Aug 23, 2014 18:37
10 yrs ago
9 viewers *
French term

[reprendra] liberté de disposition

French to English Law/Patents Real Estate
This has come up before on ProZ, but I think the previous answer given is worth revisiting. A sentence that turns up in the section on conditions precedent of some property contracts: "(If the conditions are not fulfilled...) Chacune des parties reprendra alors entière liberté de disposition sans indemnité de part et d'autre".

A previous suggestion was that this is trying to say that "Either party will be free to dispose of the property", but it's not clear to me why a contract would say this (the vendor that doesn't sell the property obviously then would be, but not the purchaser...!). So does anyone have any idea what this was originally supposed to be saying? Is it that the parties are "free of the conditions of the contract" (so "libre des dispositions"), or that they are "free in a very general sense". While the very general intent is more or less clear, I can't find any legal dictionary, glossary etc actually vouching for what very specifically this phrase is supposed to mean. If anyone knows anything I'd be grateful...!


Daryo Aug 24, 2014:
yes, that's how I understand it also - parties are no longer bound by the contract so get back their "liberté de disposition" - become free to "dispose" NOT of the property but in the most general sense i.e. "free to decide".
I think you need to look for a paralell with "les dispositions de la loi" - what the law (i.e. the lawmaker) has decided about s.t.
AllegroTrans Aug 23, 2014:
Not dispose of Only the owner (seller) can possibly dispose of the property. What this surely means is that both parties shall be put back to where they were as if they had not contracted
Daryo Aug 23, 2014:
the previous answer doesn't make sense at all - the only one that can "dispose" of the property is the owner of the property - i.e. the potential seller NOT the potential buyer, who can only "dispose" of his/her money. Before buying it, the buyer of the property can not dispose of it in any way (the whole basic point of being or not the owner)!

Proposed translations

13 hrs
French term (edited): reprendra sa liberté de disposition

will no longer be bound by this agreement

Chacune des parties reprendra alors (entière) liberté de disposition
Each party will no longer be bound by this agreement (in any way)

"... will no longer be bound by this agreement"
IS found as a standard clause in contracts with in effect exactly the same meaning of
"... reprendra sa liberté de disposition"

In short: because parties have "liberté de disposition" (=freedom to decide about what to do with their own property) they can enter into contracts, agree to be "bound" by the contract, i.e. lose some of that freedom. If the contract is no longer in force, they get that "liberty to act" back.
Saying that a party "is no longer bound by this agreement" is the twin brother/the mirror image of saying "this party got back its liberty to decide"

when "liberté de disposition" is used in this context (what happen if/when a contract is no longer valid), the main point is not about a philosophical treatise on freedom, but about being "bound" or not not by the specific agreement, so nothing is "lost in translation".

exemples aplenty:"will no longer be bound b...

"(Modèle de compromis de vente)
Si l’une des conditions suspensives n’est pas réalisée, tout acompte versé sera immédiatement restitué à l’acquéreur. Chacune des parties reprendra alors entière liberté de disposition sans indemnité de part et d’autre. ..."

"... " Si l'une des conditions suspensives n'est pas réalisée, tout acompte versé sera immédiatement restitué à l'acquéreur. Chacune des parties reprendra alors entière liberté de disposition sans indemnité de part et d'autre " ..."

often it's reduced to just " liberté":

"... En cas de non réalisation de la condition suspensive ci-dessus, les présentes seront considérées comme nulles et non avenues et chacune des parties reprendra son entière liberté sans indemnité de part ni d’autre. ..."


... En cas d'exercice du droit de préemption l'acquéreur reprendra sa pleine et entière liberté et récupérera immédiatement et sans aucune formalité la somme remise ce jour au séquestre. ..."


"liberté de disposition [d'un bien]" = "liberté de décider quoi en faire"
"... En effet, si les copropriétaires ont en principe la liberté de disposition de leurs lots, celle-ci ne s'exerce que dans le respect de la destination de l'immeuble et des parties privatives fixée dans le règlement de copropriété. ..."
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : I racked my brains for a good wording and I could not come up with anything better than this
11 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
16 mins

act as they see fit

I can see why you asked this, as I think the wrong answer was chosen last time this question was asked.

The main meaning of "disposer" is to arrange, and I think the meaning is "make any arrangement that seems appropriate to them". As you say, "dispose" makes no sense here, as the buyer can't dispose of the property.
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : there may be better wording but this is the right idea; the parties are relieved of the condition and therefore are free to act as they see fit
4 hrs
disagree Daryo : on a point of method: "The main meaning of ..." is not relevant especially with a term like disposer/disposition with tens of possible meanings. ONLY the one that fits to the ST counts, even if it is the most infrequent or weird sounding of them
12 hrs
So you're saying my answer (and my dictionary reference) are wrong?
Something went wrong...
15 hrs

[shall recover] complete freedom to dispose of their property

Both parties shall recover complete freedom to dispose of their property, with no compensation being payable to or by either party.


Both parties shall recover complete freedom to dispose of their property, without either party having the right to claim indemnification.
Peer comment(s):

disagree AllegroTrans : doesn't work for a sale option concerning one property, as the property is not "theirs", it only belongs to the original seller
10 hrs
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