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    • Greek
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • μόχλευση
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            • Leverage (Financial). ΜΟΧΛΕΥΣΗ: Η δυναμική ποσοστιαία αύξηση ή μείωση της επένδυσης. Το Δικαίωμα Αγοράς για παράδειγμα δίνει ώθηση στην ποσοστιαία μεταβολή της επένδυσης, διότι με μικρότερα διατεθειμένα κεφάλαια τα κέρδη μπορεί να διπλασιαστούν ή να υπερτριπλασιαστούν σε σχέση με άλλες επενδύσεις. Επίσης, οι ζημιές μπορεί να φτάσουν σε γρήγορο χρονικό διάστημα στο 100% του επενδυμένου κεφαλαίου. babylon - by maria spanou
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Οι επενδυτές ξένου συναλλάγματος (Forex) πραγματοποιούν τη συναλλαγή μιας σύμβασης με αντικείμενο τις συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες. Επειδή οι διακυμάνσεις των συναλλαγματικών ισοτιμιών ενδέχεται να είναι πολύ μικρές, οι επενδυτές χρησιμοποιούν τη μόχλευση (leverage) για τη μεγιστοποίηση των προοπτικών κέρδους τους. - easy forex by maria spanou
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    • Croatian
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            • poluga
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            • Poluga je općenito mogućnost utjecanja na određeni sustav ili ostvarivanja određenih rezultata, unaprjeđivanja ili širenja poslovanja uz korištenje što manjeg broja vlastitih resursa ili sredstava. Služi tome da se ostvari najviše uz što manje sredstava to jest veća rentabilnost. Razlikujemo financijsku polugu i poslovnu ili operativnu polugu. Own research - by Kristina Kolic
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Financijska poluga (engl. financial leverage) se koristi u istraživanju optimalnih odnosa između vlastitog i tuđeg financiranja. Pravilo financijske poluge kaže da se isplati korištenje tuđih izvora financiranja sve dok se poslovanjem ostvaruje stopa rentabilnosti veća od ponderirane kamatne stope po kojoj se plaćaju kamate na tuđi kapital." - by Kristina Kolic
            • "Poslovna poluga označava razinu i udio fiksnih troškova u poslovanju u odnosu prema razini i vrsti varijabilnih troškova troškova, te njihov utjecaj na profitabilnost poduzeća. Upućuje na to da je jedan dio tekućih troškova fiksnog karaktera i kod znatnijih promjena obujma poslovanja." - by Kristina Kolic
            • "Financijska poluga (eng. financial leverage, financial gearing) je korištenje dugova u financiranju poslovanja i ekspanzije poduzeća, odnosno u financiranju bilo kakvih poslova i poslovnih operacija." - Agram brokeri by Kristina Kolic
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    • Portuguese
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            • alavancagem
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            • ALAVANCAGEM (financeira) Grau de utilização de recursos de terceiros para aumentar a possibilidade de lucro de uma operação, aumentando conseqüentemente o grau de risco desta operação. Também conhecida como financial leverage (expressão equivalente em inglês para alavancagem): 1) Relação entre o capital de uma empresa e a quantidade total de recursos que esta empresa capta no mercado em forma de empréstimo. No caso de uma empresa, quanto maior é a sua alavancagem, maior é o seu grau de endividamento maior e, portanto, maior é o risco de a empresa apresentar problemas financeiros. 2) Possibilidade de controle de um lote de títulos, nos mercados de opção, a termo ou futuro, através do emprego de apenas uma fração do valor destes títulos, aguardando uma eventual valorização destes títulos. O investidor se beneficia da valorização desses títulos, que pode implicar em significativa elevação de sua taxa de lucro. Dicionário Financeiro Wikinvest - by Joon Oh
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    • Dutch
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            • hefboomwerking
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            • Een hefboom is een mechanisme waarmee een kleine kracht in combinatie met een grote beweging wordt omgezet in een kleine beweging die een grote last verplaatst, waarvoor een grote kracht nodig is. (...) Men spreekt in andere vakgebieden ook van hefboomwerking wanneer een kleine invloed wordt aangewend om een groot effect te bereiken, bijvoorbeeld in de economie en de handel in derivaten. Wikipedia - by Kitty Brussaard
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Om het principe van een leveraged portefeuille uit te leggen, zullen we eerst nader ingaan op het principe van leveraging of hefboomwerking. Het concept van "leveraging" houdt in dat een activiteit of een product niet geheel met eigen middelen wordt aangeschaft, maar dat dit product tevens wordt gefinancierd met van de bank (of een andere financier) geleende gelden. - Life Investor by Kitty Brussaard
            • Leverage Hefboomwerking waarbij met een relatief kleine investering grote winstkansen worden geschapen bijv. door te beleggen met geleend geld waarbij de opbrengst van de beleggingen hoger moet zijn dan de financieringsrente. Een andere mogelijkheid is het werken met derivaten zoals opties en futures. - SNS by Kitty Brussaard
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    • Hindi
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            • प्रभावी सुविधा
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            • Leverage, in a business scenario, is the advantage or the weightage a company has because of its power, status, contacts, or operational efficiencies. A company can use its leverage as a bargaining chip. Own research - by Anindita Basu (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • By doing so, a company increases its “leverage” because it can invest in business operations without increasing its equity. ऐसा करने से एक कंपनी अपनी प्रभावी सुविधा को बढ़ा सकती है क्योंकि वह अपनी शेयर पूँजी को बढ़ाये बिना ही अपने व्यावसायिक कार्यों में निवेश कर सकती है । - From the source example by Anindita Basu (X)
            • So, the first step in getting “leverage” to work for you is to get the highest possible return from your commercial activities. इसलिये, प्रभावी सुविधा पाने का पहला कदम है अपने कारोबार से सर्वाधिक संभव प्रतिलाभ पाना । - From the source example by Anindita Basu (X)
            • Leverage can be experienced through aligning yourself with other businesses that compliment you, your values, your beliefs, and your products or services प्राभावी सुविधा का अनुभव आप उन व्यापारों के साथ जुड़कर कर सकते हैं जो आपके मान्यता, विश्वास, एवं उत्पाद व सेवाओं के परिपूरक हों । - From the source example by Anindita Basu (X)
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