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Poll: How optimistic are you about your translation business in 2012? (please share!)
Thread poster: Staff
Oliver Lawrence
Oliver Lawrence  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:02
Italian to English
+ ...
CAT is not MT Feb 1, 2012

P. PARTEN wrote:

Either the people from India or such places get the jobs (for about nothing), or those translators with SDL Trados or Wordfast or any computerized translator get all the jobs. On the one hand, I understand... people want to hire those who have the latest in technology. On the other hand, I believe that only a human can do this kind of work. The translator might help you in many ways, but in the end, you WILL need a human to refine the job. ...

As Dave says, you appear to be misinformed: CAT tools do not mean machine translation. A CAT tool is an aid to consistency and productivity; the human translator is always fully in control and makes all the linguistic choices. A good human translator using a CAT tool produces vastly better translations than those using machine-translated output, so it is very important to be clear about the difference and not to tar CAT users with the MT brush.

[Edited at 2012-02-01 09:34 GMT]

Jon Fedler
Jon Fedler
Local time: 01:02
German to English
+ ...
On 2012 and CAT Feb 1, 2012

Although there are advantages in my language area (German-English), which is still busy and solvent, I am an atypical translator in many ways (pensioner, no CAT tools, agencies only, work from home). But perhaps precisely my experiences could help the doubters and depressed, whatever their language groups:

My work volume and income dropped substantially over 2011/2012, but are starting to recover, giving me essential extra income.

PROZ has been my lifesaver and I would
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Although there are advantages in my language area (German-English), which is still busy and solvent, I am an atypical translator in many ways (pensioner, no CAT tools, agencies only, work from home). But perhaps precisely my experiences could help the doubters and depressed, whatever their language groups:

My work volume and income dropped substantially over 2011/2012, but are starting to recover, giving me essential extra income.

PROZ has been my lifesaver and I would never leave it!!!

My impression is that there are still significant numbers of start-up, small and medium agencies who also shun CAT tools, perhaps because they are not cost-effective, and also require training and expertise, or perhaps because these firms appreciate good, old fashioned human translation. (Jared, how about a poll?)

Some tips that have helped me survive:
Keep running costs low;
Don't turn your nose up at small items (I know a few companies that thrive on translation of licenses, certificates. etc.,)
Watch the market rates and don't be afraid to bid a little lower in order to have some cash flow;
Make especial use of PROZ's WWR and Blue Board services to attract and keep clients.

Needless to say, keeping deadlines. in-time communication and accuracy are indispensable preconditions.

See u in 2013!

Jon (Yoni) Fedler

Kenneth Shockley
Kenneth Shockley  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:02
Spanish to English
Fairly optimistic Feb 1, 2012

I have to pretty much agree with John Cutler. Things are definitely not looking great for Spain's economy at present, but the companies that provide me with most of my business seem to be holding up - so I'd say: "Fairly optimistic".

Priscilla Whitaker
Priscilla Whitaker  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:02
Member (2005)
French to English
Awesome Feb 1, 2012

Optimistic! I saw a record January, am booked three weeks into February already, and the pace has been steadily intensifying this way for more than a year. When one client slows, another flows, and I no longer give any thought to "what might happen if...". All is well!

Interlangue (X)
Interlangue (X)
Local time: 00:02
English to French
+ ...
Other: confident Feb 1, 2012

I know there is no "other" option but I am not optimistic or pessimistic, just confident: I know somehow I will make it through this year as I did through others before and as I will through another few to come!

The difference? Being optimistic is just hoping for luck, waiting for things to happen. I do not just sit there, I work at it

Vladimír Hoffman
Vladimír Hoffman  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:02
Member (2009)
English to Slovak
+ ...
Rather optimistic as regards Feb 1, 2012

workflow, rather pessimistic as regards recovery of pre-crisis rates. My agency clients keeps me occupied, but rates are quite low. I hope that marketing through Proz will help a bit.

Interlangue wrote:

I know there is no "other" option but I am not optimistic or pessimistic, just confident: I know somehow I will make it through this year as I did through others before and as I will through another few to come!

