Pages in topic: [1 2 3] > | 半路出家的我,请指教 Thread poster: XIAODAN SUN
| XIAODAN SUN Netherlands Local time: 20:37 English to Chinese + ...
谢谢 | | | Jinhang Wang China Local time: 03:37 English to Chinese + ...
你才在 Proz 上注册一个月,还不必着急,慢慢来。可以把自己的 Profile 好好弄一下。相信有一年半载的时间,客户数量就上来了。
[Edited at 2013-03-12 12:21 GMT]
[Edited at 2013-03-12 13:57 GMT] | | |
xiaodan sun wrote:
论坛相关信息很丰富,如有具体问题,不妨提出大家帮你把脉诊断一下。:D | | | XIAODAN SUN Netherlands Local time: 20:37 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
J.H. Wang wrote:
你才在 Proz 上注册一个月,还不必着急,慢慢来。可以把自己的 Profile 好好弄一下。相信有一年半载的时间,客户数量就上来了。
[Edited at 2013-03-12 12:21 GMT]
[Edited at 2013-03-12 13:57 GMT]
没什么好羡慕我的,我也是居无定所,漂泊的心很累啊,一个人的精力有限,我这样东奔西走的都没有好好钻研一个专业,才疏学浅希望不要给翻译行业抹黑就好。 | |
XIAODAN SUN Netherlands Local time: 20:37 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
James_xia wrote:
xiaodan sun wrote:
我在注册之后,发过几个工作的申请,都石沉大海,只有一个意大利翻译公司给我了两份小文章翻译,完成后就再也没有了消息,觉得有些沮丧,也怀疑是不是自己的水平有限,翻译的不好以致失去继续合作的机会。目前我发的申请多为意大利翻中文,因为总觉得英文水平高的前辈太多了,自己根本没什么机会,果然到现在发的英文简历完全没有回音。每天一有点时间就不停刷proZ,希望有对口的工作,但还没有什么成果。觉得是不是应该去参加一些proZ的培训会好些呢。纠结中 | | | Rita Pang Canada Local time: 14:37 Member (2011) Chinese to English + ... Moderator of this forum Checking dictionaries..... | Mar 13, 2013 |
[quote]xiaodan sun wrote:
[quote]James_xia wrote:
xiaodan sun wrote:
I hate to play devil's advocate here, but if you are translating stuff while having a thesaurus or something similar as your main guide, it probably speaks for itself via your work. I checked out your profile and your rates are VERY low for those language pairs. Why are you underselling yourself and why are you setting those rates so low? None of us should be working for pennies. Italian-Chinese is a popular pair but surely it's nothing close to the ridiculously huge number of people who'd be working for peanuts when it comes to the EN-CH pair. So why settle for 0.05 EUR if you are truly capable of the work? You should not push down market prices for other translators working in this field.
When I first started out, since I didn't know jack about marketing my services, I used to set rates at 0.05 or something per word. I have learned my lesson as low rates don't get me anywhere and I have received spiteful messages on proz forums with people literally dissing me and telling me to "go elsewhere" and not push down the market's prices. I have taken their advice and thank the day that some Irish guy gave me a virtual lesson in a Proz forum. The lower you market yourself, you're only giving crappy agencies the chance to further push down your prices.
I wouldn't even venture into the field of Italian > English and Chinese > Italian if I were you. The IT-EN market is pretty saturated as is. Additionally, I feel that the more language pairs you list, sometimes it might work against you, in the sense that people think you are boasting more than you can actually offer. (That was one of the feedback I got from a client of mine. Surely it is only ONE piece of opinion, but interesting food for thought nonetheless). Plus, you really should only translate into your strongest language (presumably, your native language in your case). You have much more of an edge with Chinese in comparison to those thousands of other IT-EN translators.
And, one more note, and I am sorry for being nasty, but you really need to beef up your profile. The style in which you wrote "I am Chinese, I am Living in Germany, I have studied in England and I have worked in Italy" immediately brought me to the insinuation (conclusion? hopefully not) of your language capabilities (native Chinese speaker, has some knowledge in German. non-native English but good knowledge thereof, some Italian). This does NOT bode well to someone's potential impression of your actual abilities as a translator. Focus on what makes your work stand above the crowd- Italian into Chinese, with strong knowledge in English.
Best of luck!
[Edited at 2013-03-13 02:05 GMT] | | | ysun United States Local time: 13:37 English to Chinese + ...
