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Spanish to English: Lease Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Spanish En el plazo de cuarenta y cinco (45) días naturales desde que el Arrendador hubiese recibido el correspondiente estado de la Cifra Bruta de Ventas e información contable del Arrendatario conforme a la estipulación 4.6 del presente Contrato, el Arrendador calculará y comunicará al Arrendatario la Renta Variable que corresponda al año mediante la aplicación del porcentaje previsto en la Estipulación Particular D a dicha cifra Bruta de Ventas. En caso de que la Renta Variable así determinada fuese superior a la Renta Mínima Garantizada efectivamente abonada por el Arrendatario durante el año anterior, el Arrendatario pagará al Arrendador dicho saldo diferencial en el plazo máximo de quince (15) días naturales desde que le fuera comunicado dicho saldo.
No obstante lo anterior, el Arrendador tendrá derecho a auditar la Cifra Bruta de Ventas correspondiente a los estados de ventas presentados por el Arrendatario y a recalcular la Renta Variable pagadera por dicho periodo en el plazo de los cuatro (4) años siguientes a la presentación de dichos estados de ventas. En el supuesto de que la auditoria ponga de relieve divergencias entre la Cifra Bruta de Ventas facilitada por el Arrendatario y la Cifra Bruta de Ventas efectivamente conseguida en el Local Arrendado, lo siguiente será de aplicación:
Translation - English Within forty-five (45) calendar days from the time the Lessor has received the corresponding statement of Gross Sales Figures and accounting information from the Lessee in accordance with Provision 4.6 of this Lease Agreement, the Lessor will calculate and notify the Lessee of the Variable Rent Amount that corresponds to the year by applying the percentage set forth in Special Provision D to the aforementioned Gross Sales Figures. If the Variable Rent Amount calculated in this manner is found to be higher than the Minimal Guaranteed Rent Amount actually paid by the Lessee during the previous year, the Lessee will pay the Lessor the difference within a maximum of fifteen (15) calendar days after having been notified of said difference.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Lessor will have the right to audit the Gross Sales Figures provided in the sales statements presented by the Lessee and to recalculate the Variable Rent Amount payable for said period during the four (4) years directly following the presentation of said sales statements. In the event that the audit finds differences in the Gross Sales Figures provided by the Lessor and the Gross Sales Figures actually obtained in the Leased Property, the following guidelines will apply:
Spanish to English: Notarial Documents - Several Samples General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Spanish Manifiesta la parte transmitente, a estos efectos, hallarse al corriente en el pago de todas las cuotas tributarias derivadas del Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles, al que está sujeta la finca anteriormente descrita. Hago yo, el notario, a los comparecientes, la advertencia legal expresa prevista en el apartado 1º del artículo 64 del Texto Refundido de la Ley Reguladora de las Haciendas Locales, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 2/2.004 de 5 de Marzo, en relación con el artículo 79 de la Ley 58/2.003, de 12 de diciembre, General Tributaria, relativa a la afección del inmueble objeto de este otorgamiento al pago de la totalidad de la cuota tributaria pendiente, en su caso, por el citado impuesto.
SEGUNDA.- CONDICIÓN SUSPENSIVA.- La presente compraventa queda sujeta a la condición suspensiva consistente en la obtención por la parte compradora del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de España del permiso de compra de la finca descrita en la parte expositiva, en el plazo de tres meses a contar desde el día de hoy, que deberá acreditarse documentalmente a la parte vendedora.
Leída esta escritura de conformidad con lo prevenido en el artículo 193 del Reglamento Notarial, los señores comparecientes -a quienes hice las reservas y advertencias legales y fiscales, en especial sobre el plazo de liquidación del impuesto correspondiente, afección de los bienes al pago del mismo, responsabilidades en caso de no efectuar su pago y su presentación a liquidación, advirtiendo, en particular, a los efectos de la Ley de Tasas y Precios Públicos de las obligaciones tributarias que incumben a las partes en su aspecto material, formal y sancionador, de las obligaciones relativas al catastro inmobiliario, así como de las consecuencias que se derivarían de una posible inexactitud de sus declaraciones-, la aceptan y firman.
Translation - English The transferring party hereby states, for the purposes expressed herein, to be up to date on the payment of all tax amounts related with the Property Tax to which the aforementioned property is subject. I, the Notary, hereby issue, to those appearing before me, the express legal warning set forth in section 1 of article 64 of the Consolidated Text of the Governing Law for Local Tax Offices, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2004 of March 5, said warning being in relationship with article 79 of Law 58/2003, dated December 12, General Taxation Law, on the fact that the property referred to herein is subject to the payment of all pending tax amounts, if applicable, for the aforementioned tax.
TWO.- CONDITION PRECEDENT.- This sale is subject to the condition precedent which consists in the securing, by the buying party from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of the purchasing permit for the property described in the recitals within ten months to be counted from today, with documental proof to this end being provided by the buying party to the selling party.
I, the Notary, have issued to those appearing before me the legal and fiscal reserves and warnings, namely those related with the timeframe for paying the corresponding tax, the obligatory nature of the payment of said tax for the goods in question, responsibilities in the event that said payment is not made or if presentation for assessment does not transpire. Likewise, I, the Notary, have especially given warning, for the purposes of the Public Fees and Prices Law, of the tax obligations that are of application to the parties in their material, formal and sanctioning aspects, as well as giving caution on the obligations related with the estate registry, as well as the consequences which may arise from the possible inexactness of statements made. Having read this public deed in accordance with the stipulations of article 193 of Notarial Regulations, and having received the aforementioned reserves and warnings, those appearing before me hereby accept it and sign it.
Spanish to English: Software License General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - Spanish La información contenida en este documento está sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso y no representa un compromiso por parte de XYZ Software, Inc. El software descrito en este documento es otorgado conforme a un contrato de licencia o de no divulgación de información y puede usarse o copiarse solamente de acuerdo con las condiciones de este contrato. La ley prohíbe la copia del software, salvo que se autorice específicamente en el acuerdo contractual o contrato de no divulgación de información; o sin el consentimiento expreso y por escrito de XYZ Software, Inc. Queda prohibida la reproducción o el uso desautorizado del software del sistema de administración de información XYZ o de su documentación correspondiente. Todos los datos, nombres y formatos empleados en los ejemplos citados en este documento son ficticios, salvo alguna indicación que indique lo contrario. Si considera que este documento contiene discrepancias, sírvase contactar a XYZ Software, Inc.
Translation - English The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is in no way binding for XYZ Software, Inc. The software described in this document is distributed in accordance with a license or nondisclosure agreement and can be used or copied solely as described in the conditions of said agreement. Copying the software without the express, written consent of XYZ Software, Inc. is prohibited by law - except when authorization to do so is specifically granted by the license or nondisclosure agreement. Unauthorized use or reproduction of XYZ Data Managing System software - or its corresponding documentation - is strictly prohibited. Unless otherwise stated, all data, names, and formats used as examples in this document are fictitious. If you feel that this document has any discrepancies, please contact XYZ Software, Inc.
Spanish to English: Fashion Marketing General field: Marketing Detailed field: Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Source text - Spanish Belleza y carácter en estado puro…
La hermosura, la nobleza, la elegancia y el marcado carácter que transmite el caballo, ha servido como fuente de inspiración al equipo de diseño de XXXXX para crear esta exclusiva colección donde escultura y joyería se funden en un mismo concepto.
Con objeto de plasmar toda su belleza y su poder, los animales son recreados en su estado más salvaje y auténtico, galopando en libertad con las crines al viento. El resultado son joyas llenas de vida y realismo.
El nombre de la colección encierra un doble significado, pues de alguna manera representa también la filosofía de un equipo que desde hace años demuestra su espíritu innovador y su marcado carácter atreviéndose a realizar diseños únicos y especiales capaces de aportar un concepto propio y diferente en el universo de la joyería.
