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Task Force Supports High-Risk Groups Including Veterans, Latinas and the LGBTQ Community
Task Force Recommendations Will Help Build Coalitions and Support Efforts of Local Governments and Advocates
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the release of the first report from the New York State Suicide Prevention Task Force.
Established by the Governor in November 2017, the Task Force serves to increase awareness of and access to supportive services with a special focus on high-risk groups including veterans, Latina adolescents, and members of the LGBTQ community.
Recommendations from the report include strengthening public health prevention efforts, integrating suicide prevention in healthcare, timely sharing of data for surveillance and planning, and infusing cultural competence throughout suicide prevention activities.
"It is critical that every New Yorker has access to the resources and mental health services they need to lead stable, healthy lives,"
"As we continue to bolster prevention efforts in communities across the state, especially among high-risk groups, these recommendations will help increase awareness and strengthen the safety net to protect anyone who needs help."
"Our goal in creating a statewide task force on suicide prevention was to better understand and address the devastating impacts it has in communities across New York,"
"With this report, we now have a blueprint for the future to strengthen our efforts to save lives, especially for our most at-risk populations - veterans, Latina adolescents, and members of the LGBTQ community."
At the Governor's direction, the Task Force examined current programs, services, and statewide suicide prevention policies in order to identify gaps in resources and strengthen coordination between State and local partners.
The group was co-chaired by Christopher Tavella, Ph.D, Executive Deputy Commissioner of the New York State Office of Mental Health, and Peter Wyman, Ph.D, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, and includes leaders from state agencies, local governments, not-for-profit groups, and other recognized experts in suicide prevention.
The Task Force focused on vulnerable populations at greater risk for suicide, with special sub-committees created to examine how to better serve these groups.
The Task Force's recommendations fall into four main categories and goals:
Strengthening public health prevention efforts:
Forging stronger partnerships with local communities, providing resources and expertise to assess local needs, and implementing research-informed prevention programs.
Several recommendations are designed to jump-start State and community actions to expand the number of communities with prevention expertise to implement comprehensive public health prevention using best practices.
Integrating suicide prevention in healthcare:
Helping healthcare providers adopt a systematic approach to suicide prevention, which includes helping them to promote access to services, more effectively identify those at risk and utilize the most effective treatments.
Timely sharing of data for surveillance and planning:
Gathering and tracking data on regional trends in suicide rates and related behaviors is critically important to implement a high-quality public health prevention approach.
By improving the availability of data, gaps in services can be addressed and local planning and prevention efforts can be enhanced.
Infusing cultural competence throughout suicide prevention activities:
Considering a community's unique cultural and societal factors to develop effective programs and resources needed to create a suicide-free New York.
Competence to address the needs of New York State's diverse population is required across the full range of suicide prevention activities.
In addition to tailoring services to address differences in race, gender, sexuality, and nationality, cultural competence includes the capacity for State agencies to differentiate programming needs of more rural and urban communities; competence within local coalitions to engage representatives of their diverse communities; recognition of the methods needed to reach each generation; and selection and tailoring of programming to suit the needs of each group at elevated risk for suicide.
In 2017, the Governor signed legislation requiring that the unique needs of all demographic groups and populations, including a special focus on Latina adolescents, veterans and the LGBTQ community, be taken into consideration when developing suicide prevention plans, programs and services.
Assembly Member Carmen De La Rosa said,
"I am very thankful for the work of the Suicide Prevention Task Force and their focus on the higher rates of suicide among LGBTQ New Yorkers, veterans, and in particular, Latina adolescents.
Gwoup Travay la Sipòte gwoup ki gen gwo risk ki gen ladan Veteran, Latinas ak Kominote LGBTQ
Rekòmandasyon Gwoup Travay la pral ede bati kowalisyon ak sipòte efò gouvènman lokal yo ak defansè yo
Gouvènè Andrew M. Cuomo jodia anonse piblikasyon premye rapò ki soti nan Gwoup Travay Prevansyon Swisid Eta New York la.
Gouvènè a te etabli nan mwa Novanm 2017 la, Gwoup Travay la sèvi pou ogmante sansibilizasyon ak aksè nan sèvis sipò nan akò yon atansyon espesyal a gwoup ki gen gwo risk yo ki gen ladan veteran, adolesan Latina, ak manm nan kominote LGBTQ a.
Rekòmandasyon nan rapò a gen ladan ranfòse efò prevansyon sante piblik, entegre prevansyon swisid nan swen sante, pataje lè yo vle done pou siveyans ak planifikasyon, ak rantre konpetans kiltirèl nan tout aktivite prevansyon swisid.
