Translation glossary: Finance

Showing entries 1-48 of 48
French to English
acquis (la créance cédée ne peut être définitivement acquise au cessionnaire que...)vested in (the assigned claim shall be irrevocably vested in the assignee only when...) 
French to English
année à venirthe forthcoming year 
French to English
année écouléethe elapsed year 
French to English
assis surbased on (price based on...) 
French to English
attributions (beneficie d'att. du fonds de compensation)allocations (from the c. fund) 
French to English
au titre de l’exercice au cours duquelin the financial year during which 
French to English
avis de recouvrementnotice of recovery/collection notice 
French to English
économie générale du contratthe general economics of the contract 
French to English
French to English
bilanbalance sheet 
French to English
bouclage financierfinalisation of the financing arrangements/package 
French to English
céder ses droits pécuniairesto assign one's pecuniary rights 
French to English
French to English
French to English
French to English
coûts actualisésdiscounted costs 
French to English
compte de résultatprofit and loss statement (UK) or income statement (US) 
French to English
comptes agrégésaggregated accounts 
French to English
constitue un cautionnement auprès deestablish or take out a guarantee/surety bond with 
French to English
constituer en franchise d’impôt une provisionto establish, by means of a charge against taxable profits, a tax-free reserve 
French to English
French to English
créance cédéeassigned receivable/ ass. claim 
French to English
crédit-bailfinancial leasing/leasing 
French to English
déduction faite de (la part)after deduction of (the share) 
French to English
déficitaireshowing a deficit, unprofitable 
French to English
dégager des marges bénéficiairesto derive profit margins 
French to English
détenir des créances sur qqunto hold claims against so 
French to English
exercicefinancial year 
French to English
French to English
French to English
HTexcluding taxes 
French to English
investissements de départupfront investment(s) 
French to English
l'économie du contratthe economics of the contract 
French to English
l’excédent du montant dethe amount by which the ... exceed 
French to English
marge bénéficiaireprofit margin 
French to English
prévisionnel d'activitéestimated annual report 
French to English
French to English
prix de revientcost price 
French to English
produit global (de ces taxes)the aggregate revenue (from these charges) 
French to English
produit totaltotal revenue 
French to English
rapport d'activitéannual report (See IATE) 
French to English
récapitulatif chiffréthe summary figures (for...) 
French to English
rémunération des capitaux investisreturn on the invested capital 
French to English
réserves accumuléesaccumulated reserves (see def.) 
French to English
retombées financièreseconomic rewards/economic impact 
French to English
French to English
titre de recouvrementnotice of recovery/collection notice 
French to English
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