Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 16 eng>eng cost implications how much it will cost easy closed no
- Mar 4 eng>eng Standing Bake 2 separate words easy open no
- Jul 13 '23 fra>eng Je cherche le pourquoi du comment ? I'm looking for the whys and wherefores easy closed ok
- Apr 9 '23 eng>eng along and off Arts complex is just off Gibb Street easy closed ok
4 Jan 4 '23 eng>eng mobile able to travel/move around easy closed no
4 Oct 8 '22 eng>eng Don't f...., my good man Don't fuss my good man easy closed no
4 Oct 6 '22 eng>eng Train your dog where NOT to go/to potty ...where not to go potty easy closed ok
4 Oct 4 '22 eng>eng Trial and error idiom trial and error easy closed no
4 Jul 23 '22 fra>eng STOP STOP easy closed ok
4 Jul 17 '22 eng>eng ascribe assign easy closed ok
4 Jul 3 '22 eng>eng Ilias Ilias or... easy closed no
- Apr 6 '22 eng>eng Would used for characteristic actions easy closed no
4 Mar 25 '22 eng>eng feather up his arse irritated or annoyed easy closed ok
4 Mar 25 '22 eng>eng Skip leader, boss, manager (person in authority) easy closed ok
4 Mar 21 '22 eng>eng Wichita Thumper a pumpkin's name easy closed ok
4 Mar 15 '22 eng>eng f/p Found property easy closed ok
- Mar 13 '22 eng>eng Butt scratcher back/butt scratcher easy closed ok
4 Mar 11 '22 eng>eng box 2 meanings easy closed ok
- Feb 18 '22 eng>eng You are it You are our inside guy easy closed ok
4 Feb 5 '22 eng>eng Get stirry get crazy easy closed ok
4 Jan 24 '22 eng>eng commas with whereas and if yes easy closed no
4 Jan 20 '22 eng>eng softly aloud barely audible, in a quiet voice easy closed no
4 Dec 30 '21 eng>eng Look well in oneself looks content and happy easy closed ok
4 Dec 23 '21 eng>eng Student Body the students of the university easy closed ok
4 Dec 23 '21 eng>eng national? Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents easy closed no
4 Nov 17 '21 eng>eng sanctioned by approved or authorised by easy closed ok
4 Nov 12 '21 fra>eng le retour the return (of puritanism) easy closed ok
4 Nov 5 '21 eng>eng you make a note that you've sent it you get a receipt that it's sent easy closed no
4 Oct 27 '21 eng>eng mean nasty, vicious, ruthless easy closed no
4 Oct 17 '21 eng>eng I hope you're not going to let me down disappoint me easy closed ok
4 Oct 7 '21 eng>eng It is just not fair it really isn't fair easy closed no
4 Oct 3 '21 eng>eng Does "could" refer to present in these sentences no, referring to possibility in future easy closed ok
4 Aug 16 '21 eng>eng If you're stuck, ESL schools like this can also help you if you feel you are making no progress/not advancing... easy closed ok
- Jun 19 '21 eng>eng immediate pressing or paramount easy closed no
4 Jun 18 '21 eng>eng payment type of social assistance payment easy closed no
4 Jun 16 '21 eng>eng tip over make me cry easy closed ok
4 Jun 2 '21 eng>eng What'd you run what type of cattle did you have/breed/raise easy closed ok
1 May 27 '21 eng>eng generation gap a grammar question easy closed no
4 May 11 '21 eng>eng goopier even more trend-setting than Paltrow easy closed ok
4 May 9 '21 eng>eng alternate slowly 4 to 8 times do the other side 4 to 8 times easy closed ok
3 Apr 27 '21 eng>eng Hingers Hinger= a name easy closed no
4 Apr 16 '21 eng>eng overwhelmed if everything gets too much for you easy closed ok
4 Apr 15 '21 eng>eng familiar things that are not strange to them easy closed ok
- Apr 13 '21 eng>eng accommodate meet the needs /have the facilities easy closed no
4 Mar 4 '21 eng>eng do the weather forecast he is just the forecaster (calling it out on TV) easy closed no
- Feb 13 '21 eng>eng up in lights seeing on'e name in lights easy closed ok
4 Dec 18 '20 esl>eng arreglemos si estamos enojados con alguien If we are angry with someone let's resolve the problem easy closed ok
- Dec 11 '20 esl>eng tiene que venir con el mandato de Dios it has to come as a command from God easy closed ok
- Nov 15 '20 eng>eng Pursuit Pursuit software easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '20 eng>eng hijacking disrupting the reception so focus is on hijacking/hijackers easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered