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    • English
      • Education / Pedagogy
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            • Diploma Mill
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            • Also called "degree mill." An organization lacking recognition by legitimate accrediting agencies which "awards" academic degrees and diplomas for a flat fee, usually requiring little or no academic study. Guide to Online Education
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Although many diploma mills claim to be “accredited,” their accreditation is from a bogus, but official-sounding agency that they created. - Federal Trade Commission by
            • The terms "unaccredited" and "diploma mill" are sometimes improperly treated as synonomous. In fact, there are a wide range of institutions representing themselves as colleges or universities that grant degrees but do not meet New Jersey standards. - NJ Commission on Higher Education by
            • These "schools" promise a fast and easy road to a degreed job but you can destroy your professional reputation for life by using a degree from a diploma mill, and that "fast and easy road" can lead straight to prison. - Degree Finders by
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    • Portuguese
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            • fábrica de diplomas
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            • O que poucos sabem é que a educação vai de mal a pior em todos os níveis (público-particular; fundamental-médio-superior): a Universidade de São Paulo caiu 69 posições no ranking mundial de universidade; Hospital Universitário no Rio ameaçado por falta de manutenção em suas estruturas, MEC descredencia universidades e fecha cursos….a ‘coisa tá feia’. Own research - by Luciano Eduardo de Oliveira
          • Example sentence(s)
            • “O MPF tem me­do que, se não hou­ver fis­ca­li­za­ção, o en­si­no à dis­tân­cia se trans­for­me em uma fá­bri­ca de di­plo­mas. A uni­ver­si­da­de fin­ge que en­si­na, o alu­no fin­ge que es­tu­da e sai com o di­plo­ma”. - by Luciano Eduardo de Oliveira
            • ão números relativamente pequenos se compararmos com países europeus ou norte-americanos, contudo a chamada corrida para entrar no grupo dos países desenvolvidos, faz do nosso país uma fábrica de diplomas de nível superior, que muitas vezes tem que ser questionado quanto a qualidade oferecida em algumas instituições. - Sociologia em tela by Luciano Eduardo de Oliveira
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    • Albanian
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            • fabrikë diplomash
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            • Të mbiquajtura "fabrika diplomash", këtyre institucioneve universitare u mungon së pari akreditimi nga agjencitë përkatëse, por edhe standardet në funksionalitetet e mirëfillta. Këto institucione lëshojnë diploma kundrejt një shume të caktuar, pa patur kërkesat e duhura për kryerje studimesh akadamike. Own research - by Ledja
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Autori ka perseritur te njejtat shqetesime qe jane ngritur shpesh; universitetet private si kerpudhat pas shiut, ku me perjashtim te ca kokrrave, restoja eshte fabrike diplomash - by Ledja
            • Gjendja sociale e vendit dhe papunësia kronike është problemi themelor i arsimit të lartë, që ka të bëjë me liberalizimin e Universiteteve, të cilët nga vatra te dijes jane kthyer në fabrika diplomash pa vlerë - Shekulli Blog by Ledja
            • Por duke i meshuar me shume sistemit universitar, kryetari i PS-se nenvizoi faktin se "universitetet tona tanime jane kthyer ne fabrika diplomash, qe cdo vit e me shume e humbin vleren e tyre, duke shtuar numrin e te papuneve dhe te zhgenjyerve, ne radhet e gjenerates se re. - Koha Jonë by Ledja
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    • Chinese
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            • 学位工厂
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            • 或者文凭工厂 “degree mill”(学位工厂)和“diploma mill”(文凭工厂)两词可互用,但在学术圈内有一点点差异,那就是: A degree mill(学位工厂)提供假学校的“真”学位 provides a "real" degree from a fake college. A diploma mill(文凭工厂)提供真学校的假学位 provides a fake degree from a real college. 新浪博客 - by Zhengyu Fry
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 在美国无法定论到底有多少“文凭工厂”,原因有两点:一来这种大学都是躲躲藏藏的,二来从这种学校得到学位的人一般都是三缄其口,不愿多说。 - 新民周刊 by Zhengyu Fry
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    • Korean
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            • 학위 공장
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            • 정식학위가 아닌 가짜 또는 비인가 학위를 남발하는 학교. 정상 교과 과정에 비해 학위 이수 기간이 짧고, 학위를 주는 데 거액의 대가를 요구하기도 한다. 학사 관리를 제대로 하지 않고 온라인 강좌 만으로 학위를 주거나 전문 교육 없이 어학원 수준으로 강의하는 곳도 있다. Own research - by Yeonsoon
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 박사 학위가 필요한가? 인터넷 홈페이지(에서 현재도 광고중인 미국 컬럼버스대학에선 2295달러만 있으면 학위 취득이 가능하다. 1년이면 충분하고, 논문 작성도 필요없다. 오하이오와 조지아에 있는 정식 ‘컬럼버스’ 대학들과 아무런 관계가 없는 이 학교는 정식 교육기관 인가가 나지 않은 ‘학위공장’(diploma mill) 중 하나이다. - 한겨레 by Yeonsoon
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