“Li enpòtan pou tout Nouyòkè gen aksè a resous ak sèvis sante mantal yo bezwen pou mennen lavi ki estab ak an sante,"
"Kòm nou kontinye ankouraje efò prevansyon nan kominote yo atravè eta a, sitou pami gwoup ki gen gwo risk yo, rekòmandasyon sa yo pral ede ogmante sansibilizasyon ak ranfòse rezo sekirite a pou pwoteje nenpòt moun ki bezwen èd."
"Objektif nou nan kreye yon gwoup travay nan tout eta a sou prevansyon swisid se te pi byen konprann ak adrese enpak devastatè li gen nan kominote yo atravè New York,"
"Avèk rapò sa a, kounye a nou gen yon plan pou lavni pou ranfòse efò nou yo pou sove lavi, sitou pou popilasyon ki gen plis risk nou yo - veteran, jèn Latina, ak manm kominote LGBTQ a."
Sou direksyon Gouvènè a, Gwoup Travay la egzamine pwogram aktyèl yo, sèvis yo, ak politik prevansyon swisid nan tout eta a yon fason pou yo idantifye twou vid ki genyen nan resous yo ak ranfòse kowòdinasyon ant Eta a ak patnè lokal yo.
Gwoup la te ko-prezide pa Christopher Tavella, Ph.D, Komisyonè Egzekitif Adjwen nan Biwo Sante Mantal Eta New York, ak Peter Wyman, Ph.D, Pwofesè nan Sikyatri, Univèsite Rochester Lekòl Medsin ak Dantisri, e li gen ladan. lidè nan ajans leta yo, gouvènman lokal yo, gwoup ki pa pou fè pwofi, ak lòt ekspè ki rekonèt nan prevansyon swisid.
Gwoup Travay la konsantre sou popilasyon vilnerab ak pi gwo risk pou swisid, ak sou-komite espesyal kreye pou egzaminen sou ki jan pou yo pi byen sèvi gwoup sa yo.
Rekòmandasyon Gwoup Travay la ale nan kat kategori prensipal ak objektif yo:
Ranfòse efò prevansyon sante piblik:
Fòje patenarya pi solid ak kominote lokal yo, bay resous ak ekspètiz pou evalye bezwen lokal yo, epi mete pwogram prevansyon ki baze sou rechèch.
Plizyè rekòmandasyon yo fèt pou lanse aksyon Eta a ak kominote a pou elaji kantite kominote ki gen ekspètiz nan prevansyon pou mete prevansyon konplè nan sante piblik pandan n’ap sèvi avèk Pratik ki pi bon yo.
Entegre prevansyon swisid nan swen sante:
Ede founisè swen sante adopte yon apwòch sistematik nan prevansyon swisid, ki gen ladan ede yo ankouraje aksè a sèvis yo, pi efikasman idantifye moun ki nan risk yo ak itilize tretman ki pi efikas yo.
Pataj alè done pou siveyans ak planifikasyon:
Kolekte epi swiv done sou tandans rejyonal pousantaj swisid ak konpòtman ki gen rapò li gen yon enpòtans kapital nan aplike yon apwòch prevansyon sante piblik ki gen bon jan kalite.
Pandan n’ap amelyore disponiblite done yo, yo kapab konble twou vid ki genyen nan sèvis yo ak ranfòse efò planifikasyon ak prevansyon lokal yo.
Enjekte konpetans kiltirèl nan tout aktivite prevansyon swisid yo:
Lè ou konsidere faktè inik kiltirèl ak sosyete yon kominote pou devlope pwogram efikas ak resous ki nesesè pou kreye yon New York san swisid.
Konpetans pou reponn ak bezwen divèsifye popilasyon Eta New York la nesesè nan tout aktivite prevansyon swisid yo.
Anplis de sèvis adapte pou fè fas ak diferans rasyal yo, sèks, seksyalite, ak nasyonalite, konpetans kiltirèl gen ladan kapasite pou ajans Eta a diferansye bezwen pwogram nan plis kominote riral yo ak iben; konpetans nan kowalisyon lokal yo pou angaje reprezantan kominote divès yo; rekonesans metòd ki nesesè yo rive jwenn chak jenerasyon; ak seleksyon ak adapte pwogram parapò ak bezwen chak gwoup ak risk ki wo pou swisid.
Nan 2017, Gouvènè a te siyen lejislasyon ki egzije pou bezwen inik nan tout gwoup demografik ak popilasyon, ki gen ladan yon atansyon espesyal sou adolesan Latina yo, veteran yo ak kominote a LGBTQ a, dwe pran an konsiderasyon lè y ap devlope plan, prevansyon swisid, pwogram ak sèvis.