xiaodan sun wrote:
从意大利文翻中文,竞争相对会少些。有位 native speaker of Italian,她的意译中价格是 0.25 - 0.30 EUR per word,但她English < > Italian 的价格却只有0.10 - 0.12 EUR per word。可见物以稀为贵。 根据你的情况,我觉得也可以同时做英译中。不能光靠意翻中,毕竟项目有限。
尤其是,不要把全部或大部分希望都寄托在 ProZ.com上。据我观察,来ProZ.com找中文翻译的客户,给的价通常都很低,除非少数急活、难活。你的标价0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word 并不高,但即使是这个价格,恐怕这里能接受的客户也不多。
建议你与意大利和德国乃至全欧洲的翻译社直接联系,到他们的网站去注册。也许这是个笨办法,一时没有回音,但只要你坚持下去,迟早会有效果的。一旦有客户找你,你就要全力以赴,以优质的服务和翻译质量,保住客户。时间久了,客户就会越来越多。不少人天天在找活干,就是因为他们像狗熊掰棒子一样,掰一个,丢一个。一开始定价不要太低。如果定低了,以后再想让老客户提价就很难。 | | | XIAODAN SUN Netherlands Local time: 20:37 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
[quote]Rita Pang wrote:
[quote]xiaodan sun wrote:
James_xia wrote:
xiaodan sun wrote:
I hate to play devil's advocate here, but if you are translating stuff while having a thesaurus or something similar as your main guide, it probably speaks for itself via your work. I checked out your profile and your rates are VERY low for those language pairs. Why are you underselling yourself and why are you setting those rates so low? None of us should be working for pennies. Italian-Chinese is a popular pair but surely it's nothing close to the ridiculously huge number of people who'd be working for peanuts when it comes to the EN-CH pair. So why settle for 0.05 EUR if you are truly capable of the work? You should not push down market prices for other translators working in this field.
When I first started out, since I didn't know jack about marketing my services, I used to set rates at 0.05 or something per word. I have learned my lesson as low rates don't get me anywhere and I have received spiteful messages on proz forums with people literally dissing me and telling me to "go elsewhere" and not push down the market's prices. I have taken their advice and thank the day that some Irish guy gave me a virtual lesson in a Proz forum. The lower you market yourself, you're only giving crappy agencies the chance to further push down your prices.
I wouldn't even venture into the field of Italian > English and Chinese > Italian if I were you. The IT-EN market is pretty saturated as is. Additionally, I feel that the more language pairs you list, sometimes it might work against you, in the sense that people think you are boasting more than you can actually offer. (That was one of the feedback I got from a client of mine. Surely it is only ONE piece of opinion, but interesting food for thought nonetheless). Plus, you really should only translate into your strongest language (presumably, your native language in your case). You have much more of an edge with Chinese in comparison to those thousands of other IT-EN translators.
And, one more note, and I am sorry for being nasty, but you really need to beef up your profile. The style in which you wrote "I am Chinese, I am Living in Germany, I have studied in England and I have worked in Italy" immediately brought me to the insinuation (conclusion? hopefully not) of your language capabilities (native Chinese speaker, has some knowledge in German. non-native English but good knowledge thereof, some Italian). This does NOT bode well to someone's potential impression of your actual abilities as a translator. Focus on what makes your work stand above the crowd- Italian into Chinese, with strong knowledge in English.
Best of luck! [Edited at 2013-03-13 02:05 GMT]
很细心的看完了前辈的评论,谢谢!对前辈的英文很羡慕啊!没错,我的英文还停留在中式英文的阶段,汗颜。确实不太明智地选择了Italian > English and Chinese > Italian ,就像前辈说的,我也是想多推销一点,但适得其反,我会尽快把profil改一下,其实在申请翻译时,我当然没敢挑战Italian > English and Chinese > Italian 这些翻译,只是把IT翻译中文而已。觉得前辈指出的这几点很有道理,再次感谢!
至于收费,可能我收的低点,因为来这个网站是一个澳大利亚朋友介绍的,她在这里两年了,翻译德语到英文,收费是0.08cent per word,我考虑自己是新人,就要的比她低些,没想到造成恶习竞争,真不是我本意阿。其次,意大利经济很差,找我的两个公司都要求我降点价格,所以真没敢提太高,觉得自己也不是科班出身,要太多都不好意思。
总之,前辈的建议我很高兴的接受,谢谢 | |
XIAODAN SUN Netherlands Local time: 20:37 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
ysun wrote:
xiaodan sun wrote:
从意大利文翻中文,竞争相对会少些。有位 native speaker of Italian,她的意译中价格是 0.25 - 0.30 EUR per word,但她English < > Italian 的价格却只有0.10 - 0.12 EUR per word。可见物以稀为贵。 根据你的情况,我觉得也可以同时做英译中。不能光靠意翻中,毕竟项目有限。
尤其是,不要把全部或大部分希望都寄托在 ProZ.com上。据我观察,来ProZ.com找中文翻译的客户,给的价通常都很低,除非少数急活、难活。你的标价0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word 并不高,但即使是这个价格,恐怕这里能接受的客户也不多。
谢谢前辈的鼓励,不瞒您说,昨晚有一个公司发了我一份小文章几百字的翻译,是付费测试,今天我很认真地做了,希望能让客户满意。 | | | Jinhang Wang China Local time: 03:37 English to Chinese + ...
xiaodan sun wrote:
J.H. Wang wrote:
你才在 Proz 上注册一个月,还不必着急,慢慢来。可以把自己的 Profile 好好弄一下。相信有一年半载的时间,客户数量就上来了。
[Edited at 2013-03-12 12:21 GMT]
[Edited at 2013-03-12 13:57 GMT]
我建议你可以参加本网站的 KudoZ 活动,这样既帮助了别人,也提高了自己的水平,而且还可以增加吸引客户的魅力指数。 | | | ysun United States Local time: 13:37 English to Chinese + ...
