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Persian (Farsi) to English: Politico-economic news article, open source General field: Other
Source text - Persian (Farsi) داشتن دولتي چابك و منعطف همواره يكي از موضوعات مهمي بوده كه در جوامع مختلف مورد بررسي قرار گرفته و درباره آن نيز نقطه نظرات و تحليلهاي مختلفي وجود دارد. از سوي ديگر كاهش يا افزايش حجم تصديگري دولت موضوع ديگري است كه همواره مورد علاقه تحليلگران و اقتصاددانان قرار داشته است.
موضوعي كه به باور بسياري از تحليلگران اگر رنگ و بوي كاهشي به خود بگيرد، ميتواند فضاي اقتصاد هر كشوري را متحول كند. اين در حالي است كه علاوه بر تاكيد كاهش حجم تصديگري دولت از سوي صاحبنظران اقتصادي، در سياستهاي اقتصاد مقاومتي كه از سوي مقام معظم رهبري مطرح شده نيز، سياستهاي مردميسازي مورد تاكيد بسيار قرار گرفته و يكي از مهمترين بخشهاي اجرايي شدن اقتصاد مقاومتي بهشمار ميرود.
بنابراين در يك جمعبندي كلي بايد عنوان كرد كه راهي جز كاهش تصديگري دولت در اقتصاد كشور وجود ندارد و دولت يكبار براي هميشه با كوچك شدن حجم خود كنار بيايد. اما در اين ميان بايد چند مساله را در نظر داشت و به برخي شاخصهاي اقتصادي توجه كرد. دولت از يكسو با كاهش بيسابقه و محسوس قيمت جهاني نفت مواجه شده و بخش درآمدزايي آن به دليل افت شديد نرخ بشكههاي نفت با چالشهاي مختلفي مواجه شده است. همين موضوع باعث شده كه وابستگي دولت به درآمدهاي نفتي بالاخره بعد از سالها روزبهروز كمتر شود. در اين شرايط دولت يازدهم متفاوتتر از دولتهاي قبل به انجام وظيفه پرداخت و نميتوانست حساب ويژهيي روي كسب درآمد از منابع زيرزميني باز كند. همچنين براساس پيشبينيهايي كه سازمانهاي بينالمللي انجام دادهاند، جاي هيچ خوشبينياي براي افزايش قيمت جهاني نفت در روزها و ماههاي آينده وجود ندارد.
از سوي ديگر دولت با موضوع درآمدهاي مالياتي مواجه شده، كه اين درآمدها در شرايط فعلي امكان رشد وسيع و سريع را ندارد و تاكنون نيز حواشي بسياري با خود به همراه داشته است. همچنين ركودي كه در بازار كشور حاكم است نشانه خوبي براي افزايش درآمدهاي مالياتي بهشمار نميرود.
بنابراين بسيار بعيد به نظر ميرسد كه دولت بتواند بهزودي درآمدهاي مالياتي خود را با درآمدهاي نفتي جايگزين كند. خواستهيي كه دولت روحاني از زمان روي كار آمدنش در پي تحقق آن بوده است. بنابراين دولت ناچار است كه فعاليتها و خدماتي كه مازاد كار اصلي خودش محسوب ميشود را محدود كند.
دولت بايد فعاليتهاي اينچنيني خود را به بخش خصوصي واگذار كند و با واگذاري بسياري از طرحهاي خود نشان دهد كه در نظر دارد فعالان اقتصادي و مشاركت مردم بيش از گذشته شده است. با ورود بخش خصوصي به عرصه اقتصاد كشور، طرحهاي نيمهتمام بسياري كه وجود دارد نيز به سرانجام خواهد رسيد. با توجه به اينكه هر قدر سهم دولت در اقتصاد بيشتر باشد به همين نسبت سهم بخش خصوصي در اقتصاد كمتر است، لذا جا دارد دولت براي كوچكسازي و كاهش تصديگري خود اقدام جدي انجام دهد و با اين كار امكان افزايش بهرهوري در بخشهاي مختلف اقتصادي كشور را فراهم كند.
