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    • English
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            • (to) deprioritize
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          • Definition(s)
            • To treat (an issue or task) as a lower priority than other issues or tasks to be addressed in order of relative importance or urgency… Oxford English Dictionary
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "It's not comfortable admitting that I can't do everything myself," said Steph. "But I have to deprioritize projects because I want to make it clear that it's ok for my team to do the same thing." - Zapier by
            • But you’re allowed to change your priorities without fear of judgment. In fact, sharing that you’ve deprioritized certain tasks can help start a conversation about what’s truly important for you and your company. - RescueTime: blog by
            • Learning to deprioritize can have an enormously positive effect on your life. It can reduce stress, improve focus, boost productivity, impart a powerful sense of achievement, and improve your work-life balance. - Memory by
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    • Korean
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            • 우선순위를 낮추다
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            • 우선순위를 낮추다 국제영어대학원대학교 신어사 - by Yurim Jung
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 남쪽은 “북남합의 이행을 위해 움직이는 만큼”만, 미국은 “강 대 강, 선 대 선 원칙”에 따라 상대하겠다고 공언한 김정은 총비서가 정책 우선순위를 낮추며 ‘내가 먼저 움직이지는 않겠다’는 뜻을 밝혔다는 풀이가 가능하다. - 한겨례 by Yurim Jung
            • 갑작스럽게 교통 데이터가 변화한 지역에서는 최근 2~4주 동안의 과거 트래픽 패턴의 우선순위를 높게 하고, 이전의 패턴은 우선순위를 낮추도록 예측 모델을 업그레이드했다. - CIO Kore by Yurim Jung
            • 우선 순위를 낮게 갖고 있다"며 "국가직화를 해서 인건비를 국가에서 대주면 소방관 충원이 수월할 것"이라고 말했다. - 머니투데이 by Yurim Jung
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