This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Dec 13, 2012 09:44
11 yrs ago
French term


French to English Law/Patents Insurance Swiss pension regulations
Appearing in the following phrase:


Art. 9 Salaire determinant

1. Le salaire déterminant au sens du présent règlement est égal au salaire annuel AVS de
l'assuré. Les éléments suivants ne font toutefois pas partie du salaire déterminant: les primes
individuelles, les bonus de performance, les participations au bénéfice, les indemnités pour
heures supplémentaires, les subsides hypothécaires, les indémnités transport, les frais de
représentation, le PILP.
Change log

Dec 14, 2012 01:24: Yolanda Broad changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (3): Catharine Cellier-Smart, AllegroTrans, Yolanda Broad

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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John ANTHONY Dec 18, 2012:
OK my friend, it's always worth while learning something new... :-)
Thomas Roberts (asker) Dec 17, 2012:
Wow thanks for taking such an interest. This translation is now long-gone. However, I have asked for clarification and will post any feedback on this question for future reference.
John ANTHONY Dec 17, 2012:
Stuck... Since Thomas refers to "...un montant maximum fixé à CHF..., which is Swiss Francs, I started from there.
Contacted the Sitzerland Consular serices in London, but received the following reply:
Dear Mr Anthony

This acronym is not known to us. We contacted the concerned office in Switzerland and they were not able to help us out either. Best is you contact the concerned authority directly as you know to whom this contract is related to. I am sorry not being able to assist you further.

Best regards

Susanne Hemund

Consul / Head of Chancery

So, as I said, I am stuck...! Sorry !
AllegroTrans Dec 17, 2012:
@ Jeff Interesting, but how can it have any connection with Swiss pensin regulations?
Jeff Whittaker Dec 17, 2012:
I found this:
PILP (Prix Inter Lycées Professionels) prix interlycees profes...
John ANTHONY Dec 14, 2012:
Il y a de fortes chances que cet acronyme soit Allemand - comme la majorité des termes "fédéraux". Ex.: L’assurance vieillesse et survie (AHV- Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung)... (
Thomas Roberts (asker) Dec 14, 2012:
Yes, more than 99% certain this is not a typo. 2. Le salaire déterminant est communiqué par l'employeur à la Fondation lors de l'affiliation et ensuite lors de chaque modification du salaire de base.
3. Le salaire déterminant n'englobe en aucun cas tout ou partie de la rémunération provenant de l'exercice d'une activité lucrative au service d'un tiers.
4. Le salaire déterminant est limité à un montant maximum fixé à CHF [BIG SALARY].
AllegroTrans Dec 13, 2012:
Asker Are you certain this is the correct acronym and not a typo? I cannot get it on any web search. What is the following sentence please?
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