Newsletter: July 2013

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(1) Building a translation team-- is it worth it?
(2) First networking marathon
(3) Localization spotlight: the Hindi localization team
(4) New translator training courses
(5) Upcoming online networking events
(6) Come attirare nuovi clienti - Strategie di marketing
(7) Le Back-office de la Traduction
(8) Introdução à Localização
(9) Congrès en France – bientôt la fin du tarif normal
(10) conference in India – early bird registration open
(11) V Conferência Brasileira - Últimos dias para se inscrever
(12) Ten common myths about translation quality

(1) Building a translation team-- is it worth it?

Following the recent Hotel and tourism industry networking event for translators, a new team was created by specialists in that area, using the team feature. In just a short time, over one hundred specialists joined the team.

Translator teams can be composed of colleagues with similar or complementary services or areas of expertise. They can be used to share resources, to network, or to get and pass work. Benefits are being found in forming organized translation teams, where each team member gives their particular strengths or special skills to a project. These teams work together on translation, technical issues, quality control, they leverage their TMs, and teams are being used not just for working more efficiently on straight translation projects, but also to offer a more complete set of services to clients. Feedback from translators who have worked or are working on well-selected teams is very positive.

If you are considering building a team, or already have a team, you may be interested in using the Team feature on Some improvements have been made recently to make this feature more useful in collaboration.

Introducing SDL Trados Studio 2014

Smarter, faster, better.

After much anticipation, we are pleased to reveal the latest version of the world's #1 CAT tool is coming soon.

The new SDL Trados Studio 2014 will combine powerful new features, intuitive design and give an all-round faster user experience.

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Introducing SDL Trados Studio 2014

Smarter, faster, better.

After much anticipation, we are pleased to reveal the latest version of the world's #1 CAT tool is coming soon.

The new SDL Trados Studio 2014 will combine powerful new features, intuitive design and give an all-round faster user experience.

Find out more -

(2) First networking marathon: October 4th, 2013

Mark your calendar for a day of networking with colleagues around the world on Friday, October 4th. Attendees will be able to discuss, collaborate and share information on a wide variety of topics, languages and tools.

If you are a member, please consider proposing a powwow in your area in conjunction with this event, to help create the biggest networking day ever for translation professionals.

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(3) Localization spotlight: the Hindi localization team

Each month, the newsletter features an article highlighting one of the localization teams and the work they are doing to bring the site to their native languages.

This month's spotlight is on the the Hindi localization team:

Balasubramaniam L. --
Ritu Bhanot --
Ashutosh Mitra --
Lalit Sati --
Amar Nath --
Sanjeev Poonia --
dhsanjeev --

Balasubramaniam L., the team leader of the Hindi L10n team, had this to say about the team's work:

"The localization of the site into Hindi was one of the demands I had made to the site when I had first joined way back in 2006. By a pleasant turn events, this soon became a reality and I enrolled myself in the team that was doing the Hindi localization and soon found myself leading the Hindi Localization Team.

In recent days, the Hindi Localization Team has been quite active and has been spending a lot of time to achieve the goal of 100% localization of the most important portions of the site into Hindi. We hope to do it soon.

Once that goal is achieved, we also hope to localize a selection of knowledgebase articles into Hindi for the benefit of the burgeoning group of Hindi translators in

We hope that this will make this site much more useful to Hindi translators and help give a boost to their translation business by allowing them to benefit from the experiences of fellow translators around the world."

If you are a member and you would like to join a localization team in your native language, contact site staff to volunteer.

Wordfast is pleased to announce the release of Wordfast Pro 3.2 with over 60 new features and enhancements - Remote glossary sharing, consistency check, TM administration, support for Wordfast Classic files, and much more!

For more information or to download a free demo version for Windows, Mac or Linux, go to

(4) New translator training courses

* August 2nd: Advanced Internet search techniques for medical translators. This webinar will present advanced search techniques to enable medical translators to locate information on the Internet. Participants will learn how to streamline their searches to save time and optimize search results.

* August 6th: Easy and fun project management for the freelancer in the 21st century. This hands-on experience allows you to learn simple techniques that make the process of organizing your work a fun activity instead of a tedious chore.

* August 15th: Starting your translation business: Your business plan. Objectives, planning, budgeting, promoting. A complete business plan proposal to start working as a translation professional.

