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    • English
      • Tourism & Travel
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          • Term
            • ecotourism
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          • Definition(s)
            • Ecologically sustainable tourism with a primary focus on experiencing natural areas that foster environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation and conservation. Quality tourism
          • Example sentence(s)
            • In many situations, however, ecotourism fails to deliver on its promise. Many researchers have studied ecotourism's failures as well as its successes. - Amazon interactive
            • Responsible tourism – or ecotourism – in hotspots and high-biodiversity wilderness areas can be both a sustainable economic alternative and a successful conservation strategy. - Conservation International
            • Ecotourism encompasses a spectrum of nature-based activities that foster visitor appreciation and understanding of natural and cultural heritage and are managed to be ecologically, economically and socially sustainable. - Tourism Queensland
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    • Turkish
      • Tourism & Travel
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            • ekoturizm
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          • Definition(s)
            • Yeryüzünün doğal kaynaklarının sürdürülebilirliğini güvence altına alan, bunun yanısıra yerel halkların ekonomik kalkınmasına destek olurken, sosyal ve kültürel bütünlüklerini koruyup gözeten bir yaklaşım ya da tavır. Ekoturizm Derneği - by Selcuk Akyuz
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Aladağlar Bölgesinin (Taşlıyayla Göletini de kapsayacak şekilde) "ekoturizm merkezi" ilan edilmesi ilde ekoturizmin gelişmesine önemli katkı sağlayacaktır. - Bolu Olay Gazetesi by Selcuk Akyuz
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    • Finnish
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            • ekoturismi
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            • "Ekoturismi on matkailua, jossa luonto itsessään on matkailun keskiössä. Matkailija kohtaa ja kokee luonnon sen omilla ehdoilla, luonnon ominaispiirteet eivät saa muuttua oleellisesti erilaisiksi kuin ne olivat ennen matkaa." wikipedia - by Pietari Valtonen
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Voiko hyvää tarkoittava eurooppalainen millään muotoa matkustaa Aasiaan muuttumatta tahtomattaan näytelmän roistoksi? Yksi hahmotelma myönteiseksi vastaukseksi on ekoturismi: kestävä ja vastuullinen matkailu kohdemaan luontoa, kulttuuria ja kansaa kunnioittaen. Ajatus on kaunis. Käytäntö on kuitenkin moni-ilmeisempi, sillä ekoturismin nimissä myydään eri puolilla maailmaa hyvin erilaisia tuotteita." - by Pietari Valtonen
            • "Ekoturismi on ympäristöliikkeen näkökulmasta hyvin monimutkainen ja vaikea kysymys. Ekoturismi on toisaalta tehnyt mahdolliseksi monien laajojen ja tärkeiden luonnonsuojelukohteiden säilymisen ja näin tukenut merkittävästi biodiversiteetin ja uhanalaisten eliölajien säilymistä. Toisaalta ekoturismi myös aiheuttaa suuria kasvihuonekaasujen päästöjä samalla tavalla kuin kaikki muukin matkustaminen." - Ympäristö ja kehitys ry by Pietari Valtonen
            • "Ekoturismi on osa kestävää eli vastuullista matkailua ottaen luonnon on matkailun keskiöön. Perusperiaate on, että luonnon ominaispiirteet eivät ekomatkailussa saisi muuttua oleellisesti siitä, mitä ne olivat ennen matkaa." - by Pietari Valtonen
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    • Bulgarian
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            • екотуризъм
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            • Укрепването на движението за опазване на природата и за развитие на екотуризъм е съвсем естествено в периода на преход към пазарна икономика. И двете тенденции са израз на загрижеността за опазване на околната среда и на културно-историческото наследство. Google - by stefanov_a
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Еко туризъм ЕКОТУРИЗЪМ, ПРИРОДНИ ФЕНОМЕНИ, ПРЕКРАСНИ ПЕЙЗАЖИ Тясно свързани, приключенските турове и екотуризмът са бързо развиващи се видове пътувания. Планините и като цяло природата на България предлагат отлични условия за почти цялата известна в света гама от приключенски видове туризъм, предпочитан през последните години. Разнообразният релеф, благоприятният климат, липсата на опасни животни, предлагат на любителите на приключения възможности през цялата година. - Internet by stefanov_a
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    • Spanish
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          • Term
            • ecoturismo
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          • Definition(s)
            • El turismo ecológico o ecoturismo es un enfoque para las actividades turísticas en el cual se privilegia la sustentabilidad, la preservación y la apreciación del medio (tanto natural como cultural) que acoge a los viajantes. Wikipedia - by Rosa Sanz
          • Example sentence(s)
            • El ecoturismo puede proveer de asistencia económica a la población rural ofreciendoles oportunidades de empleo como guías y guardabosques en los parques, y como trabajadores de servicio en hoteles y áreas de campamento. - Mongabay by Rosa Sanz
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    • German
      • Tourism & Travel
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          • Term
            • Ökotourismus
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          • Definition(s)
            • Ökotourismus ist eine auf die Belange von Umwelt und lokaler Bevölkerung besondere Rücksicht nehmende Form des Tourismus Wikipedia - by inkweaver
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Der Begriff "Öko-Tourismus" ist vielfach kritisiert worden, da doch Tourismus fast zwangsläufig ökologische Systeme schädigt ( mehr dazu unten). Um jedoch die Bedeutung des Tourismus für eine "nachhaltige Entwicklung" hervorzuheben, hat das Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (UNEP) das Jahr 2002 zum "Internationalen Jahr des Ökotourismus" ausgerufen. - Agenda 21 by inkweaver
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    • Italian
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          • Term
            • turismo ecosostenibile
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          • Definition(s)
            • Per turismo ecosostenibile si intende un tipo di turismo promosso da operatori che rivolgono una particolare attenzione al rapporto tra turismo e natura, e che adottano strategie operative affinché tale rapporto sia all’insegna dell’armonia e del rispetto. L’obiettivo principale del turismo eco-sostenibile è la preservazione dell’ambiente naturale e la ricerca di un nuovo equilibrio tra uomo e natura che favorisca la miglior convivenza possibile. Strutture all’insegna di turismo eco-sostenibile si trovano in tutto il mondo, anche in Italia e ad esempio, scelgono di utilizzare lampadine a basso consumo per perseguire una politica di risparmio energetico, consigliano ai clienti un utilizzo consapevole dell’acqua per evitare sprechi, si adoperano nella raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti e propongono soluzioni alternative ai mezzi di trasporto privato per le visite di piacere. Wikipedia - by Lucia Ghisu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Sono innanzitutto tre le caratteristiche che dovrebbe avere il turismo eco-sostenibile. In primo luogo deve fare un uso ottimale delle risorse ambientali, un elemento chiave nello sviluppo turistico, sostenendo il nostro patrimonio naturale. In secondo luogo, deve rispettare l’identità socio-culturale delle comunità ospitanti contribuendo contestualmente alla comprensione e alla tolleranza reciproche. Infine fornire benifici socio-economici a tutti gli operatori promuovendo la condivisione equilibrata del benessere - by Lucia Ghisu
            • Per viaggiare nel rispetto dell’ambiente, per promuovere un turismo ecosostenibile, per partire con una consapevolezza maggiore della destinazione, il Green Passport vi viene in aiuto: si tratta di un’iniziativa dell’International Task Force on Sustainable Tourism Development, finalizzato a diffondere suggerimenti, dritte e regole per disincentivare comportamenti antietici e antiecologici. - europassistance by Lucia Ghisu
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