Personal data
Last name: Carlomagno Barreto
Name: Nicolas Alejandro
ID: 1.879.492-8
Age: 43 years
Nationality: Uruguayan/Italian
Address: CH Florencio Sánchez Block A-202 Sergio Matto 99
Las Piedras, Canelones
Cell: 094 233 651
Phone: 23663991
Driving license: (E) due to 04 / 2018
Health Certificate 07/03/2012 due to 07/03/2014
Secondary: complete
Assistant nursing (Dr. Scoceria´s School)
English: First Certificate (University of Uruguay Cambridge-Anglo)
Certificate in cross-cultural studies
Logos II Ship (Operation Mobilization) 1994-1996
Good Samaritan Medical Foundation 1997-1998
Bachelor in Theology (Theological Seminary Siloam)
Chaplain (counseling in times of crisis)
Portuguese on basic level
Complementary skills
Translator (text and voice)
I have a vast experience acquired during years of receiving and accompanying on trips to the Interior of the country for groups of over 20 people being translator, group discussions and conferences in general.
I am currently English help for courses on the Highlands Institute dictates on Schools in Montevideo; Teaching elementary grades; 2nd. to 6th.
The beginning of this ability was during my stay of 3 years on board Logos II Ship.
I have got to translate to different international speakers from the Institution, into Spanish and Portuguese. I also had the opportunity to do workshops and lectures in different parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America being translated from English into the local languages on a Saint Petersburg Prison (English into Russian, Latvian, Swedish, Finnish and Hungarian)
PR (Logos II)
Ship Logos II, Logos Hope, belonging to non-profit organization and charitable Christian approach, today called Operation Mobilization, enables to acquire vast experience in dealing with thousands of people who visit on board library with over 5,000 titles, secular and religious books. There were Primary schools, high schools, social institutions visiting, as well as the tasks of social and medical assistance in places such as Northern Africa, Caribbean Islands, Asia and Latin America disadvantaged areas is common.
In many countries an average day included receive, organize and sell literature with more than 5,000 people visiting the Ship; while leading a group of 16 people from different cultures.
Sales and distribution
Returning to Uruguay (1997) after 3 years of experience on board Logos II Ship, I had the opportunity of working as a Manager in charge of Literature Distribution Services for Montevideo and the Interior for the Local OM´s office (Operation Mobilization) in Uruguay.
Development and execution of social projects
Being part of the O.S.C. “Mano Amiga” (Helping Hand) belonging to the Church of God in the Uruguay, I established groups who currently will serve on different cities for Gov. Programs called "Solidarity roads". I had to coordinate, and organize them during 3 months from December 2010 through February 2011; after I left it due wage differences.
Experience in nursing
Initiating a previous experience in Canin Elder Residential right after I graduated, I could work in places such as the Israelite household, Military Hospital, Evangelical Hospital, home nursing on Comero´s Chuy Hospital and nursing on Vigilia Co. Service.
I have courses and specialization in the treatment of patients with dementia with specialization in the disease carried out by Doctor Ventura, geriatrician specialist in dementia.
Work experience
OCWEN`s Customer Care Center (loans, mortgages and customer attendance for USA co.)
Sales Manager and distribution for OM (representative of Logos II in Uruguay)
Radio AM Chuy (part – time operator)
Beth-El College and high school
“Solidarity Roads” Gov. Program (MTOP - DNV)
formation and development of the program in city of Lascano.
Supervision, educational trainer in charge of 15 people (8 women, 7 men)
Driver of the program
Tutoring, support for tests and preparation of international courses
Translation and transport groups Social Action (Constr. Picnic areas, social physicians)
Theological Seminary Professor Siloam
Ship Logos II (International Christian Bookstore)
Vigilia Co. companions and nursing
Evangelical Hospital
Israeli nursing home
Care of patients with dementia and disease |