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Thread poster: jyuan_us
wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:07
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I know the type Oct 4, 2011

ysun wrote:

wherestip wrote:

其实吹了半天牛, 最后还是承认英文学得不到家。 ..



Sorry, I misspoke.

I meant to say the person subconsciously gave away how he really felt about English - apparently not as hot a crack shot as he intended to portray himself to be.

kenny2006woo (X)
kenny2006woo (X)

Local time: 21:07
English to Chinese
一小时1000字? Oct 5, 2011



Donglai Lou (X)
Donglai Lou (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:07
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高手兼快手或许是存在的,但是... Oct 5, 2011



ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:07
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适得其反 Oct 5, 2011

wherestip wrote:

I meant to say the person subconsciously gave away how he really felt about English - apparently not as hot a crack shot as he intended to portray himself to be.

Yes, people would think that they treat the profession in an unprofessional way.

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:07
English to Chinese
+ ...
同意 Oct 5, 2011

kenny2006woo wrote:


要保证质量,就得适当放慢速度,多思考、多推敲、多检查。像这位先生那样天天日译两万,就难免会把 twenty-five hundred 译为“两百五十个”。本来这种低级错误,只要在译完之后再逐句检查一遍应该就可发现。但他天天工作15小時,天天翻译约两万字,平均每小时翻译1300余字,哪还会有功夫去仔细检查?本来是两千五百名欧洲乘客因轮船触礁而溺毙 (drown),他却译成“两百五十个欧洲乘客被淹没”(淹没不等于溺毙。冲浪者就经常被海水淹没。)。尽管如此,既然翻译的是小说,那还不至于产生什么严重后果,顶多轮船公司发言人会说一句,“信不信由你,反正我是信了”。但若翻译医学、化工、法律等方面的资料,翻错一个简单的数字就可能造成事故、酿成大祸。我并非想抓住这一小错而小题大作,只是想说明速度过快就难免出错。网上有不少人举出不少实例来批评他的译文,我实在没兴趣也没时间去细看。

当然,日译万字并非高不可攀。一万汉字约相当于6000 words。一天工作十几小时,翻译约6000 words,其实也算不了什么大本事。以每千字60元计,日译万字的稿酬是600元。如果真有本事的话,何不把价格提高些?那样的话,也许每天只需要工作6-8小时,每天只翻译约2000 words,但得到的稿酬却反而会多好几倍。某些国内同仁曾说过,从国内客户可以拿到每千字300元以上的稿酬。从国际客户则可拿到更高价格。有些国内同仁在此标价是$0.10-0.30USD/word,那就相当于每千字约400-1100RMB。

[Edited at 2011-10-05 22:59 GMT]

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:07
Member (2005)
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没人批评怎么出名啊。 Oct 5, 2011

ysun wrote:





[Edited at 2011-10-05 04:29 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:07
English to Chinese
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吃的是草,挤出来的是奶 Oct 5, 2011

既然是常人无法相比,李某人为何不把自己的价格提一提,却反而说每千字60元的稿酬“算是极高也不为过”?根据国家版权局的规定,他至少可以把价格提到每千字80元嘛(尽管还是低得可怜)!如果说对翻译行业产生破坏性影响,那么罪魁祸首就是国家版权局!李某人只是自作孽而已。自1999年以来,房价物价涨了多少倍?为什么国家版权局于1999年出的老皇历还不改一改?... See more

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:07
English to Chinese
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Sustainable & unsustainable May 22, 2012

现在,不管上下文如何,把 sustainable 译为“可持续的”,把 unsustainable 译为“不可持续的”,似乎已是“约定俗成”。例如: Our natural products do not contain petrochemicals or unsustainable ingredient 就被译为“我们的天然产品均无石油化学或不可持续成分”。

什么是“不可持续成分”?真让人不知其所云。其实,这里的 unsustainable 应该是�
... See more
现在,不管上下文如何,把 sustainable 译为“可持续的”,把 unsustainable 译为“不可持续的”,似乎已是“约定俗成”。例如: Our natural products do not contain petrochemicals or unsustainable ingredient 就被译为“我们的天然产品均无石油化学或不可持续成分”。

什么是“不可持续成分”?真让人不知其所云。其实,这里的 unsustainable 应该是这个意思:
(Ecology) upsetting the ecological balance by depleting natural resources

如果你把这种译法改了,八成又会被改回来。 顺便提一句,上述句中的 petrochemicals 并非是修饰 ingredient 的形容词,而是与 unsustainable ingredient 并列的成分,是名词。短短一句话中就有两个大错。

又如,在下面这篇文章中,sustainable luxury living 也被译为“可持续的奢华生活”。

其实,文中对 sustainable luxury living 已经作了明确解释:
Sustainable luxury living is a socially and environmentally responsible approach to living.


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:07
Chinese to English
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语言上死硬照搬 May 23, 2012

ysun wrote:

现在,不管上下文如何,把 sustainable 译为“可持续的”,把 unsustainable 译为“不可持续的”,似乎已是“约定俗成”。例如: Our natural products do not contain petrochemicals or unsustainable ingredient 就被译为“我们的天然产品均无石油化学或不可持续成分”。

什么是“不可持续成分”?真让人不知其所云。其实,这里的 unsustainable 应该是这个意思:
(Ecology) upsetting the ecological balance by depleting natural resources

如果你把这种译法改了,八成又会被改回来。 顺便提一句,上述句中的 petrochemicals 并非是修饰 ingredient 的形容词,而是与 unsustainable ingredient 并列的成分,是名词。短短一句话中就有两个大错。

又如,在下面这篇文章中,sustainable luxury living 也被译为“可持续的奢华生活”。

其实,文中对 sustainable luxury living 已经作了明确解释:
Sustainable luxury living is a socially and environmentally responsible approach to living.


听现代人讲话令人感觉今日中文是一种殖民地的语言。 真败兴!

[Edited at 2012-05-23 13:51 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:07
English to Chinese
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“洋泾浜汉语” May 23, 2012

wherestip wrote:

听现代人讲话令人感觉今日中文是一种殖民地的语言。 真败兴!

确实,“可持续发展”听起来就像是外国人说的中国话,不符合中国人习惯。这种译法明显地带有机器翻译的痕迹。虽然 sustainable 也有 “able to continue for a long time” 的意思,但现在人们通常所说的 sustainable 往往与环保、生态平衡息息相关。Sustainable development 实际上就是指 environmentally sustainable development。而 “可持续发展”,仅仅表达了 “able to continue for a long time”的意思,相当于中国人的习惯说法“持续性发展”。同样,unsustainable ingredients 是指破坏生态平衡、不利于环保的成分。一见 sustainable 和 unsustainable 就译为“可持续的”和“不可持续的”,是不求甚解的结果。不过,这种译法已经积重难返,势将成为“经典误译”。
1 able to continue without causing damage to the environment:
The government should do more to promote sustainable agriculture.
the sustainable use of rainforest resources
Cycling is a totally sustainable form of transport.
environmentally sustainable development
2 able to continue for a long time:
The party is promising low inflation and sustainable economic growth.

Alan Wang
Alan Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:07
English to Chinese
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销售成本 May 23, 2012

cost of sales
cost of selling

这已经不是不明不白了,而是有个始作俑者。是谁第一次把cost of sales译成销售成本(销货成本)的?


Karen Zeng
Karen Zeng  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:07
English to Chinese
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cost of sales 该怎么译呢? Aug 9, 2014

Alan Wang wrote:

cost of sales
cost of selling

这已经不是不明不白了,而是有个始作俑者。是谁第一次把cost of sales译成销售成本(销货成本)的?


What is the Cost of Sales 解释:
The cost of sales involves the identification of the expenses that are related to the manufacturing process. In particular, it addresses the expense associated with purchasing raw materials that are necessary to produce the products sold by the company. Sometimes referred to as the cost of goods sold or COGS, this number is often used as a means of determining the overall cost of creating the finished products that generate revenue for the company.

这样看,cost of sales 就是所售货品的生产成本,而 cost of selling 就是货品销售环节耗费的成本,即销货成本,对吗?

关键是,cost of sales 有没有简洁又达意的译法?译为“售出商品成本”的话,也有歧义。 译为“售货品成本”怎么样?

[Edited at 2014-08-09 08:27 GMT]

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:07
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cost of sales = 销售成本 Aug 9, 2014

我看了你引用的定义,cost of sales就是会计术语“销售成本”,没有必要重新发明。
selling cost 推销成本

Karen Zeng wrote:

Alan Wang wrote:

cost of sales
cost of selling

这已经不是不明不白了,而是有个始作俑者。是谁第一次把cost of sales译成销售成本(销货成本)的?


What is the Cost of Sales 解释:
The cost of sales involves the identification of the expenses that are related to the manufacturing process. In particular, it addresses the expense associated with purchasing raw materials that are necessary to produce the products sold by the company. Sometimes referred to as the cost of goods sold or COGS, this number is often used as a means of determining the overall cost of creating the finished products that generate revenue for the company.

这样看,cost of sales 就是所售货品的生产成本,而 cost of selling 就是货品销售环节耗费的成本,即销货成本,对吗?

关键是,cost of sales 有没有简洁又达意的译法?译为“售出商品成本”的话,也有歧义。 译为“售货品成本”怎么样?

[Edited at 2014-08-09 08:27 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-08-09 23:43 GMT]

Karen Zeng
Karen Zeng  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:07
English to Chinese
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销售成本不会让人误解吗? Aug 10, 2014

Zhoudan wrote:

我看了你引用的定义,cost of sales就是会计术语“销售成本”,没有必要重新发明。
selling cost 推销成本

Karen Zeng wrote:

Alan Wang wrote:

cost of sales
cost of selling

这已经不是不明不白了,而是有个始作俑者。是谁第一次把cost of sales译成销售成本(销货成本)的?


What is the Cost of Sales 解释:
The cost of sales involves the identification of the expenses that are related to the manufacturing process. In particular, it addresses the expense associated with purchasing raw materials that are necessary to produce the products sold by the company. Sometimes referred to as the cost of goods sold or COGS, this number is often used as a means of determining the overall cost of creating the finished products that generate revenue for the company.

这样看,cost of sales 就是所售货品的生产成本,而 cost of selling 就是货品销售环节耗费的成本,即销货成本,对吗?

关键是,cost of sales 有没有简洁又达意的译法?译为“售出商品成本”的话,也有歧义。 译为“售货品成本”怎么样?

[Edited at 2014-08-09 08:27 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-08-09 23:43 GMT]

如果 cost of sales 是 What is the Cost of Sales 解释的那样,那么把它译为“销售成本”,是有可能让不懂会计又没看到英文的人误以为是“推销成本”的。至少就我个人而言,单看中文,我会把二者都理解为货品销售环节耗费的成本。我觉得,即使是专业术语,也还是要尽量避免歧义。

把 selling cost 译为“推销成本”不错。

Alan Wang
Alan Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:07
English to Chinese
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Agree Aug 10, 2014

同意你的翻译。cost of goods sold 从理解上说来就是:售出商品成本(或销售的商品成本)。 关键词是商品。如果要简化也应该缩写为商品成本而非销售成本,以避免和 selling cost 混淆。

Is it possible to assume that there are translated words that, once they are “specialized” or used and understood by the people who are specialists, seem to gain a status, enabling them to be immune to the fact that they are really very poor
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同意你的翻译。cost of goods sold 从理解上说来就是:售出商品成本(或销售的商品成本)。 关键词是商品。如果要简化也应该缩写为商品成本而非销售成本,以避免和 selling cost 混淆。

Is it possible to assume that there are translated words that, once they are “specialized” or used and understood by the people who are specialists, seem to gain a status, enabling them to be immune to the fact that they are really very poor fit or are simply wrong translations?

Karen Zeng wrote:

这样看,cost of sales 就是所售货品的生产成本,而 cost of selling 就是货品销售环节耗费的成本,即销货成本,对吗?

关键是,cost of sales 有没有简洁又达意的译法?译为“售出商品成本”的话,也有歧义。 译为“售货品成本”怎么样?

[Edited at 2014-08-09 08:27 GMT]

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