Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

classe de 10e CM 1

English translation:

10th Grade/Year, CM 1 [COMMON CORE]

Added to glossary by Robert Miki
Sep 16, 2017 17:08
7 yrs ago
28 viewers *
French term

classe de 10e CM 1

French to English Social Sciences Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs Term Grade Report
Né à Bamako le XYZ. Classe de 10e CM 1

This is from a Malian Lycée Term Grade Report. I understand it's a 10th Grade term grade report but the "CM 1" throws me off.
The target audience is EN-US.
Thanks for your help.
Change log

Sep 23, 2017 08:21: Robert Miki changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/1315324">Robert Miki's</a> old entry - "classe de 10e CM 1"" to ""10th Grade/Year, CM 1 [COMMON]""

Sep 23, 2017 08:22: Robert Miki changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/1315324">Robert Miki's</a> old entry - "classe de 10e CM 1"" to ""10th Grade/Year, CM 1 [COMMON]""

Sep 23, 2017 08:25: Robert Miki changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/1315324">Robert Miki's</a> old entry - "classe de 10e CM 1"" to ""10th Grade/Year, CM 1 [COMMON]""


Daryo Sep 18, 2017:
this Maths homework for class "10èCM": LGDK CM1.docx

confirms that "CM" relates to the curriculum and "1" means the class #1 of those doing "10è CM" - same numbering system as used in any Lycée in France.
Robert Miki (asker) Sep 17, 2017:
Undoubtedly, 10e = 2nde = 10th grade. My worry has been the abbreviation CM1. I think Charles is very correct. Will leave it as is until client clarifies it.
AllegroTrans Sep 17, 2017:
Personally I would not risk the "year" conversion at all - I simply don't think it's the translator's job. I would put "10th year" which ought to be clear.
Charles Davis Sep 17, 2017:
@Nikki If you read back through the discussion, you'll see that Robert has already told us that the person was born in 1996 and was therefore about 16 in the year in question (2011/2012). Counting up in Mali, where French 2nde, 1ère and Terminale are called 10e, 11e and 12e, has been thoroughly aired earlier in the discussion. There really can't be any doubt about the meaning of 10e. "10th class" would be wrong; it means 10th year (better not put Year 10!). The target is US English, and school years are called grades in American English. 10e in Mali is undoubtedly equivalent, in terms of age and stage of progression, to US 10th grade. So I don't think there can be any objection to "10th grade" as a translation here, though "10th year" would not be wrong.

As I said before, CM1 will probably have to left as is without explanation, because we have no explanation to give.
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Sep 17, 2017:
Counting up or counting down In France, they used to count up rather than down. Maybe some schools in Mali count up.Éducation_au_Mali#Enseignement... (See table "organisation du système éducatif").
According to this source, , 10th seems to be like France's 2nde. However, as translators are not there to act as educational equivalence commissions, then a literal translation is often best.
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Sep 17, 2017:
Unless you have a firm indication of the age, then perhaps you could leave it as 10th class (rather than suggesting "grade"). I was also wondering if "CM1" might not be being used here to mean "cours magistral", as in the first part of a lecture/lesson/chapter. Without specific indication as to age, I thin you have little choice but to stick with something very literal.
Charles Davis Sep 17, 2017:
In any case, it seems likely that "CM 1" is the name of the class this person was in. You may just have to put "10th grade, class CM 1" and leave it at that.
Charles Davis Sep 17, 2017:
The only relevant information I've found comes from another school. CM1, CM2 and CM3 appear in the Google result as the names of class groups in 10ème:

Lycée Gnetaaso de Daoudabougou Kalaban-coura
Renseignement · Emploi du temps · Sport et Culture · Calendrier. Les Résultats. DEF · BAC. Liste des Élèves. 10ème Cm1 · 10ème Cm2 · 10ème Cm3 · 11è SC.

However, when you open the page you find that there is no "CM1", etc; there are now just two groups in 10ème, called CG1 and CG2. So it could be that they've changed the names from CM to CG but left the old page metadata, which appear in the Google result.

There's also this Maths homework from the same school for class "10èCM": LGDK CM1.docx

But it doesn't tell us what CM stands for.
Charles Davis Sep 17, 2017:
10e = 2nde in French system Just to confirm what Daryo has already said and is clearly suggested by the extra context provided: 10e in Mali is what they called 2nde in France: in other words, the fifth year of secondary education, the first year of lycée, age 15-16, equivalent to US 10th grade. Mali seems to be unique in this respect; other African countries use the French numbering:

"en classe de 10e (ou 2e dans les autres pays africains francophones voisins du Mali). [...]
Le niveau 3 chevauche les classes de 10e et de 11e (2e et 1ère dans le système français)."