The difference? Being optimistic is just hoping for luck, waiting for things to happen. I do not just sit there, I work at it

carondn2  Identity Verified
English to French
The longer in this business... Feb 1, 2012

I must say that it is great that so many are optimistic.

Can't say that I am at this point. I have been in this business for 16 years, and I earn less now than I did when I started. Globalization has brought rates down and the agencies for whom I work have felt it too. People tell me that they are very satisfied with my work but...

Just lost an important client that forced all their freelancers to buy SDL 2009 last September if they wanted to continue to work with them,
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I must say that it is great that so many are optimistic.

Can't say that I am at this point. I have been in this business for 16 years, and I earn less now than I did when I started. Globalization has brought rates down and the agencies for whom I work have felt it too. People tell me that they are very satisfied with my work but...

Just lost an important client that forced all their freelancers to buy SDL 2009 last September if they wanted to continue to work with them, and they just told me that they have hired several in-house translators now so that they have very little work to give to freelancers, unless you are willing to translate 10,000 words in the middle of the night, like their last request.
What I hate particularly in the translation world, is the anger that I feel when such things happen.

To be competitive, I have to constantly lower my rates, so even if the cost of living has gone up since 1996, my income hasn't stopped going down. So to compensate, one has to work harder and I tell you, at 59 years old, one doesn't feel like working harder for half the amount!!!
And turning to another line of work isn't that easy.
So that's the situation for me.

Quite a spiritual challenge.

Paul Greer
Paul Greer  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:02
Swedish to English
Getting on Feb 1, 2012

Not one but two new major client discussions just before the Christmas break, both of which came to fruition with significant first projects. This makes up for a loss of one agency (who are having a tough time of things anyway), so it looks like 'swings and roundabouts' with an optimistic eye to the fore. The loss of the agency work allows me to go hunting (and getting) more work in my very narrow field of expertise, for which I can charge full whack. There are some awkwardly quiet days, however... See more
Not one but two new major client discussions just before the Christmas break, both of which came to fruition with significant first projects. This makes up for a loss of one agency (who are having a tough time of things anyway), so it looks like 'swings and roundabouts' with an optimistic eye to the fore. The loss of the agency work allows me to go hunting (and getting) more work in my very narrow field of expertise, for which I can charge full whack. There are some awkwardly quiet days, however, which I haven't had before. On the other hand this gives me a much-needed opportunity to polish up the old CV, on-line listings, the website and to go 'hunting' for those sometimes elusive small operators who don't yet know how much they need me. PROZ has also been instrumental as a portal to a small but welcome increase in ad-hoc work. All-in-all I think maybe slightly better than 2011 Collapse

Local time: 18:02
French to English
Not very Feb 1, 2012 Staff wrote:

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How optimistic are you about your translation business in 2012? (please share!)".

View the poll results »

I think the growing number of translators is putting severe pressure on pricing

Renate Radziwill-Rall
Renate Radziwill-Rall  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:02
French to German
+ ...
election Feb 1, 2012

Here in France, the elections are coming up. And as usual, everybody waits ..

what for??

Lynn Webb
Lynn Webb  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:02
German to English
Optimistic outlook Feb 1, 2012

I have an optimistic outlook, but it's just the beginning of the year. There's plenty of work, and I have several customers who contact me on a regular basis, so things are looking good. January was a great month, and February looks like it should be, too.

I have been translating for 14 years and have seen a steady increase in work and income. I think the key is to diversify, just like you would an investment portfolio:
- Don't rely on just one or two large clients to keep you
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I have an optimistic outlook, but it's just the beginning of the year. There's plenty of work, and I have several customers who contact me on a regular basis, so things are looking good. January was a great month, and February looks like it should be, too.

