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Spanish to English: Section on the Promise of the Holy Spirit (from a translation of book on Evangelization) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Religion
Source text - Spanish Es tan abundante y generosa esta efusión de Espíritu Santo que Jesús da, que en muchos lugares del mundo se le conoce con el nombre de "Bautismo en el Espíritu Santo". Ciertamente este Bautismo en el Espíritu Santo no es ningún nuevo sacramento. Simplemente es una nueva efusión del Espíritu Santo que renueva en ti el Don que recibiste en el Bautismo, la Confirmación y la Eucaristía. Lo importante es que se trata de una experiencia del poder de Dios que cambia tu vida. Es Jesús, siempre lleno de Espíritu Santo, que continuamente lo está derramando sobre quienes se lo piden. Sólo tienes que pedírselo a Jesús, el cual está deseoso de dártelo. Jesús nos lo prometió, y nosotros le vamos a pedir que cumpla su promesa porque tenemos especial necesidad de su Santo Espíritu. Jesús quiere dar una nueva "efusión de su Espíritu Santo" para transformar tu vida. El ya ganó con los méritos de su muerte y resurrección este Don que te quiere regalar. Ciertamente no te obliga a que lo recibas. Solo si tú quieres y se lo pides. Tu no mereces el Espíritu Santo, pero Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, lo mereció por ti y para ti. Sólo te pregunta: ¿lo quieres? ¿Tienes sed de Agua Viva? Jesucristo es el mismo ayer, hoy y siempre. Y lo que hizo en Pentecostés hace dos mil años lo pude hacer ahora otra vez. Lo que hizo en el Cenáculo lo puede hacer aquí. Lo que hizo en Pedro y los demás discípulos lo puede hacer en ti, si se lo reconoces que lo necesitas... si tienes sed del Agua Viva. Así como una vela encendida puede encender miles y millones de velas, y su luz no por eso disminuye ni se acaba, así es Jesús dando su Espíritu Santo: nunca se le acaba. ¿Cuánto nos cuesta el Don del Espíritu Santo? Nada. ¡Es completamente gratis! El que tenga sed que se acerque, y el que quiera, que reciba gratuitamente el Agua de Vida: Ap. 22,17b.
Translation - English This outpouring of the Holy Spirit that Jesus gives is so abundant and generous, that in many places in the world it is known as “Baptism in the Holy Spirit”. Certainly, this Baptism in the Holy Spirit is not a new sacrament. It is simply a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit which renews in you the Gift that you received in Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. What is important is that it is about an experience of power from God which changes your life. It is Jesus, always filled with the Holy Spirit, who is continuously pouring it out upon those who ask for it. You just have to ask Jesus, who wants to give it to you. It was promised to us by Jesus, and we are going to ask Him to accomplish His promise because we have a special need for His Holy Spirit. Jesus wants to give a new “outpouring of His Holy Spirit” to transform your life. He already earned through the merits of His death and resurrection, this gift that He wants to give you. He is certainly not forcing you to receive it. Only if you want and ask for it. You do not deserve the Holy Spirit, but Jesus, the Son of God, merited it on your account and for you. He is only asking you:
“Do you want it?” “Are you thirsty for the Living Water?” Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. And what He did at Pentecost two thousand years ago he can do again now. What He did in the Cenacle (Last Supper) he can do here. What He did in Peter and the other disciples He can do in you......if you ask Him to do it......if you acknowledge that you need it.....if you are thirsty for the Living Water. Just as a lit candle can illuminate thousand and millions of candles, and its light is not reduced or put out in so doing, so is Jesus giving His Holy Spirit: it can never be finished. How much does the Gift of the Holy Spirit cost us? Nothing! It is completely free! “Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of Life-Giving water.” Revelation 22:17b.
Spanish to English: Section of translation of book on Mining General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Mining & Minerals / Gems
Source text - Spanish Lo de la afición por la minería, definitivamente, no se lo había heredado él a su padre. Su padre no había hecho más que despotricar toda la vida de la minería. Y eso que su familia había tenido minas por xxxx, y que él mismo le contaba cómo, de niño, lo llevaban al río y lo sentaban bajo un toldo de hojas de palma mientras las negras zambullidoras, casi con las tetas al aire, se sumergían en la corriente con una batea y luego salían a la orilla y comenzaban a mover la batea para desechar la arena y dejar solo la jagua, entre la que podía haber pepitas de oro...
—¿La minería? ¡Qué salvación económica ni qué ocho cuentos! —exclamaba, categórico—. Era cierto, era cierto... —concedía a regañadientes—, que alguien dedicado a la mine ría podía hacerse inmensamente rico de la noche a la mañana, como XXXX XXXX, que había encontrado un placer en la mina de xxxx. Pero XXXX era la excepción —se apresuraba a añadir—, y lo más común era que al minero se le fuera la vida en escarbar la tierra con una cuadrilla de peones en alguna zona inhóspita, donde tarde o temprano contraía alguna enfermedad espantosa, y donde ni siquiera encontraba un médico que lo curara, sin llegar a descubrir nunca un filón que valiera la pena.
Translation - English The interest in mining, he certainly had not inherited from his father. His father had done nothing but rant and rave his entire life about mining. Despite the fact that his family had had mines around xxxxx, and that, as a child, he himself had been told how they would take him to the river and sit him down under a canopy of palm leaves while black women divers, almost exposing their boobs, submerged themselves in the stream with a washing pan, and then wading back to shore, the divers would move the pan around to discard the sand, leaving only the black sands [jagua], in which there could be gold nuggets...
—Mining? What financial salvation – in your dreams! —He exclaimed, categorically—. It was true, it was true... —He admitted through gritted teeth—, that someone dedicated to mining could become immensely rich overnight, as had xxxx xxxx, who had found such pleasure in the xxxx mine. But xxxx was the exception —he hastened to add, —and it was common for the miner to waste his life digging the earth with a gang of laborers in some inhospitable area, where he eventually contracted some dreadful disease, and where he could not even find a doctor to cure him, without ever discovering a vein that was worthwhile.
Spanish to English: Section of a translation of a Bartenders' Manual General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Toda vez que se tenga información de alguna persona (Huésped o Empleado) se deberá de notificar de manera inmediata al departamento de Prevención (Extensión xxxx). El Agente de Prevención asignado solicitará a los Guardavidas y al Supervisor de Prevención que acudan al lugar del incidente para proporcionar los primeros auxilios. De acuerdo a la verificación de la información del suceso el Guardavidas o Supervisor de Prevención determinará la gravedad del incidente clasificando el suceso de la siguiente manera: Muy Grave: Notificar de manera inmediata (Subdirección, Guest Services, Recursos Humanos). Solicitar autorización para pedir apoyo externo (Médico y ambulancia);Grave: Solicitar la intervención del médico del hotel (xxxx) o al médico de anfitriones (xxxx), el cual valorará al accidentado y recomendará si es necesario el traslado al hospital; Leve: El Guardavidas o Supervisor de Prevención se encargara de brindar los primeros auxilios garantizando la seguridad y bienestar del accidentado. Se elaborará un reporte detallado de lo ocurrido y se llenarán los formatos de accidente correspondientes según sea el caso.
No correr al desplazarse por las escaleras, pasillos o entre los puestos de trabajo; Trabajar con niveles de iluminación adecuados; Mantener libres de obstáculos las salidas y zonas de paso; Recoger inmediatamente los derrames de líquidos en el suelo para evitar posibles resbalones o caídas; Mantener cerrados los cajones y puertas mientras no se utilicen; Ajustar a las características físicas los elementos regulables del puesto de trabajo (sillas, monitor, teclado, etc);Evitar que los cables eléctricos o de ordenadores estén en áreas de paso.
Whenever you have information on any person (Guest or Employee) you must immediately notify the Safety Department (Extension xxxx); The assigned Safety Officer will request the Lifeguards and the Safety Supervisor to go to the scene of the incident to provide first aid; Based on the verification of the event information, the Lifeguard or Safety Supervisor will determine the severity of the incident, classifying the event as follows: Very Serious: Immediately notify (the office of the Assistant Manager, Guest Services, Human Resources). Request authorization to seek external support (Doctor and ambulance); Serious: Request intervention of the hotel doctor (xxxx) or the host doctor (xxxx), who will assess the injured person and recommend transfer to the hospital if necessary; Mild: The Lifeguard or Safety Supervisor will be responsible for providing first aid, guaranteeing the safety and well-being of the injured person. A detailed report on occurrences will be prepared and the corresponding accident forms filled out as appropriate.
