Translation glossary: Portuguese to English

Showing entries 1-28 of 28
agente estabilizador de clorochlorine stabilizing agent 
Portuguese to English
agua-peagua-pe, paltry wine 
Portuguese to English
armadura da laje de concretoConcrete Slab Reinforcement 
Portuguese to English
Bastidor de Conversor de Sinalizaçãosignal converter frame 
Portuguese to English
Bem pensado!Good thinking! 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
coluna socialsociety column, gossip column 
Portuguese to English
começassethat (s/he, it) start 
Portuguese to English
companhias fechadas operacionaisprivate companies in operation 
Portuguese to English
edital do pregãoRFP- request for proposal 
Portuguese to English
gerente responsávelsupervising manager 
Portuguese to English
gerente responsávelsupervising manager 
Portuguese to English
graças athanks to 
Portuguese to English
lifting equipment, hoistsguindaste, guinchos 
English to Portuguese
Multiplexação Densa Por Comprimento de Ondas de RoteadoresDense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) 
Portuguese to English
obrigado pelo vosso email e pela vossa atençãoThank you for your email and attention 
Portuguese to English
pátio de manuseiohandling yard 
Portuguese to English
pé-sujocasual dining 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
relações de forças entrepower struggles 
Portuguese to English
relativizadaput into a comparative framework 
Portuguese to English
sem invocação de justa causawithout citing a just cause 
Portuguese to English
teares projétil e teares pincaprojectile looms, rapier looms 
Portuguese to English
teia musical brasileirathe Brazilian music scene 
Portuguese to English
teia musical brasileirathe Brazilian music scene 
Portuguese to English
terreno edificadobuilt area 
Portuguese to English
valor fiscafiscal value 
Portuguese to English
ventos alísiostrade winds 
Portuguese to English
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