translation contests »
Inspired by poetry: "Ploughing mountainsides" » English to Dutch

Competition in this pair is now closed.

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Source text in English

The Beginning

All in a moment, years ago,
The boy I was became a man:
Suddenly my life began!
I saw the world before me— So
That ploughman by his horses stands
Sweating on the first hill's brow,
Having left the riverlands
Furrowed in the vale below,
And sees a mountainside to plough,
Barren rock to blunt his share,
Thunder hanging in the air,
And the black peak above him, bare,
Waiting now.
—Let him plough it if he dare!

Winning entries could not be determined in this language pair.

There were 6 entries submitted in this pair during the submission phase. Not enough votes were submitted by peers for a winning entry to be determined.

Competition in this pair is now closed.

Entries (6 total) Expand all entries

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Language variants:
Entry #29792 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
254 x43 x23 x1
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 5 "like" tags
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
  • 2 users disagreed with "likes" (2 total disagrees)
Onverwachts, jaren geleden
Flows well
Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.
Flows well
Like the p​artial rhy​me with 'k​erel'
Suzanne de Jong
Good term selection
Karel van den Oever
Kale rots voor een botte schaar,
Flows well
Karel van den Oever
Als jij wilt ploegen, kom dan maar!
Good term selection
Karel van den Oever
Entry #29392 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Netherlands
Voting points1st2nd3rd
173 x42 x21 x1
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 3 "like" tags
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (2 total disagrees)
Vanaf toen trok ik mijn eigen plan!
Flows well
Rather fre​e translat​ion, and i​t rimes to​o.
Karel van den Oever
Hij ziet een bergwand die wacht op een ploeg,
Flows well
Karel van den Oever
Een kale rots, funest voor zijn schaar
Flows well
Karel van den Oever
Entry #29318 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Netherlands
Voting points1st2nd3rd
173 x42 x21 x1
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 5 "like" tags
Good term selection
Translated​ so that i​t rimes; w​ell done!
Karel van den Oever
Achtergelaten de uiterwaarden
Flows well
Karel van den Oever
Good term selection
Karel van den Oever
dreigende donder draagt,
Flows well
mooie drie​dubbele al​literatie
Karel van den Oever
Wachtend vooralsnog.
Flows well
Karel van den Oever
Entry #30377 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Netherlands
Voting points1st2nd3rd
132 x41 x23 x1
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 3 "like" tags
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
Jaren geleden, in een ogenblijk
Flows well
Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.
Flows well
Translated​ so that i​t rimes wi​th 'overge​gaan'
Karel van den Oever
hem ploegen als hij durft!
Good term selection
Karel van den Oever
Entry #30487 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Louise Rothschild
Louise Rothschild
United States
Voting points1st2nd3rd
112 x41 x21 x1
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 6 "like" tags
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (2 total disagrees)
In een oogwenk, jaren geleden
Flows well
Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.
Staande op de eerste heuvelkam,
Good term selection
Karel van den Oever
Het rivierenland achter zich
Good term selection
Karel van den Oever
Gekerfd in de lager liggende vallei,
Flows well
Karin de Lange
Kale rotsen die zijn scharen afstompen
Good term selection
Karel van den Oever
Laat hem ploegen als hij durft!
Flows well
Karel van den Oever
Entry #30268 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Netherlands
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Entry tagging:
  • No "like" tags