I do technical translations (mechanics, medicine, IT,
electronics) as well as juridical and commercial translations.
- Diploma of "Liceo Linguistico" (= high
school of languages): 58/60
(languages : French, English, German);
- Degree in Political Science, international specialisation,with the maximum mark (110/110) plus honours.
- Course as an English interpreter and translator at the Pallfy Congress
Centre in Genoa, for which I took a diploma of English language, given by
FEDE (Federation Europeenne des Ecoles) of Zurich, Switzerland;
- Orientation course to the diplomatic career and careers in international
organisations, organised in Turin by the Istituto di Studi Europei and held
at the ILO training centre;
- Master Course in Enterprise Communication, financed by the European Social Fund and organised in Genoa by SOGEA, Scuola di Gestione Aziendale;
- License as a tourist assistant (English and Portuguese) from the Province of Genoa.
- Technical translator for the agencies Liguria Traduce and Gruppo Prisma (Genoa), Esseti (Bergamo), Jkstudio (Pavia), S.L.S(Belluno), Promoest (Milano), Eurolingua and Interlingua (Dortmund,Germany), OTM (Zurich, Switzerland), Blackford (Schaan,
Liechtenstein), Wordsmiths (Northants England), Oneliner (Sint Niklaas, Belgium), Euroterm and Juridica (Utrecht, The Netherlands)since October 1995. I worked as a French and Portuguese interpreter at Europartenariat |