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"Getting the most out of your profile" video: what do you think?
Thread poster: Jared Tabor
Eva Geron
Eva Geron  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:13
English to Hebrew
+ ...
good but missing... Oct 16, 2014

The video is quite good but I need the suggested links (at the end) to become active.
Eva Geron

[Edited at 2014-10-16 10:31 GMT]

joannamoore  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:13
French to English
good one Jan 15, 2015

Really interesting and informative. A well thought through presentation

Katia Sakoschek
Katia Sakoschek  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:13
Member (2015)
English to French
Very effective video ! Feb 13, 2015

Thank you, this will really help new comers (including myself) to get the most out of ProZ !

Tushar Deep
Tushar Deep  Identity Verified
English to Hindi
+ ...
Thank you! Mar 3, 2015

It is excellent for beginners!

Portuguese to English
""Getting the most out of your profile" video: what do you think?" Apr 22, 2015

Proz is a light at the end of the tunnel!

JP Bigorda
JP Bigorda
Local time: 13:13
English to Spanish
+ ...
Excellent! (Even though a little bit long.) Apr 24, 2015

The analogy gets the point across perfectly. The directions are stated clearly. In a nutshell, it's almost perfect. Great job making an eye opener for newbies.

Of course, perfection is unattainable. In software engineering, we usually say that you can't make anything foolproof, because fools are too smart. But this one's as close as you can get.

My only concern would be to make it a bit shorter, if possible. Or maybe divide it in a few chapters about each particular top
... See more
The analogy gets the point across perfectly. The directions are stated clearly. In a nutshell, it's almost perfect. Great job making an eye opener for newbies.

Of course, perfection is unattainable. In software engineering, we usually say that you can't make anything foolproof, because fools are too smart. But this one's as close as you can get.

My only concern would be to make it a bit shorter, if possible. Or maybe divide it in a few chapters about each particular topic. Maybe some simple markers would help coming back to it when you want to check a specific part.

Daniela Colombo
Daniela Colombo
Local time: 19:13
English to Italian
+ ...
It was good! May 13, 2015

I'll go working on my profile immediately and I hope I will make it soooo cooool to get some new Clients (first step to afford a membership...).
Thank You for sharing Your knowledge: it was precious!

Daniela Colombo

Local time: 20:13
English to Arabic
+ ...
Great Guide. May 15, 2015

Thank you.

Juan Arturo Blackmore Zerón
Juan Arturo Blackmore Zerón  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:13
English to Spanish
+ ...
About the video: "Getting the most out of your profile" Jul 5, 2015

I´ve just watched it carefully. It´s an excellent guide to know what I´m doing at Proz. It helps me to evaluate my self on the track. Over all, what I need to look more closely at and work through accomplish the task more efficiently. Thanks Proz.

Dominican Republic
Local time: 13:13
French to Spanish
+ ...
Excellent Jul 5, 2015

Very clear and helpful

ErmanCelik  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:13
English to Turkish
helpful Aug 21, 2015

Video is very helpful for beginners like me.
We call it "Bilale anlatır gibi" in Turkish

[Edited at 2015-08-21 15:00 GMT]

Miguel Megias
Miguel Megias
Local time: 19:13
English to Spanish
+ ...
Excellent video Sep 10, 2015

The video presentation is excellent. It shows, very clearly, how one can be found (a needle in a haystack?) To be taken seriously... The only thing I didn't get is the KudoZ matter. What's a KudoZ? I'm new to the forum, please forgive my ignorance...

Triston Goodwin
Triston Goodwin  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 11:13
Spanish to English
+ ...
Kudoz Sep 10, 2015

Miguel Megias wrote:

The video presentation is excellent. It shows, very clearly, how one can be found (a needle in a haystack?) To be taken seriously... The only thing I didn't get is the KudoZ matter. What's a KudoZ? I'm new to the forum, please forgive my ignorance...

Kudoz is a place where other translators post questions about translating specific terms. The rest of the Proz body can answer those questions and provide suitable translations. If your suggestion is selected, you receive Kudoz points, which increase your ranking in the directories. You can find this part of the site under the Terminology tab.

Hope that helps

Lucia Leszinsky
Lucia Leszinsky
Welcome to the forum, Miguel! Sep 10, 2015

Miguel Megias wrote:

The only thing I didn't get is the KudoZ matter. What's a KudoZ? I'm new to the forum, please forgive my ignorance...

KudoZ is a community-based terminology network made out of two broad areas:

1. "help" KudoZ,
2. "glossary-building" KudoZ,

KudoZ points --the points that help you to improve your position in the directory-- are points that you can earn by answering KudoZ help questions and getting those answers selected by askers.

For details about KudoZ, KudoZ points and the relationship with directory ranking, I invite you to check the following resources:

Hope it helps!

Kind regards,


Edited to add: Thank you, Triston!

Sharon Ingram
Sharon Ingram  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:13
French to English
+ ...
Great stuff! Would appreciate more reference to CV Sep 11, 2015

The story and cartoon really capture the viewer's interest. Video continues to get the message across in carefully ordered topics. However, I would like to have more reference to what to write in a CV - e.g. how detailed is it to be? For example,should one refer to experience of jobs other than translating? Does one need to give tiny details of job locations which are not translating jobs? Does one have to list hobbies?

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"Getting the most out of your profile" video: what do you think?

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