Translation glossary: Medical

Showing entries 1-50 of 59
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acharnement diagnostiquediagnostic obstinacy 
French to English   Medical (general)
acharnement thérapeutiquefutile medical therapies 
French to English   Medical (general)
arthrose interapophysaireinterapophysary arthrosis 
French to English
articulation interapophysaireintervertebral articulation 
French to English
atteinte radiculairenerve-root involvement 
French to English
AVC lacunairelacunar stroke 
French to English
échographie transfontanellairetransfontanellar echography/ultrasound 
French to English
épilepsie réfractairerefractory epilepsy 
French to English
évocateur/-trice (de)suggestive (of); indicating 
French to English
French to English
chambre de chasse du ventricule gauche (CCVG)ejection chamber of the left ventricle 
French to English   Medical: Cardiology
charnière crânio-cervicalecraniocervical joint 
French to English
co / pocardiac / pulmonary 
French to English
consentement éclairéinformed consent 
French to English
Cpr LP (comprimé à libération prolongée)extended-release (ER) tablet 
French to English   Medical: Pharmaceuticals
cure chirurgicalesurgical treatment 
French to English
déficit musculairemuscle weakness 
French to English
French to English   Medical (general)
droit antérieurstraight muscle (of the thigh) 
French to English
French to English
French to English
frange synovialesynovial fold 
French to English
gastropathie antralegastritis of the antrum 
French to English
grossesse évolutiveongoing pregnancy 
French to English
GSCF (G-SCF)granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor 
French to English
Hb glycosyléeglycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C0 
French to English
HC / HDR / HDA / HDEpharmacy dispensing fees 
French to English   Medical: Pharmaceuticals
French to English
impotence fonctionnellefunctional disability 
French to English
insertion vélamenteuse du cordonparasol insertion 
French to English
French to English
French to English
IVRS (infection des voies respiratoires supérieures)upper respiratory tract infection 
French to English
LCC (Longueur crânio-caudale)Crown-rump length (CRL) 
French to English
French to English
ligament latéral interne du genoumedial collateral ligament of the knee 
French to English
French to English
MAP (maladie artérielle périphérique)peripheral arterial disease 
French to English
French to English
migration lithiasiquelithiasis migration 
French to English
mise en évidencedetection 
French to English
PCEAPatient-Controlled Epidural Analgesia (or Anesthesia) 
French to English
PN (poids de naissance)birth weight 
French to English
ponction évacuatriceparacentesis 
French to English
PSH (périarthrite scapulo-humérale)acute painful shoulder 
French to English
pupilles isocoresisocoric pupils 
French to English
RAAC (Récupération Améliorée Après Chirurgie)(Enhanced Rehabilitation in Surgery) ERS 
French to English
French to English
soins systématiquesroutine care 
French to English
T/C (on a medical chart)stands for Tête/Cou = Head/Neck 
French to English
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