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    • Catalan
      • Law: Contract(s)
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            • carta d'intencions
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            • Una carta d’intencions no és un aval o garantia. Simplement és un document en què es manifesten o declaren una sèrie d’intencions, però que no té cap tipus de força jurídica o validesa legal per si mateix. Universitat de Barcelona - by Judith Payro
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            • Signatura de la carta d’intencions per la construcció d’una entitat transfronterera entre el Ministeri de Sanitat i Solidaritat de la República Francesa i el Departament de Salut - Generalitat de Catalunya by Judith Payro
            • La Carta d'Intencions pot contenir una àmplia varietat de clàusules amb efectes diversos. (...) El contingut més o menys ampli serveix per a modelar el factor temporal de la negociació... - Giglobal by Judith Payro
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    • Turkish
      • Law: Contract(s)
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            • himaye beyanı
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            • Alman, İsviçre, İngiliz ve Fransız uygulamasında, himaye beyanına karşılık olarak "Absichtserklarung", "Sicherstellungserklârung", "Erklârung betreffend Schadloshaltung", "Patronatserklârung", "letter of comfort", "letter of intent", "letter of avvareness", "letter of responsibility", "lettre d'intention", "lettre de parainage" ve "lettre d'apaisement" gibi değişik terimlerin kullanıldığı görülür5. Terminoloji bakımından ortaya çıkan bu farklılık, himaye beyanının esas itibariyle beyanda bulunanın (ana şirket) iradesine göre farklı içeriklere sahip olmasından ileri gelmektedir. Ancak içeriği farklı olsa da, himaye beyanlanndaki ortak amacı, kredi kurumunu yavru şirkete kredi vermeye teşvik etmek (Animierungfür Kreditgewahrung) olduğu söylenebilir . Ankara Hukuk Fakultesi-İsmail Kırca - by Ayşe Kıvılcım Karazor
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            • Bu terimi dilimize "himaye beyanı" olarak tercüme ettikten sonra; çalışmamızda, himaye beyanını, Alman ve İsviçre doktrinlerine paralel olarak yukarıda belirttiğimiz bütün terimleri kapsayacak şekilde bir üst kavram olarak kullanacağız. - İsmail Kırca Makalesi by Ayşe Kıvılcım Karazor
            • Diğer Teminatlar İpotekler, teminat senediyle temlik, teminat devri, kefalet, banka garantisi ve himaye beyanı, yaygın olarak kullanılan diğer teminat araçları arasında sayılabilirler. - Advantageaustria web site by Ayşe Kıvılcım Karazor
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    • English
      • Law: Contract(s)
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            • comfort letter
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            • Document issued to back up an agreement but which does not have any contractual standing. They are often issued by a parent or associate company stating that the group will back up the position of a small company to improve its trading position. They always state that they are not intended to be legally binding. Also known as letters of comfort.
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            • You should never give that comfort letter to a seller until after you sign the contract. Why not? If, for example, you are negotiating the sales price, and the seller learns from the comfort letter that you can qualify for a higher purchase price than you are offering, the seller may not be so inclined to negotiate the sales price down. - Realty Times by
            • The appellants duly provided the comfort letter from their bank in the time specified and on 25 March the respondents confirmed that, subject to contract, they agreed to the sale of the property and the shares in the company to the appellants for £2m. - Academic Answers by
            • The presentation of a Full Corporate Offer (FCO) is always contingent to the presentation of the Buyer’s Letter of Intent (LOI) containing full banking coordinates and explicit authorization for soft probe. In addition the Buyer must present the Bank Comfort Letter (BCL). - Four Seasons Asia Pacific Ltd. by
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    • Portuguese
      • Law: Contract(s)
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            • carta de conforto
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            • O Código de Auto-Regulação da ANBID (Associação Nacional dos Bancos de Investimentos) para Ofertas Públicas de Distribuição e Aquisição de Valores Mobiliários determina que as instituições participantes devem obter dos auditores da companhia emissora uma manifestação escrita, com confirmação da consistência das informações financeiras constantes do prospecto da oferta pública. É esta manifestação escrita que é conhecida como carta de conforto ou "comfort letter". BM&FBOVESPA - by Rafael Anselmé
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            • Encontrado indiscriminadamente como tradução do termo counterclaim, “pedido em contrário” significa apenas “reconvenção”. E o que vem a ser uma reconvenção? Consulte o Dicionário Jurídico do Plácido e Silva! Alguém advinha o que possa ser uma “Carta de Conforto”? Não é uma carta enviada a um amigo quando esse perde um ente querido. Carta de Conforto é a tradução utilizada amplamente no mercado para o termo Comfort Letter, cujo conceito se assemelha ao de “Carta de Abono” ou “Carta de Recomendação”. Uma tradução literal e errada foi dada a esse termo e, infelizmente, ficou consolidada. - ccaps by Rafael Anselmé
            • O objetivo da emissão, por parte do auditor independente, de uma Carta de Conforto é o de auxiliar o coordenador da oferta envolvido com a emissão dos títulos e valores mobiliários, no processo de investigação profissional de responsabilidade do coordenador da oferta relacionado ao documento de oferta ("documento de oferta"). - expressodanoticia by Rafael Anselmé
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    • Arabic
      • Law: Contract(s)
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            • خطاب تأييد، خطاب طمأنة
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            • 1) خطاب تأييد يكتبه مدقق الحسابات auditor بناء على طلب متعهد الأوراق المالية securities underwriter لطمأنة المتعهد بأن البيانات المالية للمنشأة المصدرة للأوراق المالية لا تحتوي على أي معلومات مغلوطة أو مضللة، وأنه قد تم إعداد بيان التسجيل ودعوة الاكتتاب prospectus بشكل صحيح وأنه لم تطرأ عليها أية تغييرات جوهرية منذ تاريخ إعدادها. 2) خطاب طمأنة يكتبه أحد طرفي عقد إلى الطرف الآخر يطمئنه فيه بأنه سوف يقوم أو لن يقوم باتخاذ إجراء أو إجراءات معينة أو ممارسة حق أو حقوق معينة منصوص عليها في العقد. قاموس شيبان لعلوم الإ� - by Yasser Abdelbasseer
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            • وأكد الزيد أن ما يحتاجه المقاول السعودي كي يواجه المصاعب والمتطلبات التي تعوقه هو أن تتبنى الجهات المعنية في قطاع المقاولين خطابات التأييد في منح العمالة من الجهات صاحبة المشاريع كما وردت مع تحملها مسؤولية ذلك - الرياض الاقتصادي by Yasser Abdelbasseer
            • وعندما شعر البوشى بتراجع استثمارات الشركة أرسل خطابات «طمأنة» باللغة الإنجليزية للمودعين يوضح فيها أسلوب العمل فى شركة «أوبتيما» ونسبة الفائدة التى يحصل عليها المودع بالأرقام والحسابات. - اليوم السابع by Yasser Abdelbasseer
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