La colección se compone de collar, brazalete, sortija y pendientes todos ellos bajo el denominador común del sentido artístico y el cuidado artesanal con el que han sido elaboradas todas las piezas, como puede apreciarse en las caras de los caballos, en las que se observan se observan detalles como la tensión en las mandíbulas, la intensidad en la mirada o el movimiento de sus largas cabelleras.
El rodio negro se convierte en protagonista de excepción aportando un contraste de color único entre las dos figuras equinas.
Conjunto disponible en versión oro blanco y oro amarillo de 18kt. con diamantes blancos y diamantes negros.
Piezas intemporales únicas e imprescindibles especialmente diseñadas para los amantes del lujo, el arte y la alta joyería.
Translation - English Beauty and prestige in their purest of states…
The beauty, nobility, elegance and resilient character transmitted by the horse have been a source of inspiration for the design team at XXXXX in the creation of this exclusive collection in which fine sculpting and precious jewellery-making fuse seamlessly into one.
To capture these animals’ beauty and power, they are recreated in their most savage and authentic state: galloping freely, their manes kissed by the wind. The result is jewellery that is both full of life and realism.
The name of the collection holds a double meaning. In a way, "XXXXX" also represents the philosophy of a team which has been proving its innovative spirit and noteworthy character for years, daring to create unique and special designs which are able to convey an exclusive, unparalleled notion in the jewellery world.
The collection is made up of a necklace, bracelet, ring and matching earrings – all coming together under the common denominator of artistic style and carefully handcrafted pieces, as can be seen in the faces of the horses, which display intricate details such as the tension of their jaws, the intensity of their glance or the sway of their long manes.
Black rhodium is an exceptional player in this collection, giving it a unique contrast of colours between the two horse figures.
The set is available in 18kt white and yellow gold with white and black diamonds.
Unique, timeless, essential pieces which have been specially designed for those who love luxury, art and fine jewellery.
Spanish to English: Website Localization -- Burgos Human Evolution Museum General field: Marketing Detailed field: Archaeology
Source text - Spanish El Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre Evolución Humana (CENIEH), inaugurado en julio de 2009, se encuentra a la izquierda del Museo de la Evolución Humana y es la culminación de un proyecto muy deseado por el Equipo Investigador de Atapuerca. Este centro, vinculado al Sistema Atapuerca, constituye una referencia a nivel internacional por los equipamientos tecnológicos que alberga y la investigación científica puntera que en él se genera.
Laboratorios, salas polivalentes, espacios diáfanos y zonas de trabajo han sido equipados para facilitar la investigación multidisciplinar sobre evolución humana desde diferentes disciplinas como la biocronología, paleoecología, tecnología o la geología, entre otras. Además, impulsa y lidera proyectos de investigación en yacimientos arqueológicos, tanto españoles como de otros países de África y Eurasia.
Está dotado también con laboratorios y almacenes para la conservación, restauración, gestión y registro de las colecciones paleontológicas y arqueológicas procedentes de las excavaciones de Atapuerca y otros yacimientos arqueológicos y paleontológicos del Plioceno y Pleistoceno. Está dirigido por José María Bermúdez de Castro, miembro del Equipo Investigador de Atapuerca, y cuenta con un equipo de investigadores y técnicos de laboratorio especialistas en sus respectivas disciplinas.
Translation - English The Spanish National Research Center for Human Evolution (CENIEH) was officially inaugurated in July of 2009 and is situated to the left of the Human Evolution Museum. It is the culmination of project that was much desired by the Atapuerca Research Team. This center, which forms part of Atapuerca System, is world-renowned because of the technological equipment that it houses and the cutting-edge scientific investigation carried out within its walls.
Laboratories, multipurpose rooms, large, open spaces, and work zones have all been designed to facilitate multidisciplinary research within the field of human evolution from different perspectives: the biochronological, paleoecological, geological, and technological, among others. In addition, this center drives and leads research projects at archaeological sites both within Spain and outside in countries located in Africa and Eurasia.
The CENIEH also houses laboratories and storage facilities for the conservation, restoration, management, and registry of paleontological and archaeological collections which come from excavation at Atapuerca and other archaeological and paleontological sites of the Pliocene and Pleistocene periods. The center is directed by Mr. José María Bermúdez de Castro, a member of the Atapuerca Research team, and has a full staff of researchers and specialized laboratory technicians at its disposal.
