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    • English
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • back office
          • Definition(s)
            • the administrative staff of a company who do not have face-to-face contact with the company's customers.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • ANZ India is set to transfer 400 back office jobs from Australia and New Zealand to India in the next eight to 10 months. - The Telegraph of Calcuta
            • Financial institutions all around the world are saving millions by successful transformation of their back office operations. Major European banks are doing everything possible to make their back office operations faster, cheaper, more secure and more effective. - Jacob Fleming Conferences
            • Back offices of traditional money mangers are now being faced with the tracking, accounting, reporting, analytics and performance measurement of these complex assets. Without this back office capability, it becomes more difficult to maintain the existing business, and even more difficult to grow total assets under management. - Thomsom White Paper
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    • Italian
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • back office
          • Definition(s)
            • Il back office (letteralmente ufficio dietro) è quella parte di un'azienda (o di un'organizzazione) che comprende tutte le attività proprie dell'azienda, come il sistema di produzione o la gestione. Il back office comprende sia le attività di gestione dell'organizzazione (Affari Generali, Personale), sia quelle di gestione dei procedimenti amministrativi. Wikiledia - by Simona Corsellini
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Riferita alle grandi organizzazioni statunitensi ed europee, l'analisi ha preso in esame le attività tipicamente di back office di un'azienda – quindi oltre all'IT anche le funzioni amministrative e contabili, HR e servizi generali - ComputerWorld by Simona Corsellini
            • RIE è in grado di offrire alle aziende di servizio pubblico locali un’assistenza continua di back office, riferita ad attività di analisi, programmazione, informazione di natura economica nell’ambito delle filiere gas, elettricità, acqua, rispondendo in maniera puntuale alle necessità di volta in volta espresse dalle aziende. - Ricerche industriali ed energetiche by Simona Corsellini
            • Linea Amica, uno strumento per decongestionare il back office: l'esperienza dell'Agenzia delle Entrate - Forum PA by Simona Corsellini
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    • Dutch
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • backoffice
          • Definition(s)
            • De backoffice van de bibliotheek stelt zich ten doel: het onderzoek naar nut en noodzaak van de ontwikkeling van projecten, activiteiten en (nieuwe) diensten op de basiswerkgebieden van de organisatie: (bijvoorbeeld) cultuur, onderwijs en maatschappij. Werken in de bibliotheek - by Henk Hofman (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • De backoffice van de bibliotheek stelt zich ten doel: het onderzoek naar nut en noodzaak van de ontwikkeling van projecten, activiteiten en (nieuwe) diensten op de basiswerkgebieden van de organisatie: (bijvoorbeeld) cultuur, onderwijs en maatschappij. - Werken in de bibliotheek by Henk Hofman (X)
            • De backoffice onderhoudt geen contacten met de klant, maar ondersteunt de frontoffice bij de levering van diensten en/of producten. - ZBC Consultants BV by Henk Hofman (X)
            • Back Office: De bedrijfonderdelen en -systemen die de kernactiviteiten van het bedrijf ondersteunen, en die de klant niet te zien krijgt. Zie ook Frontoffice. - by Henk Hofman (X)
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    • French
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          • Term
            • (service de) post-marché
          • Definition(s)
            • Service d'un établissement financier qui s'occupe de l'enregistrement des transactions et de la réalisation des opérations de règlement et de livraison découlant de cese opérations, pourle compte de l'établissement ou de sa clientèle. (extrait de la définition donnée dans le Dictionnaire de la comptabilité et de la gestion financière, ed. 1994), publié par l'Institut Canadien des Comptables Agréés Cette traduction est également celle qui figure au lexique de la Banque du Canada. Own research - by C. Tougas
          • Example sentence(s)
            • ...est une firme de courtage américaine indépendante très populaire ici, qui fait du service de post-marché pour des firmes de courtage en ligne... - by C. Tougas
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    • Chinese
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          • Term
            • 后勤部门;事务部门
          • Definition(s)
            • 后勤部门是指在企业或其他生产型组织中需要设立的用来支持生产活动的部门,如会计,行政等部门。又称事务部门。 Own research - by Adsion Liu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Back injuries 腰背伤...back office 后勤部门...Back order 延迟订单 ... 长期从事搬运货物的人,需注意这方面的安全,以免造成职业伤害。...backoffice 后勤部门. ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 当后勤部门的成本不断增加,服务质量却差强人意时,公司的对策通常是降低服务部门的经费。 ... When back-office costs spiral and services fail to deliver, ... - by Adsion Liu
            • n詞酷裡Back office的解釋:後勤部門負責會計與交割程式的部門. ... 本例句出自against; As it was getting dark, we soon turned back. 天漸漸黑了,我們趕快回來了 ... - by Adsion Liu
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    • Finnish
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          • Term
            • yrityksen tukitoiminnot
          • Definition(s)
            • back office = yrityksen tukitoiminnot (kirjanpito, hallinto,tutkimus ym.), front office = yrityksen näkyvät palvelutoiminnot (asiakastiskit) ASIAHAKEMISTO (MOL) - by Arja Whiteside (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Henkilöstöhallinta on yrityksen tukitoimintoja, mutta sitä pystytään usein myös hallitsemaan pääosin perustoimintoihin käytetyillä ... - TIEKE by Arja Whiteside (X)
            • Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa täydennyskoulutuksena aloitettava Facility Management -koulutus on johtamisteoria yrityksen tukitoimintojen organisoinnista siten, että ydintoiminnot saadaan hoidettua mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. - Yritys ja koulutus by Arja Whiteside (X)
            • Palvelukeskuksiin yleisimmin keskitettäviä tehtäviä ovat erilaiset yrityksen tukitoiminnot kuten asiakaspalvelu, laskutus, IT-tukipalvelut tai muut erilaiset back office -toiminnot. - Barona by Arja Whiteside (X)
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    • Albanian
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • zyrë mbështetëse
          • Definition(s)
            • Zyra mbështetëse merret me veprimtaritë e një firme që janë të nevojshme për funksionimin e saj, por nuk kanë lidhje të drejtpërdrejtë me prodhimin. Alan V. Deardorff - by Juliana Cullafiq
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Per kete qellim, MSH ka hapur nje zyre mbeshtetese per Sekretariatin e Rrjetit te Shendetesise te Europes Juglindore, prane kesaj Ministrie, si hap i pare ne drejtim te transferimit te bashkepunimit ne rajon. - Ministria e Shëndetësisë by Juliana Cullafiq
            • Në këtë fazë, muret e vjetra që ndanin shërbimet e departamenteve të ndryshme janë rrënuar, duke integruar teknologjinë që të shkurtojnë dallimet më të mëdhaja të zyrës së shërbimeve (angl. front Office) dhe zyrës mbështetëse (angl. back Office). - Ylli Press by Juliana Cullafiq
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Croatian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Hindi, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish

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