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    • English
      • Investment / Securities
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            • redemption fee
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          • Definition(s)
            • A sales charge or commission paid when an individual sells an investment, such as a mutual fund or an annuity. Intended to discourage withdrawals. Rafferty Capital Markets, LLC
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Unlike a back-end load, which profits the fund company, redemption fees go back into the fund itself and thus do not represent a net cost to shareholders. - by
            • In order to process a short-term redemption fee, shares of mutual funds that carry such a fee must be tracked, or aged, beginning at the time of purchase. Then, at the time of sale, shares must be examined to determine if they are subject to a redemption fee. - Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company by
            • A redemption fee is another type of fee that some funds charge their shareholders when the shareholders redeem their shares. Although a redemption fee is deducted from redemption proceeds just like a deferred sales load, it is not considered to be a sales load. - US Securities and Exchange Commission by
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    • Hindi
      • Investment / Securities
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            • मोचन शुल्क
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            • यह एक प्रकार का विक्रय शुल्क है, जो किसी निवेश जैसे म्युचुअल फंड आदि को बेचते समय दिया जाता है। Own research - by Amar Nath
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 5. मोचन शुल्क: एक पुराने ऋण के लिए, आप इसे पूर्व भुगतान दंड के प्रश्न में एजेंसी को देने हैं. वे आम तौर पर 6 महीने के ब्याज, से अधिक बकाया पूंजी की 3% नहीं हैं. आप इन दंड देना अनिवार्य, भले ही वे हामीदारी क्रेडिट बातचीत के जरिए किया गया है. वास्तव में, अनुबंध अब भी ऋण की मुक्ति के मामले बाहर. - Abomag by Amar Nath
            • म्युचुअल फंड के साथ संबद्ध लागत पर नहीं संचालन व्यय में शामिल लोड और मोचन शुल्क, जो कि, यदि वे लागू होते हैं, सीधे कोष निवेशक द्वारा भुगतान किया जाता है. - student of markets by Amar Nath
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    • Serbian
      • Investment / Securities
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            • Naknada za otkup
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          • Definition(s)
            • Naknada za otkup investicionih jedinica jeste provizija koja se plaća prilikom prodaje dela ili celog uloga iz fonda. Član fonda može delimično/potpuno da povuče svoj udeo iz fonda ispunjavanjem istupnice. Iznos naknade koje Društvo naplaćuje za otkup investicionih jedinica, odnosno izlazak iz fonda iznosi 1% od ukupne vrednosti isplaćenih investicionih jedinica iz investicionog fonda u datom trenutku. Deltainvestment - by Skobra
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Naknada za otkup investicionih jedinica jeste provizija koja se plaća prilikom prodaje dela ili celog uloga iz fonda. Član fonda može delimično/potpuno da povuče svoj udeo iz fonda ispunjavanjem istupnice. Iznos naknade koje Društvo naplaćuje za otkup investicionih jedinica, odnosno izlazak iz fonda iznosi 1% od ukupne vrednosti isplaćenih investicionih jedinica iz investicionog fonda u datom trenutku. - Deltainvestment by Skobra
            • Pre podnošenja naloga za isplatu, potrebno je identifikovati klijenta, u skladu sa pravilima identifikacije. Nalog se ne može podneti bez adekvatne dokumentacije. Za isplatu sredstava do 3 godine od dana izvršenja uplate, naplaćuje se naknada za otkup u visini od 1%. Ukoliko je pojedinačna investicija u Fondu duže od 3 godine, povlačenje tih sredstava je osloboñeno naknade za otkup, u skladu sa Tarifnikom Društva. - Napomene uz finansijske izvestaje by Skobra
            • Nakanda za otkup se naplaćuje ukoliko želite da izađete iz fonda tj. da prodate vaše investicione jedinice. - Teorija investiranj, prof. dr. Slovic by Skobra
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