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What translation project are you working on right now?
Tackling FR>EN hospitalization reports and a discharge summary for next week :)
Finished an EC letter and now onto two discharge summaries and a lab test for tomorrow and Friday!
Translating a discharge summary for lunchtime tomorrow
Just finished two projects; one a FR CA>EN discharge summary form and the second a large product packaging report!
Finished a large discharge summary and lab test results yesterday, now onto a smaller but similar file for today!
Translating a discharge summary for tomorrow
Translating a discharge summary! 1 user
Tranlsating an ICF for tomorrow.
Working on a large pharmaceutical report
Translating lab work-up results and editing an EC letter and an IT>EN PIL
Translating a CTA form, emails, FR>EN discharge summary and spot-checking a SP>EN brochure
Busy weekend ahead! Two discharge summaries and an IT>EN PIL
About to start a health agreement, due tomorrow afternoon!
Just finished a FR>EN surgery report, registration certificate and an IT>EN CTA cover letter and agreement
Translating an ultrasound report
Just finished two large projects - a FR>EN SmPC and a IT>EN Device report
Translating EC submission cover letters for Wednesday!
Discharge summaries and ultrasound reports and a FR>EN company report
Just finished a medical device brochure and a CTA form (IT>EN), and 3 journals and a police record (FR>EN) - a very busy weekend!
Starting a large physiology manual
Translating a CTA form before starting a cover letter for tomorrow
Editing 3 CTA forms and their appendices and translating a FR>EN discharge summary
Translating several discharge summaries, which include lab reports
Onto a new discharge summary, due this evening!
Translating a cover letter, surgical report and admission/discharge summaries
Translating a patient's documents (x-ray and CT scan reports, lab tests, admission and discharge summaries) for tomorrow and editing tracked changes project. Lunchtime!
Proofreading an IT CTA form and translating a SP pharma company invoice for lunchtime
Just finished 2 X-ray reports and about to start on a contruction-related job posting.
Now onto a SAE and more lab tests for tomorrow
Translating a job listing and marketing brochures, as well as lab tests, all due later this afternoon!
Working on 3 discharge summaries for tomorrow
About to start a FR > EN discharge summary with lab work-up, then a set of medication labels and CT emails
Translated an IT>EN CTA form and proofreading a company registration document over the weekend
Starting two instruction manuals for a refill kit and a SP>EN kidney transplantation device
(edited) Completed some information leaflets for dermatology-related products. Now onto a journal for the same client!
Finishing an ES > EN discharge summary and then onto two CTA forms this afternoon!
Working on lab reports and an IT>EN vitamin supplement leaflet due Monday and Tuesday respectively
Translating a discharge report and doctor's letter
Finishing a small IT>EN dental report before translating ECG/Lab reports!
Translating an authorisation letter before starting some discharge summaries with lab reports over the weekend!
Finishing up a financial statement report before starting a medical device test translation
Translating a small consultation report
Proofreading a large commercial work contract before translating a CV
Translating a few small projects (ICF (IT>EN), safety reports and lab tests) due today and tomorrow morning
Just finishing a small EC letter!
Translating an operative report
Translating a letter and accompanying medical certificate
Translating a journal for tomorrow!
Proofreading a discharge summary and its lab reports, and translating a SP>EN clinical trial report
Translating an appendix for a CTA form