Manm Asanble Carmen De La Rosa te di,
" Mwen trè rekonesan pou travay Gwoup Travay Prevansyon Swisid la ak konsantrasyon yo sou pi gwo pousantaj swisid pami LGBTQ Nouyòkè yo, veteran yo, ak patikilyèman, adolesan Latina yo.
English to French: A South
Source text - English Awards in the Southern Tier will expand the supply of affordable workforce and supportive housing, transform historic buildings into housing and commercial spaces, and create housing opportunities close to main streets and downtown commercial districts.
$5.3 million for West End Heights in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, creating 60 affordable apartments for people in the workforce and those needing supportive services in a new, five-story building that will include offices for Lakeview Health Services.
$2.2 million to create 29 apartments and two commercial units at several sites in the City of Ithaca (Tompkins County).
$4.9 million for Watkins Glen 2nd Street Redevelopment, in the Village of Watkins Glen Schuyler County, creating 34 apartments, with six households receiving rental assistance from the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities, in a mixed-use complex that will include a child care facility.
$4.3 million for Endicott Square, in the Village of Endicott (Broome County), creating 61 apartments in a mixed income development that repurposes a former, underutilized, school.
$2.6 million for Gerard Block Apartments in the City of Elmira (Chemung County), creating 28 apartments in a mixed-use development following substantial rehabilitation of three buildings on Lake and Carol streets close to commercial neighborhood of downtown Elmira.
$2 million for the new construction of LaFrance Apartments which will create 37 affordable homes in the City of Elmira, Chemung County, close to Elmira's South Main Street commercial corridor.
Twenty households will receive services and support through the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative.
"We are grateful for state investments across the region to expand the availability of affordable housing for people with developmental disabilities, and other area workers and families.
It will make an enormous difference in the lives of residents and help them live independently and safely in a quality setting while continuing to enhance and strengthen the fabric of our local communities."
"I'm proud to have voted in the Assembly for this funding for the Ithaca community.
As the cost of housing continues to rise in Ithaca and the surrounding region, making it difficult for individuals and families to access quality housing, this funding will serve a critical need and make a meaningful difference in people's lives by creating affordable housing options close to public transit, childcare, schools, and employment opportunities.
I'm particularly pleased that some of this funding will go towards supportive housing, which is a dire need in the Ithaca community.
Thank you to the Governor and all who have worked so hard to bring these important projects to fruition."
Assembly Member Donna Lupardo said,
"This is welcome news for the Southern Tier where there has been a shortage of affordable housing for many years.
Providing modern, safe places to live for people of all income levels is critical to stabilizing communities, like Endicott, that are still rebuilding their local economies."
$3.6 million in Plattsburgh to fund construction of 40 new apartments affordable to households with incomes below 55 percent of the area median income on a vacant parcel that was previously part of the former Plattsburgh Air Force base in the Atlas Heights neighborhood.
"I am pleased to see that Clarkson University's Snell Hall will feature a mixture of affordable housing, a business incubator and creative and community spaces for artists and others in the region.
This project will help Clarkson University to continue its outstanding reputation and will grow and strengthen the Potsdam community and the North Country."
"For many individuals and families, access to affordable housing is an essential cornerstone in their ability to build better lives.
For several years, as the chair of the Senate's housing committee, I was pleased to work on this issue not only for the North Country but communities across New York State.
Today, I am very pleased to join Governor Andrew Cuomo in making this wonderful announcement of funding for the Broad Street Commons workforce housing and retail project in Glens Falls knowing just how impactful this state investment will be."
"The state's investment in redevelopment of the former Plattsburgh Air Force base will not only create affordable homes for working families, it will help Plattsburgh grow and become a more vibrant city.
It will help grow our economy and ensure workers have convenient, affordable housing with short commutes to work."
Translation - French Les récompenses dans le volet sud élargiront l'offre de main-d'œuvre abordable et de logements supervisés, transformeront les bâtiments historiques en logements et en espaces commerciaux et créeront des opportunités de logement à proximité des rues principales et des quartiers commerçants du centre-ville.
5,3 millions de dollars pour West End Heights, dans la ville d’Ithaca, dans le comté de Tompkins, permettant la création de 60 appartements abordables pour les travailleurs et les personnes ayant besoin de services de soutien dans un nouvel immeuble de cinq étages comprenant des bureaux pour Les Services de santé Lakeview.
