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    • English
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • business incubator
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          • Definition(s)
            • A facility that supports the development and operation of a number of small start-up businesses. Tenants of the facility share a number of support services including computers, support staff, telecommunications equipment, and janitorial services. Occupants also may receive technical assistance, business planning, legal, financial, and marketing advice. U.S. House of Representatives
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Business incubation is a dynamic process of business enterprise development. Incubators nurture young firms, helping them to survive and grow during the startup period when they are most vulnerable. The goal of business incubators is to produce healthy firms that create jobs and wealth, strengthen the economy, commercialize new technologies and revitalize communities. - by
            • At the business incubator, we have been serving the needs of business owners for almost 20 years. We offer coaching, training, seminar and administrative support services to help grow existing businesses and kick start new business ideas. - Northern Alberta Business Incubator by
            • Your contribution supports the small business incubator itself, which cannot be maintained and improved solely with rents charged to its emerging business owners. - Cincinnati Business Incubator by
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    • Latvian
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            • biznesa inkubators
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          • Definition(s)
            • Biznesa inkubators ir struktūra, kas atbalsta un veicina jebkuras uzņēmējdarbības formas darbību jebkurā tautsaimniecības nozarē. Tā darbības pamatfunkcija ir veicināt jaunu firmu izveidošanos, nodrošinot tās "inkubācijas periodā", parasti 3-5 gadus, ar telpām, infrastruktūras pakalpojumiem un konsultācijām uzņēmējdarbības pamatjautājumos. (Nacionālais attīstības plāns) Own research - by Biruta MARKO
          • Example sentence(s)
            • For support of new entrepreneurs, on 9 December 2007, the University of Liepāja (LiepU) and Ventspils High Technology Park (VHTP) established SIA „Kurzemes Biznesa inkubators” (Business Incubator of Kurzeme). - vatp by Biruta MARKO
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    • Finnish
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            • yrityshautomo
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            • Länsi-Uudenmaan Yrityshautomo Oy auttaa alkavia tai uudessa toimintavaiheessa olevia yrittäjiä ja yrityksiä menestykselliseen yritystoimintaan Länsi-Uudenmaan alueella. Länsi-Uudenmaan yrityshautomo - by PeeGee (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Laurean yrityshautomo - Hyvinvointiala on voimakkaassa murros- ja kasvuvaiheessa. Keskittyminen, kaupallistuminen ja kansainvälistyminen ovat alkaneet, ja ala tarjoaakin erinomaisia kehitysmahdollisuuksia. Yrityshautomo on mukana koko hyvinvointialan yrittäjyyden kehittämisessä ja edistämistoiminnassa Yrityshautomo tarjoaa tukipalveluita hyvinvointialan, yrityksille. Palvelut kattavat rahoitukseen, myyntiin, taloushallintoon, asiakassuhteiden hallinnointiin, henkilöstöpolitiikkaan, johtamiseen ja yrityksen kasvuun tähtääviä konsultointipalveluja sekä lainopillisen neuvonannon ja sopimusjuridiikan asiantuntijalausuntoja. - Laurea Ammattikorkeakoulu by PeeGee (X)
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    • Croatian
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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            • poduzetnički inkubator
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            • Poduzetnički inkubatori okupljaju male poduzetnike koji tek počinju poslovati ili su u fazi rasta i razvoja i nemaju vlastiti prostor. Upravo inkubatori omogućuju poduzetnicima korištenje poslovnog prostora po vrlo povoljnim uvjetima (bez najamnine ili uz smanjenu najamninu) ograničen broj godina. Osim poslovnog prostora, korisnicima su na raspolaganju poslovna infrastruktura, intelektualne i poslovne usluge i dr. u razdoblju inkubacije nakon čega bi trebali postati samostalni i prepustiti mjesto u inkubatoru drugom poduzeću. MINGORP - by Ivana Kahle
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Poduzetnički inkubator je prostor u kojem su smještena novoosnovana mala poduzeća koja tek počinju poslovati ili su u fazi razvoja, a potrebna im je pomoć u prostoru, infrastrukturi i stručna pomoć kroz savjetodavne, konzultantske te administrativne usluge. Korisnici inkubatora mogu biti obrti, trgovačka društva i zadruge, ukoliko se bave uslužnom djelatnošću ili proizvodnjom koja zadovoljava minimalne tehničke uvjete za uredski prostor i ima namjeru razvijati se i zapošljavati nove djelatnike. Proces inkubacije u Poduzetničkom inkubatoru Bjelovar traje tri godine nakon čega poduzetnik izlazi iz inkubatora, a njegovo mjesto zauzima novi poduzetnik početnik. - Poslovni park Bjelovar by Ivana Kahle
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    • Catalan
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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            • viver d'empreses
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          • Definition(s)
            • Conjunt d'instal.lacions i recursos destinats a promoure i recolzar la creació de noves empreses. Els usuaris comparteixen recursos humans, ofimàtics, administratius, etc. i poden rebre també assessoria tècnica, comercial, financera o legal. Own research - by HANRATH
          • Example sentence(s)
            • El conseller de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques, Joaquim Nadal, va inaugurar el dilluns 13 de juny el viver d'empreses i el nou auditori Joan M. Gelada, a les instal·lacions del Centre d'Estudis de la Construcció i Anàlisi de Materials SLU (Cecam). - Celrà.cat by HANRATH
            • L’Ajuntament de Montornès ha sol·licitat a la Diputació de Barcelona una subvenció per a sufragar les despeses d’un estudi per a la creació d’un viver d’empreses a Can Bosquerons de Baix. - Ajuntament de Montornès del Vallès by HANRATH
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