Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 19 '21 eng>eng You’ve had the bold beaten out of you Your experience in the organization has led you to think, feel, and act like a cringing milquetoast. pro closed no
- May 11 '21 eng>eng press our sins, and lay them heavy upon the heart to make it impossible for us to avoid awareness of our sins pro closed ok
- May 6 '21 eng>eng be excised about Typo or mistake: "exercised" pro closed no
- May 4 '21 eng>eng trace [out] thy heart Practicing meditation regularly will enable you to identify the sinful inclinations of your heart. pro closed ok
4 May 4 '21 eng>eng anticipate and prevent thy own heart [See below.] pro closed no
4 Apr 30 '21 eng>eng without prying further than what God has revealed taking as your frame of reference only God's revelation in Scripture, and not speculating further pro closed no
- Apr 27 '20 eng>eng Pinching off adulteration / watering-down pro closed ok
4 May 17 '19 eng>eng done religiously in the local schools [See below.] pro closed no
4 May 16 '19 eng>eng a baseline propensity or way of behaving one’s typical or expected conduct pro closed no
4 May 15 '19 eng>eng support team our own best source of [psychological/moral] support in dealing with the difficulties of parenting pro closed no
4 Apr 15 '19 eng>eng a candy tycoon a person who owns a very large and profitable candy company (or various candy enterprises) pro closed no
- Apr 10 '19 eng>eng out of the one thing with reference to / on the basis of the most important thing pro closed ok
- Apr 10 '19 eng>eng Pseudo-gurus? [See below.] pro closed no
- Nov 8 '18 eng>eng None of these ideas are the stuff of great geopolitical doctrines The aforementioned ideas can in no way constitute the basis of serious geopolitical doctrines. pro closed ok
4 Sep 14 '18 eng>eng sought for delay only John Doe did not request that his attorney be replaced for the mere purpose of delaying the trial. pro closed no
- Sep 14 '18 eng>eng artifacts of a girl in motion signs of a restless girl / signs of a girl constantly on the move pro closed no
4 Jun 26 '18 eng>eng a limiting concept Christ’s role far transcends that of a mere Comforter pro closed no
4 Jun 26 '18 eng>eng privileging special cases of sin emphasizing/drawing attention to particular kinds of sin pro closed ok
- May 28 '18 eng>eng experience any feelings about self Did you qualitatively evaluate yourself in amy way (i.e., either positively or negatively)? pro closed no
4 Mar 21 '18 eng>eng a shutting down that depletes us an emotional disconnection that saps our vital energy pro closed no
4 Mar 8 '18 eng>eng emotional mind-reading detecting and interpreting the emotional underpinnings of subtle cues in others' overt behavior pro closed no
4 Feb 15 '18 eng>eng a life of rich relational connections a life filled with emotionally and intellectually fulfilling relationships pro closed no
4 Jan 24 '18 eng>eng from provided by pro closed no
4 Jan 24 '18 eng>eng old orthodox Hades the traditional Christian notion of hell pro closed no
4 Nov 20 '17 eng>eng He was a/the .... [See below.] pro closed no
4 Aug 5 '17 eng>eng court monarchy / kingdom / government pro closed no
- Jul 24 '17 eng>eng consciously perceive pro closed ok
- Jul 9 '17 eng>eng would have had us waiting when X was about to [See below.] pro just_closed no
4 Jun 9 '17 eng>eng Ding-Dongs popular creme-filled packaged chocolate snack cakes produced by Hostess pro closed no
4 Jun 6 '17 eng>eng extraordinary escape I am very lucky to have gotten away from him before something terrible happened to me. pro closed ok
4 Jun 3 '17 eng>eng ten-to-fifteen 10 to 15 year prison sentence pro closed no
- May 13 '17 eng>eng at a time at any moment before they were disturbed pro closed no
4 May 4 '17 eng>eng age is a relevant metric to use It is legitimate to consider age as a relevant variable pro closed no
4 Mar 22 '17 eng>eng mark out his people as his own to define who belongs to God's people and who does not pro closed ok
- Mar 11 '17 eng>eng general meaning of the sentence [see below] pro closed no
4 Mar 3 '17 eng>eng sitting with truth of fully appreciating the meaning and implications of a particular insight pro closed no
- Oct 3 '16 eng>eng positioning Do not give away things to simply try to make a favorable impression pro closed ok
- Jun 21 '16 eng>eng stretching outside your stylistic comfort zone being willing to think and act in ways that don't come naturally to you pro closed ok
4 Apr 20 '16 eng>eng map Our implicit memories often create a mental template that determines our psychological experience. pro closed no
4 Apr 20 '16 eng>eng fixing defining pro closed ok
4 Apr 8 '16 eng>eng Walk with our children through the hard times be there to support and guide them when the going gets tough pro closed no
- Mar 21 '16 eng>eng So off full cry and the hounds took off at full speed pro closed ok
4 Mar 17 '16 eng>eng commend to your attention I strongly urge you to read Lord Clarendon's history of the Great Rebellion pro closed no
- Mar 14 '16 eng>eng is integrated further by reinforced / clarified / elucidated / consolidated pro closed ok
4 Mar 10 '16 eng>eng through to attain riches at the cost of one's peace of mind pro closed no
- Mar 10 '16 eng>eng as vehicles to transmit lies as a means of spreading lies pro closed ok
- Mar 9 '16 eng>eng lemon buyback [see below] pro just_closed no
4 Mar 7 '16 eng>eng join to bring her into the covenant / to make her part of the covenant pro closed no
4 Mar 2 '16 eng>eng You get what you get and you don’t get upset Take it or leave it. / Like it or lump it. pro closed no
4 Feb 24 '16 eng>eng keeping the heart formed in wisdom ensuring that one's emotions and impulses are tempered and ultimately governed by good judgment pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered