Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

trabajar como chaleco

English translation:

work as bodyguards

Added to glossary by Robin Ragan
Jan 31 01:40
8 mos ago
41 viewers *
Spanish term

trabajar como chaleco

Spanish to English Other Slang
Respecto a los ronderos que trabajan como “chalecos” del narcotráfico, indicó que hay múltiples denuncias policiales. “Estos actores se dedican a cubrir las actividades ilegales tomando digamos acciones que son de tipo bandolerismo o sabotaje, que además ha acarreado la muerte de trabajadores de proyectos mineros. Estos seudoronderos ya manejan armas y tienen una actividad que no se condice con la actividad original que el Estado les encargó”, subrayó.

Country Peru. Newspaper article.

Based on context, I'm thinking either. guard/ body guard??
Change log

Feb 6, 2024 03:05: Robin Ragan Created KOG entry


neilmac Feb 1:
Patrullas ciudadanas = vigilantes. And "seudoronderos" could be "fake vigilantes". (Other options are also available).
O G V Feb 1:
Las rondas y ronderos serían algo equiparable a lo que se llama patrullas ciudadanas.
La cuestión es que no lo son de verdad, son falsas.
False, fake could rend that sense in English as I see it now
Taña Dalglish Jan 31:
@ Robin I think "henchmen" or "enforcers" are better options than bodyguards. However, thank you for your kind words, but I will refrain from entering a proposal. The term that bothers me more is "seudoronderos" (not asked for in this question) and I certainly would not use "pseudo". Perhaps, "self-styled". Apart from this additional link:, I will leave it there.
The term rondero denotes a member of a ronda (short form of the singular ronda campesina, although the term also applies to the rondas urbanas mentioned below). Ronderos is the plural of the term rondero. In addition to this terminology found in the attached documents, a glossary of terms published by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service states that rondas are known also as rondas de defensa civil and its members are called montoneros (INS 1992, 297).
neilmac Jan 31:
@Robin I assume you are a speaker of US English. In that case, you should know the difference between a criminal enforcer and and a (non-criminal) bodyguard. I also think that "henchmen" is a better option than "bodyguards" in this particular case.
Robin Ragan (asker) Jan 31:
@Taña I would like to select your answer, but I need you to propose it first. Right now the only answer being proposed is 'enforcer'
O G V Jan 31:
no son las de los 80 las rondas o ronderos de hoy parecen tener un cariz muy diferente. En esencia pueden ser similares, pero estas están formados desde estructuras estatales y los que menciona phil son de grupos insurgentes armados.

Las referencias las puse para poner en contexto "chalecos" (popular o informal de por sí) y dejar claro que no se trata de guardaespaldas oficiales, formales o convencionales porque son grupos de dudosa o ninguna legalidad.

Por eso, sugería buscar un término coloquial o informal en vez de "body guard". Se puede comprender, es estándar o neutro pero quizás haya una expresión más popular o callejera, como la que sugiere neil.
Taña Dalglish Jan 31:
@ Toni Thank you. I forgot to spell Perú out.
Toni Castano Jan 31:
"Chalecos". Meaning in Peru Just to confirm Taña´s suggestion in her previous entry.
Diccionario de americanismos
Pe. Guardaespaldas. urb; pop

"Pe." stands for "Perú".
philgoddard Jan 31:
Ronderos Rondas campesinas (lit. 'peasant rounds') are autonomous peasant patrols in rural Peru. The rondas were especially active during the early 1980s in northern Peru and during internal conflict in Peru with the insurgency of the Maoist group Shining Path and the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement.

I think you need to add an explanatory sentence to your translation.
Front men, shields, covers It is about protecting the people doing an illegal work.
Regarding the patrol group members who work as "shields" for drug trafficking, he indicated that there are multiple police reports. "These actors are dedicated to covering illegal activities by taking, let's say, actions that are of a banditry or sabotage nature, which has also led to the death of mining project workers. These pseudo self-defense group members now handle weapons and engage in activities that are not consistent with the original task assigned to them by the State," he emphasized.
Taña Dalglish Jan 31:
@ Robin
14 Colloquial chaleco [m] PE bodyguard

Yes, you guessed correctly.

Proposed translations

15 hrs

work as henchmen

A person hired by another to do dishonest or illegal acts, esp. a member of a criminal gang.

Note added at 16 hrs (2024-01-31 17:54:40 GMT)

They could be referred to as turncoats, as they were initially employed by the government, but then carried out illegal acts.
Peer comment(s):

agree neilmac : I like henchmen, but I'm not so keen on turncoats...
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
6 hrs

work(ing) as enforcer/s

Could be an option. Comes across a bit more "criminal" and drug-gang-related than simply a bodyguard.

Note added at 6 hrs (2024-01-31 08:07:20 GMT)

seudoronderos = fake vigilantes

Note added at 19 hrs (2024-01-31 20:42:37 GMT)

Note added at 19 hrs (2024-01-31 20:43:09 GMT)

Have a look at the Quora link which should work now.
Example sentence:

Criminal operations hire ruthless enforcers who will stop at nothing to ensure that payments are made

Note from asker:
Yes, but that's why the word is in quotes-- the quotes are in the original as well.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Hernan Casasbuenas : It is the oposite
3 hrs
I don't understand your disagreement. Please explain.
agree philgoddard : Yes, I think this is better than 'bodyguard', because they don't just protect the big guys, they do the running around for them.
6 hrs
Cheers :)
agree Andrew Darling : I think "enforcer" would work well here in quotation marks because they are no longer working within the law.
9 hrs
Tx :-)
agree Joaquín Carrillo Bascary
15 hrs
Cheers :)
Something went wrong...
1 day 1 hr

To work as a fixer

In the US, the fixer is the guy capable of any trick to pull his client out of any situation, be it illegal or compromising.

Note added at 1 day 1 hr (2024-02-01 02:49:48 GMT)

fixer is someone who carries out assignments for — or is skillful at — solving problems for others. The term has different meanings in different contexts. In British usage the term is neutral, meaning "the sort of person who solves problems and gets things done".[1] In journalism, a fixer is a local person who expedites the work of a correspondent working in a foreign country. Use in American English implies that methods used to conceal their clients' identities or potential scandals are almost certainly of questionable morality, if not legality.[2] A fixer who disposes of bodies or "cleans up" physical evidence of crime is often more specifically called a cleaner. In sports, the term describes someone who makes (usually illegal) arrangements to manipulate or pre-arrange the outcome of a sporting contest.

Note added at 1 day 1 hr (2024-02-01 02:50:20 GMT)

Source: Wikipedia
Peer comment(s):

neutral neilmac : Well, I think of a fixer as more like Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction. I suppose it could work at a stretch. At least it's better than "turncoat"…
10 hrs
Would you elaborate?// The fixer is precisely the cover-up guy the text submitted by Asker is talking about.
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

8 mins

Seudo indica suplantación

El Montonero › columnas
Esto es poco. Aquí viene más
13 jul 2022 — Ronderos o seudo ronderos ahora con ley propia. Serán armados y asalariados en los lugares donde sus candidatos ganen en las próximas ...
seudoronderos de

RCR Peru › en-caja...
11 feb 2022 — Estos seudoronderos ya manejan armas y tienen una actividad que no se condice con la actividad original que el Estado les encargó”, subrayó.
YouTube › watch
Elio Quiróz :existen seudo-ronderos que usan uniformes de ...
Elio Quiróz Núnez, Sec. de prensa y propaganda de la Federación de Rondas Campesinas de la Provincia de Pacasmayo, dice que existen seudo-ronderos que ... › ...
El narcotráfico de coca, amapola y lavado de dinero en Perú
13 jul 2022 — ... seudo ronderos que, para proteger los cultivos de amapola, arremetieron contra el campamento quemándolo y matando a dos vigilantes y dejando ... › coca-...
7 feb 2022 — ... seudo ronderos para que participen en actos de bandolerismo y sabotaje en contra de proyectos mineros en yacimientos cercanos a las ..

No son legítimos u oficiales.

Tu propuesta es atinada pero quizás haya una expresión más informal.

Note added at 14 hrs (2024-01-31 15:57:43 GMT)

Las referencias las puse para poner en contexto "chalecos" (popular o informal de por sí) y dejar claro que no se trata de guardaespaldas oficiales, formales o convencionales porque son grupos de dudosa o ninguna legalidad.

Por eso, sugería buscar un término coloquial o informal en vez de "body guard". Se puede comprender, es estándar o neutro pero quizás haya una expresión más popular o callejera, como la que sugiere neil.

Note from asker:
Thank you, but I only needed the answer for 'chaleco'
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree neilmac : Pseudo/fake
6 hrs
pues sí, el (p)seudo del griego hoy se ha convertido en "fake".
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