Translation glossary: Construction/land/property

Showing entries 1-33 of 33
2-Spänner (Zweispänner)building with 2 flats per storey 
German to English
Abrechnerquantity surveyor 
German to English
Ausschreibungsumfangscope of the invitation to tender 
German to English
Überwerfungsbautentunnels crossing above other tunnels 
German to English
bid all of the major tradesalle wesentlichen Gewerke ausschreiben 
English to German
built formarchitektonisch gestaltete Bauten 
English to German
ceiling and low-density applicationsDeckensysteme und Produkte mit niedriger Rohdichte 
English to German
die sich über jeweils vier Geschosse erstreckenden Lufträumethe four-storey atriums/atria 
German to English
endbestimmtdefined in their function 
German to English
Fachlosgruppenunternehmercollective contractor for specialist trades 
German to English
Fachpreisrichter, Sachpreisrichtertechnical jurors, client and local community jurors 
German to English
feature prominently below apron levelspielen eine wichtige Rolle unterhalb des Rollfelds 
English to German
Gewerbegrundstücke und -immobiliencommercial land and buildings 
German to English
GK-Stellwändeplasterboard walls 
German to English
HA-Station (= Hausanschluss)connection points in the building 
German to English
in Passivbauweisein keeping with the Passive House Standard 
German to English
MF Plattemineral fibre board 
German to English
Milieuinselsmall area with the original historical flair 
German to English
Nutzungsmodulfunctional module 
German to English
raised access floor(ing)Doppelboden 
English to German
Richtwertzonelocal land price index area 
German to English
Schlaggröße / Einzugsradienland parcel size / catchment areas 
German to English
schlüsselfertiges Ausbauhausturnkey house with interior self-build kit (watch out for tricky contract terms) 
German to English
Stahlbetondeckereinforced concrete slab (floor/ceiling slab) 
German to English
Tagebauabschnittexcavation segment in open cast mine 
German to English
Terminedeadlines / milestones / periods for delivery 
German to English
Vergabeempfehlungrecommendation for the award of contract 
German to English
Versuchshallelaboratory (or laboratory hall) 
German to English
vorgehängtmounted/attached in front of the facade 
German to English
Werkstoffplattencomposite (wall) panels 
German to English
Zuschlagskriteriencontract award criteria 
German to English
Zweigeschossigspanning two storeys in height 
German to English
Zwischenbühnegallery, intermediate floor 
German to English
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