Jan 27, 2016 09:51
8 yrs ago
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French term

Moyens mathématiques et informatiques

French to English Other Education / Pedagogy Grade sheets

This is a grade sheet for a "licence en Chimie"

The first subject is entitled:

UE 1 (Teaching unit 1) Moyens mathématiques et informatiques

I don't know what this means in the context of a Chemistry BS. Mathematics and informatics resources, perhaps? I find it difficult to believe that "resources" could be used in the context of the teaching unit. Perhaps they mean "methods"?
I cannot even find this term on google.fr in French.

Could any of you help me with this and suggest a translation?


Nikki Scott-Despaigne Jan 27, 2016:
@Cassandra Which is as I thought! ;-) I have just seen your post. I don't know what search techniques you use on Google, but there are around 80 hits. And with the uni's name, "licence" and "chimie" I landed on the PDF with the term in less than on second exactly as you provided in your initial post. However, I do believe that search results vary depending on where you are located.

See my reference post.
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Jan 27, 2016:
@Cassandra As an UE includes a number of EC, the UE being a sort of title for one or two subjects (modules), the EC headings will give you a clue as to what is meant by "moyens". However, the grade sheet may just provide the marks for the UE (an average of the ECs) in which case you don't probably know what ECs are invovled.

The best and most accurate way through this is to track down the course on the uni's website, if it's not too old. Is is this one ?

Cassandra Delacote (asker) Jan 27, 2016:
The university is Henri Poincaré Nancy I
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Jan 27, 2016:
There are around 80 hits on Google with "moyens mathématiques et informatiques". Which university is concerned here?
Chakib Roula Jan 27, 2016:
Methods looks pretty credible,I would advise you to post your answer.
Graeme Jones Jan 27, 2016:
Moyens Sounds very much like 'methods' to me. Maths methods..., statistical methods... etc.
If you 'Amazon' book titles such as 'maths methods' or 'statistical methods' you will get plenty of suggestions.
Chakib Roula Jan 27, 2016:
Moyens might stand for "media"?
Cassandra Delacote (asker) Jan 27, 2016:
Yes, as you say IT is probably better, but the concept I am struggling with in this example is "moyens"...
polyglot45 Jan 27, 2016:
"informatics" ? I don't think so.....

IT would be better
Piet DM Jan 27, 2016:
Tools? Might this be what they refer to?

Proposed translations

5 hrs

mathematical and computer tools

... or resources, or techniques, or methods.

"Informatics" is not wrong, but it's not widely used or understood by the general public. It means information technology or, in this context, "computer".
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you for this answer, and to everyone for their helpful comments."
12 mins

mathematical and informatics tools

one of many examples: http://www.rsc.org/Shop/books/Adoptions.asp

Note added at 25 mins (2016-01-27 10:17:22 GMT)

well, it says 'An excellent resource for students who need support and understanding in working with the diverse mathematical tools required in a typical chemistry degree course'.
See also this article on education: http://cen.acs.org/articles/89/i18/Math-Chemists.html where it says 'The departments that do offer such classes find that they can put a chemical spin on mathematical tools that enable other chemistry classes to be taught with greater depth.'
+ http://www.chemistry.mcmaster.ca/undergraduate-/chemistry-co... : MATHEMATICAL TOOLS FOR CHEMICAL PROBLEMS
Note from asker:
Thank you for responding so quickly! I do see this term on the internet, but it seems to refer to calculators and mathematical software etc. I am not sure if this would be included in a Teaching Unit on Chemistry. What do you think?
The link you provide, refers to textbooks. So I don't really think that this answer could apply in the specific context of the grade sheet.
Yes, that is true. But we are talking about a TEACHING UNIT here. ie a subject that is taught, if I am not mistaken, but I might well be!
Peer comment(s):

neutral Chakib Roula : Rather IT ,computer science than informatics as it is not used in pedagogy
1 hr
agree Philippe Etienne : mathematical and computing tools/methods to model molecule behaviour/reaction probabilities by means of math (functions) or numerical iterations (computing). I disagree with "informatics" though.
4 hrs
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4 hrs

mathematical and informatics techniques

I say 'techniques' because the purpose of the training is to acquire the ability to use formulas and graphs in mathematics, and programming commands in informatics
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Reference comments

2 hrs

moyens mathématiques et informatiques (Nancy)


See p39/79.

Descriptif synthétique de l’UE :

Initiation à l'utilisation des moyens mathématiques et informatiques de base pour
représenter par des figures planes des objets de l'espace de dimension 3 et comprendre ainsi leurs propriétés.

Résumé succinct des enseignements :

De la dimension 3 à la dimension 2 : projections, perspectives, transformations, coupes.
Configurations usuelles de plans et de droites dans l'espace; règles d'incidence; méthodes d'algèbre linéaire; rapport et birapport.
Quelques objets de la dimension 3 : cylindres, cônes, polyèdres réguliers, sphères,
Quelques transformations simples : symétries, rotations, homothéties, affinités.
Logiciels de géométrie; salles de réalité virtuelle.

The Mathematicians on ProZ should be able to says whether what is described here can be described accurately in English as "methods", "tools" or "means".

Note added at 2 hrs (2016-01-27 12:25:09 GMT)

You will note that more often than not, a UE comprises ECs including CM (cours magistraux) and TD (travaux dirigés) and/or TP (travaux pratiques). The CM and the TD/TP will each be an EC.

In other words, lectures (CM) are often the subject of one particular exam and TD/TP (seminars, tutor groups, lab time, depnding on the discipline) will be assessed by a separate examination and/or essay/paper/report, depedning on discipline again. It is the average of the CM and TD/TP mark which provides the final mark for an UE.

Note added at 2 hrs (2016-01-27 12:28:14 GMT)

Cassandra : the next step is to track down an appropriate (US/UK, etc) Chemistry undergraduate degree course, check for a similar description and see the term used to describe what is given. Unless you are familiar with the Maths/IT terminology or someone on ProZ is familiar with it, a little bit of detective work will produce the result you need.
Note from asker:
Thank you for your comment. However, I still do not know which English term to use!
Thank you!
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