Translation glossary: ArtLiterary

Showing entries 1-32 of 32
all knowingomniscient 
Anaquel de los recuerdosShelf of Memories 
Spanish to English
arty architectural sentenceinaugurated last year 
Spanish to English
arty architectural sentenceinaugurated last year..... 
Spanish to English
English to Spanish
church orderRégimen eclesiástico 
English to Spanish
Clases de Introducción al DiscipuladoIntroductory Classes in Discipleship 
Spanish to English
Cursos de Edificación MinisterialMinisterial Edification Courses 
Spanish to English
Discipularse, discipulado, discipularto be discipled, disciplers, to disciple 
Spanish to English
hit the ground runningempezar ganando 
English to Spanish
I wonderMe pregunto 
English to Spanish
if only we might have Jesus tan sólo pudiéramos tener a Jesús como nuestro Salvador y amigo. 
English to Spanish
Iron bars he breaks like clayRompe cual barro la celda 
English to Spanish
Man knows not whose his wealth will be¿Dónde irán nuestras riquezas? Nos esforzamos en vano. 
English to Spanish
morir con las botas puestasto die with one's boots on 
Spanish to English
niña adentrothe child within 
Spanish to English
OMSoverall mean score 
English to Spanish
piped music / cinema organcanned music, Muzak 
Por ser su último libro, por ser, aún así....Aún lo está.Being his last book, and even as such, being... 
Spanish to English
por si fuera pocoas if that weren\'t enough.... 
Spanish to English
pregnant questionpregunta cargada 
English to Spanish
rodeandosurrounding the entire perimeter 
Spanish to English
segun el obrar del Espiritu Santoaccording to the working of the Holy Spirit 
Spanish to English
she totters to her falltambalée y caiga 
English to Spanish
son problemas........These are problems which one supposes would not occur, due to the duplicity of the equipment. 
Spanish to English
sweet rootacoro 
English to Spanish
the church in trialLa Iglesia a prueba 
English to Spanish
truly at his best estate...Aun en su mejor momento 
English to Spanish
viciosovicious/given to vice 
Spanish to English
We should have thought that...Cualquiera pensaría que a Jesús le habría gustado... 
English to Spanish
Weakening / Spurredtriggered 
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