I have been translating for 14 years and have seen a steady increase in work and income. I think the key is to diversify, just like you would an investment portfolio:
- Don't rely on just one or two large clients to keep you going. I work with several agencies and some direct clients and find that if one source of work slows, another picks up, so there's always plenty of work.
- Don't limit yourself to a single currency (such as the euro vs. the US dollar). You never know what might happen to their values in the current world economy.
- Make sure you have a bank account in the country of your target language so that you accommodate your customers and get more work.
- Upgrade your software as necessary. If you know a particular customer is going to be giving you steady work for some time, it may be worth investing in the professional version of that software. If you see the potential to increase your client base by adding a new software, do it. If you don't invest in your business, business will dry up.
- Be humble, modest and respectful. Don't act like you're the greatest gift to the profession. This might bring you down. Treat your customers and colleagues like you would want to be treated. If you don't take on a job, offer to refer a trusted colleague. What comes around, goes around.

Good luck, everyone!

[Edited at 2012-02-01 18:15 GMT]

Interlangue (X)
Interlangue (X)
Local time: 00:02
English to French
+ ...
Re: Feb 1, 2012

Lynn Webb wrote:

- Make sure you have a bank account in the country of your target language so that you accommodate your customers and get more work.

Some countries will not let you open an account if you do not live there. You can only keep one you had while living there before moving out/on!

I do have an account in the country of my target language because I live there but could not open an account in the country of one specific customer - I suppose they might grant me that favour if it were a million USD customer, but it is seldom more than 10,000/year.

James Arthur Williamson
James Arthur Williamson  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:02
Member (2009)
Spanish to English
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Plenty of work in technical fields Feb 1, 2012

There's plenty of work in my main field of green energy generation (wind farms, solar energy, biomass). Prices are firm and I'm convinced I will have a good year.

eski  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:02
Spanish to English
+ ...

Optimistic Feb 1, 2012

Despite sufferinging a bitter experience with an unscrupulous outsourcer very recently. I remain very optimistic and can also report that two brand new oursourcers have approached me, including one who has already promptly paid me and another who has made me an excellent offer.

Fortunately, my oldest and steadiest clients remain faithful, although a couple of them have decreased their volume of workload somewhat-compared to 2008-2010, but I have adapted my services and fees to inclu
... See more
Despite sufferinging a bitter experience with an unscrupulous outsourcer very recently. I remain very optimistic and can also report that two brand new oursourcers have approached me, including one who has already promptly paid me and another who has made me an excellent offer.

Fortunately, my oldest and steadiest clients remain faithful, although a couple of them have decreased their volume of workload somewhat-compared to 2008-2010, but I have adapted my services and fees to include "packages" that include several services (such as mp3/mp4 transcriptions/translations and proofreading for a single, discounted rate that affords me a way to increase my earnings, while also saving the client's time and money.

By learning new ways to offer my services; I've been able to gain experience and accept opportunities that were unavailable to me before. This year, I hope to continue growing and learning new and better ways to service my clients and collaborate with my colleagues.


Christopher & Rozilene Frye
Christopher & Rozilene Frye  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:02
Member (2011)
Portuguese to English
+ ...
try it Feb 2, 2012

P. PARTEN wrote:

Unfortunately, I feel very discouraged about my future translating. I am small operation company. I cannot afford the expense required to purchase the "computerized translators." Back a few years ago, I was doing really well. Life was awesome and work kept coming. I had to outsource, I had employees, etc. I have not re-enrolled here either. I get no jobs! Either the people from India or such places get the jobs (for about nothing), or those translators with SDL Trados or Wordfast or any computerized translator get all the jobs. On the one hand, I understand... people want to hire those who have the latest in technology. On the other hand, I believe that only a human can do this kind of work. The translator might help you in many ways, but in the end, you WILL need a human to refine the job. It is so unfortunate for me. I know I can do the work: I've been doing it for years, but I can't compete with just about everybody in here. I've submitted quote after quote after quote... I have been getting nothing. So, yes, I would love to pay for another year of (truly "the best"), but cannot really justify this expense...

I used to think about machine trans like you, but you can use WordFast on line for free, and if you have a lot of repetition in your work it really helps. Also you can construct glossaries on the fly. Also WordFast can use tmx files like Trados. I REFUSE to buy Trados. It is over-priced buggy according to many. Of course WordFast has it's bugs too. Even Google Translator Toolkit is helpful, especially for prose. At the least it saves you a lot of typing.

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Poll: How optimistic are you about your translation business in 2012? (please share!)

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