* August 27th: Build win-win relationships with clients. Learn how to ensure that your relationships with clients work for both parties, identify key clients and keep them happy without compromising on your values and needs.

* October 1st: The life cycle of a translation project - Improve your management system now. From beginning to end, a translation project involves many steps, some of them not very well known. This session introduce attendees to the roles and duties of PMs, linguists (whether they are translators, editors and/or proofreaders) and other members of the team, including CAT tools specialists, DTP teams and other lesser-known members of projects.

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(5) online networking events, a new type of event

The first online networking event was held for hotel and tourism industry translators on July 11th. Over 400 attendees came together to exchange information on online resources, translation memory sharing and best practices for hotel and tourism industry translators.

More online networking events are coming up in August, for translators working or interested in these areas of expertise:

- Poetry and Literature: August 7th
- Cinema, Film and Television: August 13th
- Advertising and Public Relations: August 21st
- Computer Hardware: August 27th
- Computer Software: August 29th

(6) Come attirare nuovi clienti - Strategie di marketing

In un'ora imparerai ad organizzare la tua attività professionale di traduzione/interpretariato utilizzando le principali tecniche di marketing e web marketing.

(7) Le Back-office de la Traduction: Regrouper vos factures et votre suivi dans 1 fichier (Partie 1)

Dans ce programme, présenté en deux parties, je vous montrerai comment utiliser un seul fichier pour créer votre facturation et un suivi pratique. Grâce à ce système, votre facturation sera organisée pour vous fournir un aperçu de votre activité sur toute une année.

Nous allons nous pencher sur une corvée récurrente et obligatoire : l'établissement des factures et le suivi des impayés. Mon objectif est de vous présenter système de facturation comme cadre de référence, libre à vous de l’adopter entièrement ou de vous laisser inspirer et l’adapter à votre activité.

Dans la première partie nous aborderons la nécessité d’un suivi et l’importance d’identifier les points d’amélioration dans votre système de facturation actuel. Ensuite, nous regarderons les fonctions de base d'Excel qui seront ensuite développées dans la deuxième partie.

(8) Introdução à Localização

Trata-se de um serviço complexo e a tradução é uma pequena parte dele. Mesmo assim, os tradutores podem oferecer esse serviço após dominarem as etapas envolvidas, as ferramentas necessárias e as práticas recomendadas para se atingir um resultado de alta qualidade.

Neste webinar com duração de uma hora, vou apresentar como funciona a localização. Vou diferenciar tradução e localização, apresentar quais etapas estão envolvidas, quais documentos são localizados, algumas recomendações e armadilhas comuns durante a localização e quais as principais ferramentas que você pode usar.

(9) Profite du tarif nomal pour la Sixième édition des Formations et Rencontres de

Il est maintenant temps de profiter du tarif normal en vue d’assister à la Sixième édition des Formations et Rencontres de qui se tiendra du 26 au 29 septembre à Biarritz en France. Consulte la page web du congrès à l’adresse suivante pour t’inscrire à ce formidable événement . Le tarif normal d’inscription à la congrès est valable jusqu’au 23 août.

(10) Early bird registration is now open for first conference in India

Registration is now open for the first conference in India, set to take place on November 15th and 16th in Calcutta. The theme of this event is "Challenges and opportunities in the pan-Indic translation industry."

Take advantage of the early bird registration offer for this event, valid only until September 1st.

(11) Última chance para você aproveitar os preços regulares da V Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do

Esta é a última oportunidade para você aproveitar os preços regulares e participar da V Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do, que irá acontecer nos dias 24 e 25 de Agosto, em Recife, Brasil. Visite o site da conferência e registre-se e participe também desse evento. Os preços regulares vão até o dia 20 de Agosto.

MemSource is becoming increasingly popular with LSPs. Why?

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MemSource is a cloud-based CAT tool that lets you work online as well as offline. On Windows and Mac. And MemSource Personal edition is completely FREE! Why not give it a try?

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(12) Ten common myths about translation quality

An article that was featured recently in translation news, titled "Ten common myths about translation quality" by Nataly Kelly, sparked a lively discussion in the forums.

The dictionary and reference board is a searchable database of dictionaries and other works of reference which may be of use to language professionals. See which reference works colleagues recommend and recommend your own favorites by creating a record or making a feedback entry.

Thank you for reading! Happy translating in August,

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