Japanese to Chinese: 人の師 Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy | |
Source text - Japanese みだりに人の師となるべからず。又みだりに人を師とすべからず。 | Translation - Chinese 勿妄为人师,亦勿妄以人为师。 |
Japanese to English: standstill Detailed field: Human Resources | |
Source text - Japanese もう、このへんでいいやと思ったら、そのときは敗北している。 | Translation - English Once you settle for where you are right now, you start to lose ground. |
English to Chinese: Acceptance Detailed field: Philosophy | |
Source text - English The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.
| Translation - Chinese 一旦退而求其次,求到的往往不如其次。 |
Chinese to English: 话 Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations | |
Source text - Chinese 话多不如话少,话少不如话好。 | Translation - English When it comes to speech, less is more and it is quality, not quantity that counts. |