Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 16 '11 eng>ara “Carry-forward Corrective/Improvement Actions” مواصلة/استمرار القيام بالأعمال الاصلاحية/التحسينية pro open no
- Nov 13 '11 eng>ara Holding market in grips of steel التحكم بالسوق/السيطرة على السوق pro closed ok
- Nov 12 '11 ara>eng يوجد للترسانة مبلغ the amount alloted to the shipyard/dockyard (for ships) arsenal (for arms) pro just_closed no
4 Nov 11 '11 ara>eng مذكرة للعرض على Memo(randum) to be submitted to pro closed ok
- May 31 '11 eng>ara green campaigners القائمون بحملات الحفاظ على البيئة pro closed ok
4 Feb 24 '10 eng>ara Exciting Emerging Companies الشركات الصاعدة المثيرة للإهتمام pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered