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    • English
      • Tourism & Travel
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          • Term
            • ecotourism
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            • Ecologically sustainable tourism with a primary focus on experiencing natural areas that foster environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation and conservation. Quality tourism
          • Example sentence(s)
            • In many situations, however, ecotourism fails to deliver on its promise. Many researchers have studied ecotourism's failures as well as its successes. - Amazon interactive
            • Responsible tourism – or ecotourism – in hotspots and high-biodiversity wilderness areas can be both a sustainable economic alternative and a successful conservation strategy. - Conservation International
            • Ecotourism encompasses a spectrum of nature-based activities that foster visitor appreciation and understanding of natural and cultural heritage and are managed to be ecologically, economically and socially sustainable. - Tourism Queensland
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    • Turkish
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            • ekoturizm
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            • Yeryüzünün doğal kaynaklarının sürdürülebilirliğini güvence altına alan, bunun yanısıra yerel halkların ekonomik kalkınmasına destek olurken, sosyal ve kültürel bütünlüklerini koruyup gözeten bir yaklaşım ya da tavır. Ekoturizm Derneği - by Selcuk Akyuz
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Aladağlar Bölgesinin (Taşlıyayla Göletini de kapsayacak şekilde) "ekoturizm merkezi" ilan edilmesi ilde ekoturizmin gelişmesine önemli katkı sağlayacaktır. - Bolu Olay Gazetesi by Selcuk Akyuz
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    • Ukrainian
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            • екотуризм
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            • Екотуризм або екологічний туризм — тип туризму, що полягає у подорожах до природних недоторканих людиною та, часто, природоохоронних територій, намагаючись не здійснювати великого впливу на цю територію. Wikipedia - by Dmitrie Highduke
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Екотуризм – це форма подорожі, сприятлива для навколишнього середовища. - by Dmitrie Highduke
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    • French
      • Tourism & Travel
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            • écotourisme
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            • écotourisme n. m. Définition : Type de tourisme pratiqué dans des régions naturelles et peu perturbées par l'homme afin d'en admirer la biodiversité et les manifestations culturelles, d'apprendre à respecter l'environnement et de contribuer à la protection de la faune et de la flore. . synonyme(s) tourisme écologique n. m. . Note(s) : L'astronomie, l'interprétation de la nature et l'observation de la faune sont des activités qui appartiennent à la catégorie de l'écotourisme. En français, les mots composés avec l'élément éco- ne prennent pas de trait d'union, sauf dans les cas où la soudure met en présence deux lettres (les voyelles o et i ou o et u par exemple) qui risquent de causer des difficultés de lecture. Le grand dictionnaire terminologique - by Eve Lasserre
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    • Portuguese
      • Tourism & Travel
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            • ecoturismo
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            • Dicionário Houaiss: turismo que respeita e preserva o equilíbrio do meio, fomentando a educação ambiental; turismo ecológico. Wikipedia: O ecoturismo é uma forma de turismo voltada para a apreciação de ecossistemas em seu estado natural, com sua vida selvagem e sua população nativa intactos. Embora o trânsito de pessoas e veículos seja agressivo ao estado natural desses ecossistemas, os defensores de sua prática argumentam que, complementarmente, o ecoturismo contribui para a preservação dos mesmos e para o desenvolvimento sustentável das populações locais, melhorando a qualidade de vida das mesmas. Dicionário Houaiss, Wikipedia - by Henrique Serra
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Por estarem diretamente ligados ao meio ambiente, o ecoturismo e o turismo participativo devem deixar de observar as fronteiras políticas - estados e regiões - familiares ao turista convencional, passando a "enxergar" uma região sob o ponto de vista geográfico e físico, isto é, por seus diversos ecossistemas, com suas respectivas cidades-acesso. - Ministério das Relações Exteriores by Henrique Serra
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