xiaodan sun wrote:
[Edited at 2013-03-13 16:40 GMT] | | | Rita Pang Canada Local time: 14:37 Member (2011) Chinese to English + ... Moderator of this forum
xiaodan sun wrote:
很细心的看完了前辈的评论,谢谢!对前辈的英文很羡慕啊!没错,我的英文还停留在中式英文的阶段,汗颜。确实不太明智地选择了Italian > English and Chinese > Italian ,就像前辈说的,我也是想多推销一点,但适得其反,我会尽快把profil改一下,其实在申请翻译时,我当然没敢挑战Italian > English and Chinese > Italian 这些翻译,只是把IT翻译中文而已。觉得前辈指出的这几点很有道理,再次感谢!
至于收费,可能我收的低点,因为来这个网站是一个澳大利亚朋友介绍的,她在这里两年了,翻译德语到英文,收费是0.08cent per word,我考虑自己是新人,就要的比她低些,没想到造成恶习竞争,真不是我本意阿。其次,意大利经济很差,找我的两个公司都要求我降点价格,所以真没敢提太高,觉得自己也不是科班出身,要太多都不好意思。
Not at all, I am so not a 前辈! I just hate to see people undersell themselves. I perfectly understand why you would set your prices this way, because you are new to this. Maybe, if you really want to improve your profile, you can consider doing some volunteer translations (obviously not for everybody, maybe more so organizations which you feel are worth your while). Anyway, your friend's rate (0.08 cents) is very low as well, unless you are referring to euros.
As ysun and several others have said, do not rely on as your main source. Search for translation companies and apply directly. If you want to make sure that these are reputable companies to work with, check Proz's blueboard (you'll need to be a member). I am not a full Proz member myself, only a partial jobs member. I find that membership serves my needs and the annual fees are cheaper.
As the others have suggested, Italian>Chinese is what you should focus on. How many translators are truly 科班出身? Here in Canada, translation programs or degree programs are very few; there are many offered but the majority are for French-English, so even if I wanted to pursue a degree in it I'd have next to no choice. Or I could study online.
I also recommend LinkedIn, I have my profile set up there and some of my clients have come to me through that venue.
Good luck | |
XIAODAN SUN Netherlands Local time: 20:37 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
Rita Pang wrote:
xiaodan sun wrote:
很细心的看完了前辈的评论,谢谢!对前辈的英文很羡慕啊!没错,我的英文还停留在中式英文的阶段,汗颜。确实不太明智地选择了Italian > English and Chinese > Italian ,就像前辈说的,我也是想多推销一点,但适得其反,我会尽快把profil改一下,其实在申请翻译时,我当然没敢挑战Italian > English and Chinese > Italian 这些翻译,只是把IT翻译中文而已。觉得前辈指出的这几点很有道理,再次感谢!
至于收费,可能我收的低点,因为来这个网站是一个澳大利亚朋友介绍的,她在这里两年了,翻译德语到英文,收费是0.08cent per word,我考虑自己是新人,就要的比她低些,没想到造成恶习竞争,真不是我本意阿。其次,意大利经济很差,找我的两个公司都要求我降点价格,所以真没敢提太高,觉得自己也不是科班出身,要太多都不好意思。
Not at all, I am so not a 前辈! I just hate to see people undersell themselves. I perfectly understand why you would set your prices this way, because you are new to this. Maybe, if you really want to improve your profile, you can consider doing some volunteer translations (obviously not for everybody, maybe more so organizations which you feel are worth your while). Anyway, your friend's rate (0.08 cents) is very low as well, unless you are referring to euros.
As ysun and several others have said, do not rely on as your main source. Search for translation companies and apply directly. If you want to make sure that these are reputable companies to work with, check Proz's blueboard (you'll need to be a member). I am not a full Proz member myself, only a partial jobs member. I find that membership serves my needs and the annual fees are cheaper.
As the others have suggested, Italian>Chinese is what you should focus on. How many translators are truly 科班出身? Here in Canada, translation programs or degree programs are very few; there are many offered but the majority are for French-English, so even if I wanted to pursue a degree in it I'd have next to no choice. Or I could study online.
I also recommend LinkedIn, I have my profile set up there and some of my clients have come to me through that venue.
Good luck
同时祝你工作顺利 | | | Rita Pang Canada Local time: 14:37 Member (2011) Chinese to English + ... Moderator of this forum
xiaodan sun wrote:
付费规定 - 3 months are definitely on the slow end, but yes, I've worked for people like that before...not preferred, for sure! Even 1.5 months is a bit too much if you ask me. | | | Jinhang Wang China Local time: 03:37 English to Chinese + ... 完工后3个月付费显得长了点 | Mar 16, 2013 |
我的客户最长是 2 个月内付费,一般都是一个月。 | | | Pages in topic: [1 2 3] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 半路出家的我,请指教 Protemos translation business management system | Create your account in minutes, and start working! 3-month trial for agencies, and free for freelancers!
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