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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
Data security
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Translation Volume: 300 days Duration: May 2016 to Dec 2017 Languages: Indonesian to English
Legal documents, various projects
I worked with Lia Suntoso, an immigration lawyer who practices in New York, USA. I helped with document translation to meet client legal requirements (personal certificates, company actions, contracts, agreements, court decisions, etc.)
Law (general), Law: Contract(s)
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English to Indonesian: Facebook Ads Promo General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - English Their Goal
The road to reach
Renault needed to reach the right people with the right messages and also generate new leads from a free insurance offer on its Clio model.
When we started to scale the activity out and increase the budget—typically where you’d see costs inflate and efficiencies reduce—we did not see that happen on Facebook. We’re still getting efficient results at a very large scale.
Translation - Indonesian Tujuan Mereka
Jalan menuju Impian
Renault harus menjangkau pelanggan yang tepat dengan pesan yang tepat sekaligus mendatangkan prospek baru dengan menawarkan asuransi gratis untuk setiap pembelian model Clio.
Ketika kami mulai merancang strategi ini dan menaikkan anggaran - biasanya biaya meningkat dan efisiensi menurun - kami sama sekali tidak melihatnya di Facebook. Kami tetap mendapatkan hasil yang efisien, bahkan untuk iklan skala besar sekali pun.
Indonesian to English: Sebuah Karya Pengantar lmpian General field: Other Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - Indonesian Sebuah Karya Pengantar lmpian
Oleh Rindy Agassi 17 Mei 2016
Era robot telah tiba, jumlah robot meningkat drastis dari hari ke hari yang pada akhirnya hal yang dikhawatirkan pun terjadi. Manusia tak lagi bisa membendung kemampuan robot yang terus berkembang dengan cepat, kekuatan dan kemampuan robot menjadi di luar kendali. Di antara para robot jahat muncul sebuah robot baik, yang memiliki misi untuk menyelamatkan penciptanya sendiri yaitu seorang manusia bernama Axia. Apakah sang robot mampu menyelamatkan-nya dimana dia harus melawan jenisnya sendiri yaitu sesama robot?
Ya, itulah sedikit cuplikan dari proyek ambisius yang pada saat itu dibuat oleh para anak muda semester akhir di Savannah College of Art and Design Film, Amerika Serikat pada 2015 lalu. Film pendek berdurasi 4,5 menit ini menyajikan animasi maupun visual effect yang tidak bisa diremehkan, kerja sama delapan orang anak muda ini memberikan sebuah karya ambisius dengan hasil yang tidak mengecewakan. Bahkan hasil karya mereka bisa disamakan dengan hasil karya professional di bidang animasi dan visual effect.
Film berjudul NOA yang dibuat selama 6 bulan ini digarap secara serius oleh sekelompok anak muda ini. Film pendek ini pun diikutkan ke beberapa Festival Film di Amerika dan kejuaran penata suara terbaik. Salah satu yang terlibat dalam proyek ambisius ini adalah Kevin Herjono atau yang biasa dipanggil Jono, pemuda yang merupakan satu satunya orang Indonesia ini mendapat role sebagai Lead Lighting TD di Project ini. Tentu bukanlah hal yang mudah menggarap proyek ini apalagi sekelompok anak muda ini belum berpengalaman di industri ini.
Translation - English College Works Send Creators to Hollywood
By Rindy Agassi
The robotic era has arrived. The number of robots produced is increasing drastically day by day. And the chaos already predicted in the past can't be denied any longer. The robots had grown stronger, faster and more intelligent. Mankind can no longer control and have power upon the intelligent machines. However, among the evil robots, there is one good robot, who has a mission to save its creator, a human named Axia. Can the robot save its creator, where he must fight against its own?
Yeah, that is a short clip from an ambitious project made by the final semester students at Savannah College of Art and Design, US, in 2015. In 4.5 minutes, the film, which was created by 8 college students, shows a high-level animation and visual effects, that made this film is quite enjoyable to watch. Their work can even be put on the same stage with other professional works.
The movie titled NOA, created in 6 months, was taken very seriously by these young students. They enrolled this short film into several Film Festivals in the US and got the best sound engineer award. One of the students involved in this ambitious project was Kevin Herjono, or Jono, the only Indonesian student in the group who had the role of Lead Lightning TD in this project. This project can be called a success story, considering that all its creators had very little experience in the industry.
Indonesian to English: THE REGULATION OF THE NATIONAL DRUG AND FOOD CONTROL AGENCY NUMBER 26 OF 2019 General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Cosmetics, Beauty
Source text - Indonesian BAB I KETENTUAN UMUM
Pasal 1
Dalam Peraturan Badan ini yang dimaksud dengan:
1. Kosmetika adalah bahan atau sediaan yang dimaksudkan untuk digunakan pada bagian luar tubuh manusia seperti epidermis, rambut, kuku, bibir dan organ genital bagian luar, atau gigi dan membran mukosa mulut terutama untuk membersihkan, mewangikan, mengubah penampilan dan/atau memperbaiki bau badan atau melindungi atau memelihara tubuh pada kondisi baik.
2. Pemilik Nomor Notifikasi adalah industri Kosmetika, importir Kosmetika, dan usaha perorangan/badan usaha yang melakukan kontrak produksi yang telah menerima pemberitahuan Kosmetika telah dinotifikasi.
3. Monitoring Efek Samping Kosmetika adalah kegiatan yang meliputi pemantauan, pencatatan, pengumpulan data, pelaporan, evaluasi, dan tindak lanjut efek tidak diinginkan yang timbul karena penggunaan Kosmetika.
4. Efek Tidak Diinginkan Serius adalah efek yang tidak diinginkan setelah penggunaan normal Kosmetika yang menyebabkan kematian, mengancam jiwa, membutuhkan
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rawat inap, atau menyebabkan cacat permanen, tanpa harus diketahui hubungan sebab akibat terlebih dahulu.
5. Efek Tidak Diinginkan Non-Serius adalah efek yang tidak diinginkan setelah penggunaan normal Kosmetika yang tidak menyebabkan kematian, tidak mengancam jiwa, tidak membutuhkan rawat inap, atau tidak menyebabkan cacat permanen, tanpa harus diketahui hubungan sebab akibat terlebih dahulu.
6. Hari adalah hari kalender.
7. Kepala Badan adalah Kepala Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan.
Pasal 2
Pemilik Nomor Notifikasi yang mengedarkan Kosmetika di wilayah Indonesia wajib menjamin Kosmetika yang diedarkan telah memenuhi persyaratan keamanan, kemanfaatan, mutu, penandaan, dan klaim.
Pasal 3
Pemilik Nomor Notifikasi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 wajib melakukan Monitoring Efek Samping Kosmetika untuk menjamin keamanan Kosmetika di peredaran.
Pasal 4
Pemilik Nomor Notifikasi yang mengedarkan Kosmetika di wilayah Indonesia wajib melaporkan hasil Monitoring Efek Samping Kosmetika.
Pasal 5
(1) Monitoring Efek Samping Kosmetika sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3 dilakukan terhadap kasus efek yang tidak diinginkan.
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(2) Efek yang tidak diinginkan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), berupa:
a. Efek Tidak Diinginkan Serius;dan/atau
b. Efek Tidak Diinginkan Non-Serius.
(3) Efek yang tidak dinginkan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) wajib dilaporkan melalui mekanisme Monitoring Efek Samping Kosmetika.
(4) Hasil Monitoring Efek Samping Kosmetika sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) wajib dilaporkan kepada Kepala Badan melalui Direktur Pengawasan Kosmetik.
(5) Efek yang tidak diinginkan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) terjadi di luar wilayah Indonesia wajib dilaporkan apabila Kosmetika diedarkan di dalam wilayah Indonesia.
Translation - English CHAPTER 1
Article 1
In this Agency Regulation, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
1. Cosmetics mean material or compound designed to be used on the external parts of human body, such as epidermis, hair, nails, lips and external genital organs, or teeth and oral mucous membrane, in particular to clean, give fragrance, modify appearance and/or eliminate body odor or protect or to maintain body health.
2. Notification Number Owner means Cosmetic manufactures, Cosmetic importers, and corporates/individuals bound in production contract who have been notified that their Cosmetics have been notified.
3. Monitoring the Side Effects of Cosmetics means the activities that includes monitoring, recording, data collecting, reporting, evaluating, and following up the undesirable effects arisen due to the use of Cosmetics.
4. Serious Undesirable Effects mean the undesirable effects that arose after normal use of Cosmetics which cause death, life threatening experience, conditions that need overnight hospitalization, or permanent defects, without prior knowledge of the causality.
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5. Non-Serious Undesirable Effects mean the undesirable effects that arose after normal use of Cosmetics which do not cause death, life threatening experience, conditions that do not need to be hospitalized, or permanent defects, without prior knowledge of the causality.
6. Days means the days of calendar.
7. Head of Agency means the Head of National Drug and Food Control Agency.
Article 2
Notification Number Owner who distributes Cosmetics in Indonesian territory is obliged to guarantee that the distributed Cosmetics have met the safety, benefits, quality, markers, and claim requirements.
Article 3
Notification Number Owner as mentioned in Article 2 is obliged to do Monitoring the Side Effects of Cosmetics to guarantee the safety of the distributed Cosmetics.
Article 4
Notification Number Owner who distributes Cosmetics within Indonesian territory is obliged to report the result of their Monitoring of the Side Effects of Cosmetics activities.
Article 5
(1) Monitoring the Side Effects of Cosmetics as mentioned in Article 3 would be applied on the undesirable side effect cases.
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(2) The undesirable effects as mentioned in section (1) consist of:
a. Serious Undesirable Effects; and/or
b. Non-Serious Undesirable Effects.
(3) The undesirable effects as mentioned in section (2) must be reported through the mechanism for Monitoring the Side Effects of Cosmetics.
(4) The results of Monitoring the Side Effects of Cosmetics as mentioned in section (1) must be reported to the Head of Agency through Cosmetic Control Director.
(5) The undesirable effects as mentioned in section (1) that occur outside Indonesian territory must be reported if the Cosmetics are distributed within Indonesian territory.
Translation education
Other - FIB Universitas Indonesia
Years of experience: 10. Registered at Nov 2015.
Indonesian to English (HPI Certified Legal Translator) English to Indonesian (HPI Certified Translator) English to Indonesian (Certified Legal Translator)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Aegisub, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Corel Draw, SDL Trados 2019, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
I am an HPI* Certified Translator for legal documents and general text for English - Indonesian language pair.
Since I started almost 3 years ago, I have collaborated with agencies from US, South Korea, China and Indonesia. And I almost always got repeat orders, some of them are big brands or government. Some of them are still using my services until now.
I have worked mostly for Indonesian to English translation, for broker companies, law firm overseas and retail companies.
I have attended numerous workshop and courses, including academic text translation, legal text translation, taxation course etc, that you can see that my translation ability has been tested.
Recently I also got an opportunity to translate a part of a biography of a cancer survivor from Indonesian to English.
At the end, I want to say that I really love translating. I really enjoy the process of finding the right words or sentences to make the translation more lively and match my clients' purposes.
It is my motto that I connect You, engage your readers with my translation.