Spanish to English: Novel Translation General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Spanish Berenice debió bajar del autobús en Nueva Alejandría, no tuvo dinero para pagar un pasaje que la llevara más lejos. Al detenerse en esa pequeña población, escondida entre montañas cubiertas de pinos, el conductor la despidió con una sonrisa antes de cerrar la puerta a sus espaldas, como si hubiera adivinado que iba huyendo de casa y le deseara la mejor de las suertes.
El aire se sentía fresco a pesar de que había pasado el mediodía. El cielo azul intenso se salpicaba de nubes, blancas como bolas de algodón que hubieran ascendido flotando mágicamente hasta las alturas. Mientras fijaba la mirada en el autobús, que se alejaba remontando ruidosamente la cuesta para salir del pueblo, intuyó que la noche sería fría. Eso no convenía a sus planes. Apenas llevaba lo suficiente para pagarse un par de comidas, después no le quedaría un solo centavo. En el trayecto se le había ocurrido que podría dormir en el parque de no encontrar algo mejor, pero si la noche resultaba gélida como lo suponía, necesitaría resguardarse en algún sitio bajo techo.
“En fin, lo primero es comer algo”, se dijo.
Sin dudarlo entró en la cafetería que también servía de estación de autobuses, un establecimiento pequeño, como todo en ese sitio aislado, tan distinto de la gran ciudad de la que había salido apenas esa mañana.
Translation - English Bernice had to get off the bus at New Alexandria - she couldn't pay for a ticket that would get her any further. When the driver stopped the bus in this tiny little village, hidden in the mountains covered in pine trees, he said goodbye to her with a smile just before closing the door abruptly as if he had guessed that she was running away from home and wished her the best of luck.
The mountain air was fresh, despite the fact that it was well after noon. The intense, blue sky was dotted with clouds as white as cotton balls that had magically floated to the heavens. While she watched the bus pull away, noisily ascending the hill to leave the village, she sensed that this night would be a cold one. That wasn't such good news for her. She hardly had enough money to pay for a few scraps of food, once she ate she wouldn't have anything left.
During her trip she thought that perhaps she could sleep in the park if she didn't find anything else better, but if the night ended up being too cold - as she suspected would be the case - she would need to find shelter somewhere with a roof.
"Before worrying about that I guess I'd better eat something," she said to herself.
Without giving it another thought, she went inside a small café that also happened to be the bus station. Like everything in this remote place, it was tiny and very different from the big city that she had left behind just a few hours earlier that very morning.
Translation education
Master's degree - Universidad de Burgos
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Dec 2012. Became a member: Dec 2012.
Spanish to English (DELE - C2 - Instituto Cervantes) Spanish to English (Universidad de Valladolid (Uva) - Diploma de Estudios Hispánicos) Spanish to English (Universidad de Burgos (UBu) – Máster de Profesorado – Idiomas Extranjeros)
Adobe Acrobat, Frontpage, Idiom, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
I was born and raised in Pennsylvania, where I lived until 24 years of age. I later moved to Burgos, Spain to work as a teacher in a bilingual school and freelance translator. After several years of working in Burgos, I decided to open my own business there (Ameringlés Language Services) and have been teaching and translating as a freelancer based in Spain ever since.
I am totally bilingual in English and Spanish and have lived full-time in Spain for more than eleven years now. Some of my most recent translation clients have been the CODESPA Foundation of Madrid, the Burgos Human Evolution Museum, the Spanish Red Cross, the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, and many private companies.
I possess an undergraduate degree in Spanish/English Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and a Master in Pedagogy and Linguistics from the University of Burgos. I also have been awarded a level C2 (Superior) Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language from the Cervantes Institute in Madrid. The fact that I did university-level work with honors in both the USA and Spain proves my bilingual abilities.
I have years of experience as a translator, teacher, and linguist and strive for the complete satisfaction of my clients. I hope to be able to serve you in the future.