But I don't know what CM 1 means here.
Daryo Sep 17, 2017:
some kind of "tronc commun"?
2011/2012 : Classe de 10e CM 1
2012/2013 : Classe de 11e Sciences 1
2013/2014 : Séries : Terminales Sciences Exactes (T.S.E 1

just to add some confusion, it looks like in Mali they count from 1 to 11 before getting to the Terminale (in France they count down from 11 (Onzième) to 1 (Première) and then Terminale).

2013/2014 : Séries : Terminales Sciences Exactes (T.S.E 1)

class #1 preparing for the Baccalauréat of the type/Série "Sciences Exactes"

2012/2013 : Classe de 11e Sciences 1
2011/2012 : Classe de 10e CM 1

CM might be some kind of "tronc commun" that gets divided into "Sciences" the following year (and some other branch)
and "Sciences" itself gets later subdivided into a section "Sciences Exactes" (and some other).

with all that, all that is sure is that CM1 is not "Cours moyen 1re année", but what it is is not sure!éat
Robert Miki (asker) Sep 16, 2017:
Lycée la Lanterne, Mali
It still doesn't seem to add up.
2011/2012 : Classe de 10e CM 1
2012/2013 : Classe de 11e Sciences 1
2013/2014 : Séries : Terminales Sciences Exactes (T.S.E 1
Robert Miki (asker) Sep 16, 2017:
In addition, candidate was born in 1996. The report is of 2011/2012 academic year. So he must have been about 16 years old and could not have been in kindergarten.
Robert Miki (asker) Sep 16, 2017:
This is from a Malian Lycée Term Grade Report with courses like Mathematics, Physics-Chemistry, SVT... I don't really think this is a primary school, do you?

Proposed translations

1 day 7 hrs

class #1, 10th year, CM [Cycle Moyen]

Le Complexe Scolaire Toubacoro Alhassane Doucouré Hippodrome vous ouvre ses portes
dans les filières suivantes :

Classe de 10e
 Les classes de 10e Commune 10e CM
Classes de 11e Année
 11e Lettres
 11e Sciences
Classes de Terminales
 Terminales Sciences Exactes TSE
 Terminales Sciences Economiques TSEco.
 Terminales Sciences Expérimentales TSExp.
 Terminales Langues et Littérature TLL
 Terminales Arts et Lettres TAL
 Terminales Sciences Sociales TSS

Que faire après la 9e ?

Le cycle moyen et le cycle supérieur de l’enseignement postprimaire

(see page 8)

I'm 99% sure that it's the same "cycle moyen" that used to be the term used in France (tens of) years ago, and is still used at least in some French speaking countries. moyen de l'enseignement...

you can find the historical evolution of the various "baccalauréats" in Franceéat_en_France

but I couldn't find any historical data about previous naming and renaming of the years of schooling.

Note from asker:
Wow, this research (Les classes de 10e Commune 10e CM) is closest to solving my worry. Having taught English Language in Lycées for several years, I know that the 2nde classes or classes de 10e Commune (10e CM) are generally COMMON CORE/JOINT CLASS, i.e., where all candidates study the same courses. Specialization only starts from 1ère A, C, D, etc/11th grade/year. It makes sense. Thanks.
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans
1 day 9 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much for your insightful research. Since the target audience is EN-US, I think 'Grade' is better. "
14 mins

4th grade of primary school

CM1 = Cours moyen 1
Peer comment(s):

agree Tony M
2 hrs
neutral katsy : in a lycée? Cf Asker's question
2 hrs
disagree Daryo : CM1 = Cours moyen 1 YES, but "equivalences" are full of traps ... // on closer examination (and FINALLY more context) "CM1 = Cours moyen 1" makes no sense - is a red herring - stands for something else.
4 hrs
neutral AllegroTrans : I would not try to find year equivalence here
4 hrs
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

5 hrs

Cours moyen 1re année

Le cours moyen 1re année (CM1), ou première année du cycle 3, est l'avant-dernier niveau (avant l'entrée au collège) de l'école primaire en France. Les enfants y accèdent au mois de septembre de l'année où ils fêtent leur neuvième anniversaire. L'âge typique des élèves durant cette année scolaire est donc de 8 à 10 ans.

Suivi par le CM2, cours moyen 2e année.


Voir aussi
Sur les autres projets Wikimedia :
Cours moyen 1re année, sur Wikiversity
École élémentaire en France
(en) 4e année, niveau équivalent dans quelques pays, principalement anglophonesée

Well explained:

BUT there is a huge BUT:

you DON'T do Mathematics, Physics-Chemistry, in the 4Th year of Primary school

normally you do the 4Th year of Primary school (= Cours moyen 1re année) when you are 9 not 16 years old

It would be "l'école élémentaire" not "le lycée"
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree AllegroTrans
23 hrs
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