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Norwegian Hvilket tastatur anbefaler dere? Unngå belastning Jeg bruker et tastatur med styrepinne og unngår
derfor å løfte høyre hånd så ofte. Søk på
«thinkpad-tastatur». F.eks.:
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Oct 1, 2015 Translator Coop Announcing invoicing tool updates: Payment reminders, custom formatting, purchase order number, more credit memo Is it possible to issue a credit memo from the
system? I only see 'close without payment'.
BR, Ivan
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 10, 2013
Trados support Buy two computers with one license each (FL Plus) Works SDL sent me an email today, and now I'm able to
use both my computers with Trados.
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 11, 2013
Trados support Buy two computers with one license each (FL Plus) I did not return my license due to a hardware
crash on my laptop, and asked SDL Trados if they
could issue a new one. After some effort I
managed to reach them via chat, and was told to
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 10, 2013
Trados support UTF-8 without BOM in Studio Thanks [quote]Bernard Lieber wrote: Project Settings
-> File Types -> Text -> Common - check what fits
your needs.

[Edited at 2013-03-02 10:31
GMT] [/quote] Thank you!
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 2, 2013
Trados support UTF-8 without BOM in Studio Lack of manual settings? [quote]Samuel Murray wrote:Instead of saving from
Studio as ANSI, why not save from Studio as UTF8
[/quote] This is the core of the problem. I do
not know how to save as UTF8 from Studi
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 2, 2013
Trados support UTF-8 without BOM in Studio I know I have used Notepad++ for several years, but the
problem is that Studio does not provide the format
I want, and when I change the encoding in
Notepad++ characters tend to change to strange
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 1, 2013
Trados support UTF-8 without BOM in Studio I'm about to cut 'n paste text with Norwegian
øæå characters into txt-files. The files will
be used on a web site, and UTF-8 without BOM is
the best way of ensuring the correct
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 1, 2013
Norwegian Norsk forening for oversettere? (frilansere) Ble medlem Som trådstarter for mer enn 10 år siden (!) vil
jeg informere om at jeg nå har blitt medlem i
NORFAG, og anbefaler andre fagoversettere å gå
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 26, 2013
Norwegian Norsk forening for oversettere? (frilansere) Nettstedet Hei, Jeg var innom en kort tur på
Inntrykket jeg fikk var ikke som forventet. For
det første ble jeg møtt av en tekst «Create a
free website with...», noe som trekke
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 17, 2013
Trados support Windows 8 and SDL Trados Studio 2011 SP2 Is Windows 8 Pro compatible with SDL Trados Studio
2011 SP2? Found this:
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Oct 26, 2012 Translator Coop Announcing invoicing tool updates: Payment reminders, custom formatting, purchase order number, more PDF and HTML HTML invoices does not work too well in Norwegian,
so I stick to pdf. Then I have to remember to
choose "only pdf" for each invoice since the
standard setting is sending both formats. I
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 28, 2012
Trados support Studio 2009: a term change Comment You can mark the word, right click and choose add
comment. This will serve as a reminder. It
should also be possible to use the Terminology
Verifyer after changing you glossary. You ca
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 24, 2012
Norwegian Sondering av "pris-terrenget" Dagens «The rate is 0,03-0,04 $ / 1 word. If you are
interesred in, please, send us your CV as a
attached file. If not, please, do not
answer.» Den siste kommentaren er litt
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 16, 2012
Trados support Trados Studio 2011 and large files (memory usage) Not only Word The file was a sdlxliff, and it was a merged file
(most likely carried out in the Pro version?). The
merged files was originally 39 000 KB
(untranslated) and inside you could find three
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 31, 2012
Trados support Trados Studio 2011 and large files (memory usage) SDL BeGlobal Community Seem to be some kind of bug in SDL BeGlobal
Community. I tried this today, and it's also the
first time I have experienced any problems.
After removing this my system use less RAM,
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 20, 2012
Trados support Trados Studio 2011 and large files (memory usage) Thanks Thanks GG, I will restart from time to time.
