Job closed
This job was closed at Jul 29, 2024 22:00 GMT.


Job posted at: Jul 29, 2024 11:17 GMT   (GMT: Jul 29, 2024 11:17)

Job type: Potential Job
Service required: Translation

Languages: Dinka to English

Language variant: Ingles Americano

Job description:
Dear Translators,
We are looking for an DinkaD into English translator specializing in legal translations.

Please send me your CV and rate at: [HIDDEN]
Please DO NOT send to another email address please send ONLY to [HIDDEN]

Thank you.
Best regards.

Daniela Martínez

Poster country: Argentina

Service provider targeting (specified by job poster):
Subject field: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Quoting deadline: Jul 29, 2024 22:00 GMT
About the outsourcer:
This job was posted by a professional member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: DINKA INTO ENGLISH