البته واگذاري فعاليتهاي اقتصادي به بخش خصوصي هم جزو برنامههاي دولت يازدهم است و هم جزو سياستهاي كلي آن. بنابراين كاهش حجم 15درصد از فعاليتهاي دولت، فرصت و سياست بسيار خوبي است كه در برنامه ششم توسعه مورد توجه قرار گرفته و اميدواريم كه اين طرح در برنامههاي توسعهيي كشور گنجانده شود، چراكه تجربه كشورهاي توسعهيافته نشان ميدهد ورود بخش خصوصي به عرصه اقتصاد، راه رسيدن به توسعه اقتصادي را كوتاهتر ميكند.
نویسنده: كوروش پرويزيان عضو هيات نمايندگان اتاق تهران
Translation - English Having a flexible and agile government has always been an important topic that has been researched across different societies, and there are also different opinions and analyses that exist on this topic. On the other hand, the decrease or increase in the size and breadth of government is another matter that is of interest to researchers and economists.
Many analysts believe that if the government reduces its authority over economic matters, the economic environment of any country can be transformed.
In addition to economic experts’ emphasis on a decrease in governmental authority over economic matters, the resistance economy policies, which were presented by the Supreme Leader, also place a great deal of emphasis on building the private sector, and that is considered one of the most important parts of the implementation of the resistance economy.
A general conclusion is that there is no other way besides the reduction of government authority over the country’s economy, and the government should just once and for all deal with the reduction of this authority.
However, on this topic, we must keep some things in mind and bring our attention to some individuals of note in the economic world. On one hand, the government has been faced with an unprecedented and palpable reduction in world oil prices, and part of its revenue has faced various challenges because of this drop in the rate of oil per barrel. It is precisely this topic that, after years and years, day in and day out, has finally caused the government to reduce its dependence on oil revenues. Under these conditions the 11th cabinet has performed its duties differently than previous cabinets and was unable to count on earning money from these underground sources [such as oil and gas].
In addition, based on the predictions that have been given by international organizations, there is no room for optimism about the increase in the world oil price in the coming days and months.
On the other hand, under the current conditions the government has been faced with the issue of tax revenue in that it has no possibility of any widespread or fast increase, and up until now
this issue has brought with it a great deal of problems.
With such a recession as the one that has gripped the country’s market is not considered a good indication for an increase in tax revenues.
Therefore, it seems very unlikely that the government can quickly replace its tax revenues with oil revenues. This is what the Ruhani Administration was trying to do since he came into office. Therefore, the government has no choice but to restrict these activities and services that are considered subsidiary.
The government must surrender these activities to the private sector, and with the surrender of many of these programs, it will show that it is thinking more about economic actors and public participation more than in the past. With the entry of the private sector into the country’s economic arena, many half-completed plans that exist already will also come to fruition. Considering that the greater the government’s share of the economy is, the private sector is, by comparison, precisely that much smaller; therefore, it is important for the government to seriously try to reduce its size and decrease its hold on the economy, and only then will it be possible to increase productivity in the various sectors of the country’s economy.
Of course, surrendering economic activities to the private sector is a part of the 11th cabinet’s programs as well as a part of its general, overall policies. Therefore, this 15 percent reduction in the volume of government activities is a great opportunity and policy that should be taken note of in the Sixth Development Plan, and we hope that this plan will be included in the Development Plan for the country because the experience of developed countries shows that the entry of the private sector into the economic arena shortens the path to [a country’s] reaching economic development.
Writer: Korush Parviziyan, Member of the Chamber of Commerce of Tehran
Translation education
Master's degree - US Accredited University
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Jul 2014.
I am a professional and experienced translator. I specialize in Middle East languages. I have a great deal of expertise in Persian to English including dialects of Persian such as Dari and Tajik. I am also highly experienced in translating Arabic (most dialects), Kurdish (Kurmanci and Sorani dialects), and Turkish.