Some times the CAT tools increases the time spent
on a project. On the other hand: It would be a
nightmare in for instance MS Word handling
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 20, 2012
Trados support Trados Studio 2011 and large files (memory usage) Now it's less After doing a "Pre-translate file" it dropped to
350 000 KB. Don't tell me why? Is the memory usage
based on how many hours I have used the
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 20, 2012
Trados support Trados Studio 2011 and large files (memory usage) When I click ALT+CTRL+DEL i can see that
SDLTradosStudio.exe uses 800 000 KB of memory. I
am working on a large file, but since I'm not
finished with the job I fear that the file will
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 20, 2012
Trados support I have a chance to buy SDL Trados Studio 2009... 2011 The newest version is Studio 2011. If you buy the
plus version you can install on two different
e You might get even a better price fr
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 3, 2012 Translator Coop Announcing invoicing tool updates: Payment reminders, custom formatting, purchase order number, more System not working Could it be that it's the last day of the month? I
can send some invoices, but others will not be
sent out. Could you please check if it's a system
error. I'm currently at a stable Interne
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Nov 30, 2011
Trados support Error message: "Unknown color: Orange." Export your TM Export your TM to tmx. Open the TM in Notepad, and
change all "nb-NO" into "NO-NO". Import to Trados
2007, WB. Then it should be possible to translate
the 150 ttx files. To track down T
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 15, 2011
CAT Tools Technical Help What tool would you recommend for the translation of .ppt files? Studio I have recently tried Studio, and it worked very
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 28, 2011
Trados support bilingual SDL Trados 2009 MS Word version sdlxliff Studio saves a bilingual sdlxliff file when you
finalise your project. You can send this one to
your customer.
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 18, 2011
Norwegian Trøbbel med Trados 2009 Fiks Hei, Søkte i hjelp, og fant dette: Realign
the segments When you scroll source and target
segments as two separate lists, they become
misaligned. To realign the source and target
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 21, 2011
Trados support Studio SP3 - Cannot open any files Hardware It seems like only a very powerful desktop
computer with loads of RAM can handle SDL Trados
Studio. What kind of PC do you use in terms of
processor, amount of internal memory, type of
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Dec 11, 2010
Norwegian Hva skal "compound rate" oversettes til på norsk? Kudoz Prøv å legg ut spørsmålet på Kudoz. Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Nov 8, 2010
Norwegian Bedre norsk med eiendomsord foran eller bak substantiver? Spiller det egentlig noen rolle, eller..? Riksmål Fant dette: På norsk kan eiendomspronomenet
snart stå foran, snart etter det ordet det står
til. Foranstillingen av eiendomspronomenet er
høytideligere og mer formell enn etterstill
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Oct 15, 2010
Norwegian Hva er standard pris for oversetting? Oppgrader Mine råd: 1. Oppgrader 2. En får tilgang
til snittpriser når en er betalende medlem 3.
Engasjer deg i Kudoz. Det vil gi deg kunder på
sikt. Lykke til!
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Sep 28, 2010 Translator Coop Announcing invoicing tool updates: Payment reminders, custom formatting, purchase order number, more Payment reminder [quote]l Gaston l wrote: Payment reminders.
It's now possible to send manual and automatic
email reminders for past due invoices. Up to 3
automatic reminders can be set from the payment
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 7, 2010
Norwegian Skal man le eller gråte? Google it is [quote]Micha Reisel wrote: Det ble kjørt
gjennom Google translate ser det ut som Micha
[/quote] Det ser ikke bare slik ut. Det
[b]er[/b] Google translate som har oversatt
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Oct 5, 2009
Trados support SDL Studio 2009 crashes, Am I the only one? Really [quote]Astrid Elke Johnson wrote: My own
experience is that Studio crashes if I type very
fast, or at an uneven speed. Since I have made
this observation and taken care to type at a
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jul 31, 2009
Norwegian Erfaringer med Trados Studio 2009 FL Fungerer Til Kim: Takk for tipset. Etter en runde med
avinstallering mm fungerer dette nå.
