Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Oct 3 '07 eng>fra what & how? Objectif et application easy closed no
- Mar 31 '06 eng>fra to consider what it is like to work with the equipment tester le matériel easy closed ok
- Feb 8 '05 fra>eng en marque blanche white label easy closed no
- Feb 2 '04 eng>fra most of the time i go to cincinnatti for my holidays je vais la plupart du temps en vacances à cincinnatti easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '04 eng>fra Enter CA PIN to modify définition possible easy closed no
- Jan 14 '04 eng>fra You will be led through the XX installation process le processus d'installation vous accompagnera ... easy closed ok
- Jan 8 '04 eng>fra Studies for a masters degree in Object Oriented Information Systems (la personne suit ou a suivi) des cours de maîtrise en systêmes d'information orientés objet easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered