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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Interpreting
Specializes in:
Business/Commerce (general)
Investment / Securities
Law: Contract(s)
Advertising / Public Relations
Government / Politics
Finance (general)
International Org/Dev/Coop
Also works in:
Science (general)
Law (general)
Law: Taxation & Customs
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
IT (Information Technology)
Internet, e-Commerce
Media / Multimedia
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Printing & Publishing
Tourism & Travel
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Computers (general)
Computers: Hardware
Computers: Software
Computers: Systems, Networks
Automation & Robotics
Engineering: Industrial
Electronics / Elect Eng
Engineering (general)
Nuclear Eng/Sci
Petroleum Eng/Sci
Military / Defense
Energy / Power Generation
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Metallurgy / Casting
Russian to Hungarian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.06 EUR per word Hungarian to Russian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.06 EUR per word
All accepted currencies
Euro (eur)
Payment methods accepted
PayPal, Wire transfer
Sample translations submitted: 1
Russian to Hungarian: Инновационные проекты / Innovációs projektek
Source text - Russian Подводный инспекционный аппарат
Мониторинг состояния водных территорий, взятие проб.
Комплекс мониторинга лесопарковых зон
Мониторинг состояния конкретных параметров определенных участков местности.
Устройство протоколирования работы медицинских дозиметров рентгеновского излучения
Мониторинг серийно-выпускаемых медицинских дозиметров рентгеновского излучения с целью исключения «переоблучения» пациентов из-за некачественно откалиброванных рентгеновских аппаратов.
Устройство динамического сканирования окружающей среды
Промышленный компьютер, осуществляющий динамическое сканирование окружающей среды в видео, радио, звуковом диапазоне частот, сопряженный с сенсорными устройствами измерения радиации, температуры, давления, расхода, концентрации, скорости, сейсмодатчиками и т.д.
Translation - Hungarian Víz alatti felügyeleti berendezés
Vízterületek állapotának megfigyelése, mintavétel.
Erdős-ligetes területek monitorozási komplexuma
Konkrét területek specifikus paramétereinek állapotfigyelése.
Az orvosi röntgensugaras doziméterek működésének rögzítésére szolgáló berendezés
A sorozatban gyártott orvosi röntgensugaras doziméterek ellenőrzése abból a célból, hogy kiküszöböljük a betegeknek a rosszul kalibrált röntgenberendezések miatti „túlexponálását”.
Dinamikus környezetvédelmi szkenner
A környezetet a videó, a rádió és hang frekvenciatartományában dinamikusan szkennelő ipari számítógép, melyhez a sugárzást, a hőmérsékletet, a nyomást, a felhasználást, a koncentrációt, a sebességet, a szeizmikus mozgást stb. mérő érzékelők csatlakoznak.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - ELTE - Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest)
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Jan 2020.
Russian to Hungarian (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University), verified) Hungarian to Russian (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University), verified)
Hun. Academy of Sciences | General Meeting, Chamber of Forensic Experts | IT, Association of Hungarian Journalists, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Association for Computer Science
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word
Translation from Russian to Hungarian by
native Hungarian translator – by me
All my translations from Russian into
Hungarian are proof-readed by a native Russian speaker (translation rates include
the costs of proof-reading).
Professional education - Graduated in Russia, Ukraine and Hungary
- University of Engineering and Economics (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), engineer-economist (5 years in Russian) - University of Economics (Budapest, Hungary), IT in Economics, university doctorate (2.5 years in Hungarian) - Institute of Cybernetics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Kiev, Ukraine), candidate of technical sciences (3 years in Russian) - Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest, Hungary), PhD in Economics
Diplomas for knowledge of the Russian language
- Ministry of Education (Budapest), interpreter
(Russian-Hungarian) - ELTE - Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), Russian-Hungarian,
Hungarian-Russian translator
Translation from Hungarian to Russian by
native Russian translator
Translation from Hungarian to Russian is
done by my Russian proof-reader, Tatjana Iljenko (Татьяна Ильенко). I am the Hungarian proof-reader
of her translations (translation rates include the costs of proof-reading).
Our invoice contains the next text:
"Issuer of the invoice is not subject to the law on VAT".
Phone: +36-1-242-1797 Mobile: +36-30-576-1976 Address: H-1031 Budapest, Viznyelo u. 6. Email: [email protected]
Keywords: Hungarian to Russian translation, Russian to Hungarian translation, Russian interpreter in Hungary