I have been immersed in both Canadian and French culture since childhood. This has offered me special insight into both languages.
I am well traveled and therefore I am very open-minded and inquisitive about differences in cultures and languages.
I have studied other languages, including Latin, German and Japanese, as well as linguistics to broaden my scope of understanding as to how language works.
My administration related jobs have provided me with resourcefulness, strong organizational skills, word processing skills, software skills and general computer aptitude.
I am extremely inquisitive and enjoy researching a variety of subjects.
I am trustworthy and discreet.
Compétences profondes en composition et en rédaction.
Sensible aux nuances culturelles.
Beaucoup voyagé.
Étudié d'autres langues: l'allemand, le japonais, l'ancien anglais, et le latin.
Compétences profondes pour l'organisation, traitement de texte, et l'apprentissage de logiciels.
Curieuse et ingénieuse, je prends plaisir à faire des recherches sur des sujets divers.
Digne de confiance et discrète. |