Do not run when moving about the stairs, hallways or between jobs; Work with adequate lighting levels; Keep the exits and transit areas free of obstacles; Immediately collect liquid spills on the floor to avoid possible slips or falls; Keep drawers and doors closed while not in use; Fit the adjustable components of the workstation (chairs, monitor, keyboard, etc.) to the physical characteristics; Avoid having electrical or computer cables in the transit areas.
Translation education
Other - Certificate in Translating (Translators" & Interpreters' Course)
Years of experience: 37. Registered at Sep 2015.
I am a Freelance Spanish>English Translator & Interpreter with a love for the Spanish language, motivated by a desire to promote language excellence with precision, commitment and integrity. I am fluent in written and spoken Spanish, as well as in my native language English. I have been a Spanish>English Translator for 34 years, with a Certificate in Translating from Language Today Limited in Jamaica, since 1987. I have also been a Freelance Interpreter (Spanish-English/English-Spanish) for 15 years. An active member of the Translators & Interpreters Association of Jamaica (TIA Jamaica),
I am also an author/publisher of three Spanish books, namely "Practice Questions & Answers for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Spanish Oral Examinations",
"Responses in Spanish to Practical Situations", and "Conversational Spanish For All Occasions". My Conversational Spanish book is user-friendly, very substantial & comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics. It is ideal for persons doing conversational Spanish and also for native Spanish speakers learning English. A private tutor in Spanish (beginner to advanced levels) for numerous years, I have conducted workshops to prepare secondary level students for Caribbean Examinations Council CSEC Exams. I also completed an online teacher training for Spanish as a second language organized by the Cervantes Institute & the Embassy of Spain in Jamaica.
My qualifications include a BSc. Degree in Economics (Honours), UWI, Mona, Kingston; Diplomas in Energy Planning (UNAM, Mexico),Diploma in International Petroleum Economics (Government of Newfoundland/Pedro Van Meurs); Certificates in Strategic Management, Strategic Marketing Management, as well as Organizational Behaviour & Managing Human Resources (Advanced Management Programme - University of California, Berkeley/Jamaican Institute of Management).
Having participated in training seminars, courses, technical meetings, general assemblies, congresses, workshops and trade fairs, throughout Latin America over the years, using Spanish as the official language, this greatly enhanced my fluency in Spanish and appreciation of Latin American culture. Exposure to extensive subject areas at the technical/professional level has been invaluable in facilitating my translating and interpreting skills.
I also gained substantial language development through immersion in Spanish during overseas work attachments in Venezuela with Lagoven (Domestic Petroleum Marketing Division - Caracas, and Petroleum Refinery Accounts & Coordination - Lagoven Refinery in Amuay). My proficiency in Spanish has also been developed through close ties with several Spanish Speaking Embassies in Jamaica for which I have completed an extensive amount of translations in various fields.
I have worked with a number of international companies and organizations in Jamaica such as the USAID (as Project Management Assistant, Caribbean Regional Programme), The Eagle Merchant Bank of Jamaica (as Manager Corporate Planning), The Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica, and the Bank of Jamaica (as Research Officer & Supervisor, Monetary & Foreign Exchange Policy Division). My Spanish language skills were developed during overseas training and business travels throughout Latin America having worked for just over 10 years with the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) in several capacities such as Statistician, Senior Economist, Head Energy Information Unit, Manager MIS, & Manager Energy Economics, using Spanish as the official language, as the PCJ's coordinator to the 18-member Latin American Association of State Oil Companies (ARPEL).
TRANSLATING FIELDS (SPANISH to ENGLISH): I have translated numerous documents in various fields:
RELIGION (marriage documents, spiritual growth & transformation, faith & conversion, proclamation of the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the promise of Jesus, outpouring of the Holy Spirit, community, the body of Christ, etc.); Translated for the National Catholic Charismatic Renewal Centre Jamaica, an entire book entitled "Id y Evangelizad a los Bautizados" (Go & Evangelize to the Baptized) by Jose H Prado Flores (32,000+ words).
LITERARY (mining of minerals, prospecting for oil, journeying through desert wastelands & exploring jungles); These were chapters of a book for publication by a Colombian Author.
TOURISM (hotel bar management & customer service, etc.); and
GENERAL (certificates, police records, minutes of steering committees and investment committee meetings, etc.). Clients include foreign embassies in Jamaica, public and private sector companies, individuals, as well as overseas companies.
Combating illegal trafficking in drugs & drug abuse;
Technical training for national security, correctional services & juvenile justice;