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    • English
      • Computers (general)
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          • Term
            • data streaming
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          • Definition(s)
            • Data streaming, commonly seen in the forms of audio and video streaming, is when a multimedia file can be played back without being completely downloaded first. Most files, like shareware and software updates that you download off the Internet, are not streaming data. However, certain audio and video files like Real Audio and QuickTime can be streaming files. With a fast Internet connection, you can usually stream live audio or video to your computer as fast or faster than you can listen or watch the content. Southern Rural Development Center
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Data streaming requires some combination of bandwidth sufficiency and, for real-time human perception of the data, the ability to make sure that enough data is being continuously received without any noticeable time lag. -
            • Efficient and robust data streaming services are a critical requirement of emerging Grid applications, which are based on seamless interactions and coupling between geographically distributed application components. - Portal
            • A practical data streaming service must, therefore, be largely selfmanaging, i.e., it must dynamically detect and respond, quickly and correctly, to changes in application behaviour and state of the Grid. - A Self-Managing Wide-Area Data Streaming using Model-based Online Control
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    • Bulgarian
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            • поточно предаване на данни
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          • Definition(s)
            • Метод за предаване на данни, използван обикновено за мултимедийни файлове. При него възпроизвеждането на файла на машината на потребителя започва още с началото на свалянето му, без да се налага той да бъде изцяло свален. Предаването на данните продължава и по време на възпроизвеждането. За да бъде оправдана употребата на този метод, е необходима достатъчно добра връзка към Интернет. Own research - by Elena Boevska
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Цитат: "Поточно предаване на данни. Apple, Microsoft и RealNetworks имат пакети, гарантиращи достатъчно високо качество за доставяне на видеоинформация през Интернет, подобно на сигнала на битовите видеоплейъри (VHS)." - NetworkWorld by Elena Boevska
            • Цитат: "Новите продукти също така са с ниско ниво на шум и имат достатъчна производителност за поточно предаване на данни с висока резолюция." - Computerworld by Elena Boevska
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    • Finnish
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            • suoratoisto
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          • Definition(s)
            • Suoratoisto (englanniksi Streaming, suomeksi myös streamaus) on tekniikka, jossa videota tai audiota toistetaan suoraan sitä mukaan kun sitä ladataan. Eli materiaalia ei tallenneta kokonaan muistiin ennen toistoa, vaan yleensä ladataan materiaalia hiukan puskuriin ja kun puskuri on täynnä niin aletaan toistamaan materiaalia. Samalla kun materiaalia toistetaan ladataan sitä lisää. Jos lataaminen keskeytyy, niin myös toistaminen keskeytyy, kun päästään viimeiseen ladattuun kohtaan asti. Suoratoistolla välitettävä materiaali voi tulla jostain valmiista tiedostosta tai se voidaan generoida lennosta, esim. web-cam video tai live-konsertti. Wikipedia - by Owen Witesman
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Vuokraamasi elokuvat voit katsoa suoratoistona internet-selaimessasi. Tämä vaatii jatkuvan internet-yhteyden. Elokuvissa on lyhyt, ilmainen esikatselu, jonka avulla voit testata onko internet-yhteytesi tarpeeksi nopea elokuvan toistamiseen. - by Owen Witesman
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    • Hindi
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            • डेटा स्ट्रीमिंग
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            • किसी मल्टीमीडिया फ़ाइल को पूरी तरह डाउनलोड किए बिना चलाना डेटा स्ट्रीमिंग कहलाता है. आमतौर पर यह ऑडियो और वीडियो फ़ाइलों को ऑनलाइन चलाते समय देखा जा सकता है. यूट्यूब इसका सबसे अच्छा उदाहरण है. Southern Rural Development Center - by JMeenakshi
          • Example sentence(s)
            • CDMA, 3G, दो-तरफा डेटा स्ट्रीमिंग, DVB-H, और सदिश ग्राफिकों और सीधे स्क्रीन अधिगम वाले OpenGL ES को समर्थन देने के लिए नए API को भी शामिल किया गया था. - Wikipedia by JMeenakshi
            • वास्तविक-समय में प्रोसेसिंग करने के हिसाब से डिजाइन किये जाते हैं स्ट्रीमिंग डेटा (पैकेटों के रूप में आने वाला धाराप्रवाह देटा) के लिये सर्वोत्तम डिजाइन प्रोग्राम स्मृति एवं डेटा स्मृति एक न होकर अलग-अलग होती हैं। इसे हार्वर्ड आर्किटेक्चर कहते हैं। - Wikipedia by JMeenakshi
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    • Serbian
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            • Protok podataka
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          • Definition(s)
            • Prenos i reprodukovanje podataka u realnom vremenu Own research - by Ana Vulović
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Serijski port, koji je još poznat kao komunikacioni port (COM Port), nastao je iz potrebe za povezivanjem jednostavnih uređaja (kao što su modem ili miš) koji ne zahtevaju veliki protok podataka. Karakteristično za ovaj port je tzv. serijski prenos podataka koji se u jednom smeru obavlja kroz samo jedan provodnik, a u drugom smeru kroz drugi provodnik. - by Ana Vulović
            • ADSL primopredajnik se priključuje na drugi izlaz delitelja i omogućuje protok podataka sa korisničkog računara ili mreže na ADSL liniju. - Bits - ADSL tehnologija by Ana Vulović
            • Protok podataka prilikom preuzimanja sadržaja kao i surfovanje, odnosno pregled sadržaja „Telenor Muzika - Bez limita“ na WAP-u se ne tarifira, tj. protok je besplatan u okviru Telenor mreže u Srbiji. U slučaju da se protok podataka vrši u okviru mreže roaming partnera, primenjuje se standardna cena za prenos podataka - Telenor by Ana Vulović
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    • Portuguese
      • Computers (general)
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          • Term
            • streaming de dados
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          • Definition(s)
            • Na maioria dos textos que traduzi optou-se por manter o termo em inglês no original. Own research - by José Cavalcante
          • Example sentence(s)
            • RECLAMAÇÃO Abuso na cobrança de Streaming de dados Quero expressar a minha revolta pela cobrança que recebi na minha fatura com vencimento em 05/06/2008. A cobrança se trata de consumo de dados, mais especificamente o streaming de dados. É inadimissível este tipo de cobrança, uma vez que estou consumindo dados na internet! Esse tipo de cobrança não pode continuar ocorrendo, pois esse tipo de serviço é entendido por qualquer pessoa no mundo como um acesso a internet. Eu tenho pacote de internet 3G, e ainda tenho que pagar por acessos a internet em sites como youtube? Tecnicamente, como profissional da área, não encontro fundamentação legais para tais cobranças. Gostaria de saber por que meios jurídicos legais, esta empresa encontra fundamentos para cobras este tipo de acesso a internet(streaming de dados)? - Reclame Aqui website by José Cavalcante
            • Que tal criar uma radio online usando Flash? sim é possível e simples, com o Flash Communication Server/Flash Media Server. Neste artigo veremos como implementar um sistema para streaming de áudio usando o Flash Communication Server/Flash Media Server. - NXStudio website by José Cavalcante
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