: En efecto, el actual artículo 3.2.7 de los PICC28 bajo el título de excesiva despropor- ción (gross disparity)

undue influence refers to influencing a person's will by another party, often through psychological pressure or *taking advantage* of an existing relationship.01.08.2023

Peer comment(s):

neutral philgoddard : You can't translate this literally - you have to paraphrase it.
13 hrs
neutral AllegroTrans : This sounds unnatural
17 hrs
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15 hrs

obtained a disproportionate and undue advantage by...

Here's my suggestion. I agree that 'vicios' means flaws, as in legally flawed, but you can't say that here.
Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : I still think "flaws" (or defects) needs to appear in the translation; you can't simply jettison the term on some grammatical pretext of your own whim; obtaining undue advantage usually pertains to violence, coercion, bribery, corruption...
4 hrs
I haven't jettisoned anything. I've said 'undue', in other words his legal claim to it is flawed.
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