2,2 millions de dollars pour créer 29 appartements et deux unités commerciales sur plusieurs sites de la ville d’Ithaca (comté de Tompkins).
4,9 millions de dollars pour le réaménagement de Watkins Glen 2nd Street, dans le village de Watkins Glen Schuyler, pour la création de 34 appartements, dont six ménages bénéficiant d'une aide au loyer de l'Office des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle, dans un complexe à usage mixte comprenant une garderie .
4,3 millions de dollars pour Endicott Square, dans le village d’Endicott (comté de Broome), permettant la création de 61 appartements dans un complexe à revenus mixtes réaménageant une ancienne école sous-utilisée.
2,6 millions de dollars pour les appartements Gerard Block situés dans la ville d’Elmira (comté de Chemung), ce qui permettra de créer 28 appartements à usage mixte à la suite de la réhabilitation en profondeur de trois bâtiments situés dans les rues Lake et Carol, à proximité du quartier commerçant du centre-ville d’Elmira.
Deux millions de dollars pour la nouvelle construction des appartements LaFrance, qui créera 37 logements abordables dans la ville d'Elmira, dans le comté de Chemung, à proximité du corridor commercial South Main Street d'Elmira.
Vingt ménages recevront des services et un soutien dans le cadre de l’Initiative de l’Empire State en matière de logement d’accompagnement.
"Nous sommes reconnaissants aux investissements de l'État dans la région pour accroître la disponibilité de logements abordables pour les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle, les autres travailleurs de la région et leurs familles.
Cela fera une différence énorme dans la vie des résidents et les aidera à vivre de manière indépendante et en sécurité dans un cadre de qualité, tout en continuant d'améliorer et de renforcer le tissu de nos communautés locales. "
"Je suis fier d'avoir voté à l'Assemblée pour ce financement de la communauté d'Ithaca.
Alors que le coût du logement continue d'augmenter à Ithaca et dans la région environnante, rendant difficile l'accès des personnes et des familles à un logement de qualité, ce financement répondra à un besoin essentiel et fera une différence significative dans la vie des gens en créant des options de logement abordable proches du public. transport en commun, garde d’enfants, écoles et possibilités d’emploi.
Je suis particulièrement heureux qu'une partie de ce financement serve à la construction de logements avec services de soutien, un besoin criant dans la communauté d'Ithaca.
Merci au gouverneur et à tous ceux qui ont travaillé si dur pour mener à bien ces projets importants. "
Donna Lupardo, membre de l'Assemblée, a déclaré:
«C’est une bonne nouvelle pour le quartier sud, qui connaît une pénurie de logements abordables depuis de nombreuses années.
Fournir des lieux de vie modernes et sûrs aux personnes de tous les niveaux de revenu est essentiel pour stabiliser les communautés, comme Endicott, qui reconstruisent encore leurs économies locales. "
3,6 millions de dollars à Plattsburgh pour financer la construction de 40 nouveaux appartements abordables pour les ménages dont les revenus sont inférieurs à 55% du revenu médian régional sur une parcelle vacante qui faisait auparavant partie de l’ancienne base de la Plattsburgh Air Force dans le quartier d’Atlas Heights.
"Je suis ravi de constater que le Snell Hall de l'Université Clarkson proposera un mélange de logements abordables, d'un incubateur d'entreprises et d'espaces créatifs et communautaires pour les artistes et autres de la région.
Ce projet aidera l’Université Clarkson à maintenir sa réputation exceptionnelle et permettra de développer et de renforcer la communauté de Potsdam et le Nord du pays. "
"Pour de nombreuses personnes et familles, l'accès à un logement abordable est une pierre angulaire essentielle de leur capacité à améliorer leurs conditions de vie.
En tant que président du comité sénatorial sur le logement, j'ai eu le plaisir, pendant plusieurs années, de travailler sur cette question non seulement pour le Nord-Pays, mais également pour les communautés de l'État de New York.
Aujourd’hui, je suis très heureux de me joindre au gouverneur Andrew Cuomo pour faire cette merveilleuse annonce de financement pour le projet de logement et de commerce au détail de Broad Street Commons à Glens Falls, sachant à quel point cet investissement public aura un impact considérable. "
"L'investissement de l'État dans le réaménagement de l'ancienne base de l'armée de l'air de Plattsburgh permettra non seulement de créer des logements abordables pour les familles qui travaillent, mais aidera également Plattsburgh à se développer et à devenir une ville plus dynamique.
Cela contribuera à la croissance de notre économie et assurera aux travailleurs un logement pratique et abordable, ainsi que de courts trajets domicile-travail. "
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