Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 19 pol>eng prace treatment / procedures pro just_closed no
4 Sep 5 pol>eng cięcie mostu cutting the bridge (off the tooth) pro closed ok
- Jun 28 pol>eng wyrostek kostny alveolar process (also called the alveolar bone or alveolar ridge) pro closed no
4 Dec 29 '22 pol>eng MK canal pulp pro closed ok
- Nov 17 '21 pol>eng szparowatość uzębienia tooth/teeth gappiness pro closed ok
- Oct 11 '20 eng>pol incisal edge chipping in upper right central incisor wukruszenie brzegu/krawędzi prawego siekacza górnego przyśrodkowego pro closed no
- Mar 5 '20 pol>eng martwiak kostny bone sequestra (dead tooth fragments) pro closed no
4 Nov 3 '19 pol>eng mikroproteza (3-teeth) partial denture pro closed no
- Oct 28 '19 pol>eng proteza szkieletowa acetalowa acetal denture frame pro closed ok
- Oct 27 '19 pol>eng praca na cztery ręce four‑handed dentistry pro just_closed no
- Oct 25 '19 pol>eng obszar przyległy surrounding area(s) pro closed no
4 May 26 '19 eng>pol Habit breaking appliances aparaty zwalczające nawyki pro closed ok
4 Nov 25 '18 eng>pol gantrez polymer polimer typu Gantrez®, Gantrez® polimer pro closed no
- Feb 27 '18 eng>pol short-span restorations odbudowa pojedynczego zęba pro just_closed no
4 Jan 29 '17 eng>pol inclines nachylenia pro closed no
4 Oct 12 '16 pol>eng warunki kliniczne oral/dental (medical/clinical) condition(s) pro closed ok
4 Nov 4 '15 pol>eng praca przykręcana na implantach dentures/prosthesis (are) fixed/screwed into/onto/to dental implants pro closed no
- Sep 24 '15 pol>eng zatruc zeba to deaden the tooth (nerve) pro closed no
- Mar 7 '15 pol>eng układ zębowo-zębowy teeth stomatognathic system pro closed ok
- Jan 30 '15 pol>eng zeby jej wychodza her teeth are erupting pro closed ok
- Aug 2 '14 pol>eng wachlarzowato wychylone slanted to the side, leaning sideways pro closed no
- Apr 19 '13 eng>pol dental fixtures protezy dentystyczne pro closed ok
- Jun 13 '12 pol>eng implanty indywidualne individual implants pro closed ok
- Feb 20 '12 pol>eng podbudowa foundation pro closed ok
4 Dec 16 '11 pol>eng na głucho suture exclusion (closing off) pro closed ok
4 Oct 27 '11 eng>pol florescence fluorescencja pro closed no
- Mar 22 '11 pol>eng Uzębienie szczątkowe. incomplete dentition / severly worn dentition pro closed ok
2 Mar 10 '11 pol>eng Brak skrzydłowy posterior tooth/teeth loss pro closed no
- Mar 6 '11 pol>eng Braki zębowe missing teeth pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '11 pol>eng zgryz konstrukcyjny bite registration pro closed no
- Aug 2 '10 pol>eng wyważanie zębów teeth mobility pro closed ok
- Aug 2 '10 pol>eng wyważanie zębów move and pull away [from the gum] pro closed ok
- Apr 28 '10 eng>pol swish and swallow wymieszaj [w ustach] i przełknij pro open no
4 Jan 26 '10 pol>eng Punkt w moście z włóknem szklanym one point [of] glass-fiber reinforced composite bridge pro closed ok
4 Jan 6 '09 eng>pol oppotunictic and presumptive pathogens oportunistyczne i przypuszczalne patogeny / czynniki chorobotwórcze pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered