Trados Studio 2022 Freelance
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Average rates charged for translations

This page lists the average rates reported by's community of freelance translators and translation companies. Please be aware that this data does not necessarily reflect the average of rates actually charged and paid for real-world projects; it is only an aggregate view of the rates that users have entered into their profiles. (That said, because the rates entered are used to filter notifications, etc., they can be considered relatively representative of actual fees.) Furthermore, not all users have reported rate data; please take note of the sample size when evaluating this information.

These are general rates for typical projects, but it should be understood that actual rates often vary depending on details such as the type of service, expertise required, minimum fees, type of client, etc.
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Average rates reported by language pair
Language pairAvg. rates per wordAvg. rates per hourSample size
StandardMinimumStandard Minimum
Turkish to Kazakh$0.12/wd$0.08/wd$25.50/hr$18.34/hr16
Turkish to Albanian$0.09/wd$0.07/wd$26.09/hr$20.00/hr11
Turkish to Uzbek$0.10/wd$0.08/wd$27.31/hr$17.93/hr16
Turkish to Persian (Farsi)$0.09/wd$0.08/wd$29.78/hr$22.10/hr58
Turkish to Pashto (Pushto)$0.09/wd$0.07/wd$29.90/hr$22.60/hr10
Turkish to Arabic$0.10/wd$0.08/wd$31.53/hr$23.53/hr186
Turkish to Turkmen$0.10/wd$0.07/wd$32.32/hr$22.29/hr29
Turkish to Ukrainian$0.09/wd$0.06/wd$32.74/hr$24.61/hr19
Turkish to Russian$0.09/wd$0.07/wd$32.80/hr$24.08/hr208
Turkish to English$0.10/wd$0.08/wd$33.08/hr$24.82/hr1934
Turkish to Urdu$0.10/wd$0.09/wd$33.09/hr$22.80/hr26
Turkish to Italian$0.09/wd$0.08/wd$33.47/hr$26.07/hr35
Turkish to Hindi$0.09/wd$0.10/wd$33.47/hr$21.61/hr17
Turkish to Kurdish$0.10/wd$0.08/wd$34.08/hr$26.51/hr19
Turkish to Azerbaijani$0.09/wd$0.06/wd$34.12/hr$26.17/hr57
Turkish to Polish$0.11/wd$0.08/wd$34.20/hr$25.00/hr10
Turkish to Korean$0.10/wd$0.09/wd$34.46/hr$26.04/hr12
Turkish to Danish$0.11/wd$0.09/wd$34.80/hr$26.20/hr10
Turkish to French$0.10/wd$0.08/wd$35.58/hr$27.82/hr139
Turkish to Dutch$0.10/wd$0.07/wd$35.69/hr$25.69/hr13
Turkish to Romanian$0.12/wd$0.08/wd$35.73/hr$21.60/hr11
Turkish to Portuguese$0.09/wd$0.07/wd$35.74/hr$26.11/hr17
Turkish to German$0.10/wd$0.08/wd$35.85/hr$27.96/hr100
Turkish to Spanish$0.10/wd$0.09/wd$36.51/hr$28.59/hr60
Turkish to Japanese$0.09/wd$0.09/wd$37.66/hr$24.89/hr29
Turkish to Chinese$0.11/wd$0.09/wd$38.12/hr$29.75/hr42