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 18, 2009
Norwegian Erfaringer med Trados Studio 2009 FL Fungerer ikke her [quote]kimjasper wrote: Prøv dette i
Workbench: Options > Term Recognition
Options Klik på knappen ud for MultiTerm version
og vælg MultiTerm 8. Kim [/quote] Jeg har
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 16, 2009
Norwegian Erfaringer med Trados Studio 2009 FL Versjon Jeg bruker build Finnes det en nyere
versjon av 2007 enn dette? Sikkert, for jeg har
ikke mulighet til å bruke nyeste MT sammen med
min versjon av 2007. Fint at noen har
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 16, 2009
Norwegian Erfaringer med Trados Studio 2009 FL Vent og se Jeg ville ha ventet. Det er mulig å bruke 2007
og SDLX parallelt med Studio. Det går også an
å importere TM-er fra Trados. Hvis du må opp
i 25 K TU-er (visste ikke det) kan d
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 16, 2009
Norwegian Erfaringer med Trados Studio 2009 FL Jeg har gitt den nye Trados en sjanse en liten
uke, men er glad for at jeg ikke startet noen
store prosjekter med Trados Studio 2009
FL... Fordeler: Flere, blant annet en bra
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 16, 2009
Business issues Warning: Possible new and very dangerous scam! Remove Paypal email address from your profile? I received the same email from "Mary". The only
place I have listed to use Paypal, and the only
place I have listed the email address I use for
this purpose is: Unfortunately
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad May 10, 2009
Norwegian Løsrive seg fra kildeteksten når man bruker CAT-verktøy? Det kunden vil ha I dette tilfellet ville kunden at du skulle
løsrive deg mer fra kildeteksten. Hva kunden
mener med dette kan jo være vanskelig å forstå
siden det dreier seg om en
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 15, 2009
Norwegian Frustrasjon: Stavekontrollen i Windows Vista hopper over på engelsk Kun en måte Office 2007 burde hatt en knapp som het "switch to
logical view". Jeg har prøvd både Excel og Word
i 2007-versjonen, og det tar rett og slett for
lang tid å lære seg hvor en finner fun
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 11, 2009
Norwegian Økonomisk ansvar for tap/skade som følge av feil i oversettelsen? Ansvar i Norge og andre land Se her:
ng_for_oversettere.html I USA bør en
tydeligvis likevel passe seg: "...Yousry now
awaits sentencing in March, when he
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 24, 2009
Trados support How can I exchange the the source and target language of a TM? Import/export "If you need to reverse the language direction of
a translation memory, export it and then create a
new translation memory with the opposite language
direction. Import the exported file in
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Nov 10, 2008
Trados support Macros and Trados Try to locate "" by searching your
system. Delete this file. When you open Word this
file will automatically be replaced by a new
"", and your system might work
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Nov 7, 2008
Norwegian SDL Trados "Automated Translation" Version Elke: It's the version, and it's just
released. I am talking about the SDL Trados
Freelance. The new version is called SDL Trados
Suite Freelance. It says on their website that
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Oct 29, 2008
Norwegian SDL Trados "Automated Translation" Jeg er som regel skeptisk til nye versjoner av SDL
Trados, men denne gangen har jeg blitt positivt
overrasket. Funksjonen "Automated Translation"
er i betaversjon, men fungerer for enge
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Oct 29, 2008
Software applications Which Registry Cleaner would you recommend? Ccleaner Try this one: And it's
completely free!
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 13, 2008
Wordfast support Absolute Beginner In Wordfast Is included You can start from scratch, and set up as an external TM (if your
combination is supportet). In this way you can use
your local TM, and get suggestions from the
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 28, 2008 hosting Spam Management Filter The easiest, and best way is to set up an email
account with a professional web host. They do not
want spam to pass through their system so they use
good spam filters. Virus filter is n
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 10, 2008
Safe computing Scam: My client died; please take his position! Filter [quote]Uldis Liepkalns wrote: several a day,
including notifications I have won millions in
some lottery I have never participated in. I guess
I'd be a billionaire by now wouldn't I hav
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 27, 2008
Trados support Workbench and Word 2007 extremely slow, under Windows Vista TE [quote]Dr Duck wrote: [quote]Toiny Van der
Putte-Rademakers wrote: For the past two months
I have struggled with Windows Vista, Word 2007 and
SDL Translators Workbench (Translator's<
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 18, 2008

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