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krajinicNative in Bosnian , Croatian (Variant: Bosnian)
English, Arabic, German, Italian, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Translation
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Physics, Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng, Medical: Cardiology
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Automation & Robotics, Livestock / Animal Husbandry, Geology, Energy / Power Generation, ...
4 |
Metrology, Mathematics & Statistics, Astronomy & Space, Media / Multimedia, ...
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english, bosnian, german, education, pedagogy, localization, translation, interpretation, translator, interpreter, ...
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Printing & Publishing, Computers (general), Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Telecom(munications), ...
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Agriculture, Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, Automotive / Cars & Trucks, Computers: Hardware, ...
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Metrology, Geology, Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng, Printing & Publishing, ...
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Computers: Software, Computers: Systems, Networks, Media / Multimedia, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, ...
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translation agency, spanish, german, french, translator
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Technik, Medizin, Poesie, Business- Management, Literatur, Musik, Film, Theater, Buecher fuer Kinder, Webseiten, ...
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Physics, Geology, Printing & Publishing, Internet, e-Commerce, ...
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relexdNative in English , German
Astronomy & Space, Computers: Hardware, Computers: Systems, Networks, Electronics / Elect Eng, ...
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The theory of literature and philosophy of the 20st century, laws and regulations, the theory of fiction, immigration translator, contracts, certificates, diplomas, licenses, domestic violence, tourism, ...
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nemacki, srpski, sve vrste prevoda, prevodjenje internet stranica,
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Media / Multimedia
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serbisch, deutsch, übersetzen, prevod, prevođenje, prevodjenje, srpski, nemački, tumačenje, Zuckertechnologie, ...
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Ljiljana MadzaracNative in Croatian (Variant: Bosnian) , Serbian (Variant: Montenegrin )
Electronics / Elect Eng, Energy / Power Generation, Internet, e-Commerce, Media / Multimedia, ...
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Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, Media / Multimedia, Manufacturing, Transport / Transportation / Shipping, ...
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Deutsch, Kroatisch, text Übersetzungen, mit guten Englisch kenntnissen, kann technische Zeichnungen lesen, verschidene Präsentationen vorbereiten und durchführen, kann auch Deutsch unterrichten, oder helfen bei lernen.