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Standing/treadmill desks
Thread poster: Hazel Underwood
Hazel Underwood
Hazel Underwood  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:15
Member (2005)
German to English
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Aug 12, 2015

Am investigating purchasing some kind of treadmill and standing desk to avoid sitting down all day.

I just wondered if any translators out there already use a standing desk and/or treadmill desk and how they had found it?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts!



Nataliia Gorina
Nataliia Gorina  Identity Verified
English to Ukrainian
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Answers Aug 12, 2015

to some questions on the pros and cons of using a stand-up treadmill desk can be found following the link.

I hope this helps, Hazel.

Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:15
Chinese to English
Just a bookshelf will do Aug 13, 2015

I converted to standing a while ago. I didn't buy a desk, just used a little Ikea-style bookshelf unit, stacked books on it till it came to the right height, and plopped my laptop on top. It's great - I suffer from tired legs sometimes, but no back pain. I find I tend to move around more - walk around the room for inspiration, or go and get a glass of water.
I also tried putting a little step-exerciser in front of my shelf, and stepping while I worked. I had to boost the height considerab
... See more
I converted to standing a while ago. I didn't buy a desk, just used a little Ikea-style bookshelf unit, stacked books on it till it came to the right height, and plopped my laptop on top. It's great - I suffer from tired legs sometimes, but no back pain. I find I tend to move around more - walk around the room for inspiration, or go and get a glass of water.
I also tried putting a little step-exerciser in front of my shelf, and stepping while I worked. I had to boost the height considerably to keep it comfortable. To be honest, I never got into it. Stepping was never automatic enough that I could type while exercising. I was always stopping and starting. Haven't tried a treadmill desk, so I don't know if that's better. But at the moment I would stick with my homespun standing desk solution.

Andrea Muller (X)
Andrea Muller (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:15
English to German
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Have you read this? Aug 13, 2015

Nikki Graham, a translator, is using a treadmill desk and has written about it on her blog. (I don't know Nikki, but somehow I came across her blog)

Nikki Graham
Nikki Graham  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:15
Spanish to English
Thanks for the mentions Aug 13, 2015

Thank you Nataliia and Andrea for mentioning my second blog post on treadmill desks, which details the pros and cons I have found since starting with this set-up in January.

My first post on treadmill desks gives some info on some of the options available and what I chose to purchase.... See more
Thank you Nataliia and Andrea for mentioning my second blog post on treadmill desks, which details the pros and cons I have found since starting with this set-up in January.

My first post on treadmill desks gives some info on some of the options available and what I chose to purchase.

From what I've read, standing with no movement at all for a long time is not very good for you, so I have a Steppie board now as well. I use this balance board when walking on the treadmill isn't suitable for the job in hand.

If you have any questions, I'd be happy to help if I can.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:15
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Exercise Aug 13, 2015

Hazel Underwood wrote:

.... to avoid sitting down all day.

Just take daily exercise outside. It'll do you the world of good and get you away from translating for a while, refresh your mind, etc. etc.

Anna Sarah Krämer
Anna Sarah Krämer
Local time: 14:15
Member (2011)
English to German
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Exercise bike Aug 13, 2015

I have built a little "shelf thingy" that I can hang onto the handlebar of my exercise bike to put my laptop on it. I am using it for only a little more than two weeks now. The only problem so far: My "behind part" isn't used to the changed circumstances yet and starts hurting when I use the bike for too long (although it is not as much of a pain in the a** as some agencies are...)

Pedalling and typing at the same time works very well for me. That, and the lower price of the bike wh
... See more
I have built a little "shelf thingy" that I can hang onto the handlebar of my exercise bike to put my laptop on it. I am using it for only a little more than two weeks now. The only problem so far: My "behind part" isn't used to the changed circumstances yet and starts hurting when I use the bike for too long (although it is not as much of a pain in the a** as some agencies are...)

Pedalling and typing at the same time works very well for me. That, and the lower price of the bike when compared with the treadmill were the reason for using the bike rather than a treadmill.

Time will tell if it corresponds with my expectations.

Best regards

Nikki Graham
Nikki Graham  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:15
Spanish to English
Combination is best Aug 13, 2015

Tom in London wrote:

Hazel Underwood wrote:

.... to avoid sitting down all day.

Just take daily exercise outside. It'll do you the world of good and get you away from translating for a while, refresh your mind, etc. etc.

According to lots of studies, an hour or two of exercise in the gym or walking/running in the park, whilst obviously good for you, is not enough to counter the negative impact sitting all day has on the body.

Maxi Schwarz
Maxi Schwarz  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:15
German to English
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What I've wondered Aug 13, 2015

As you walk on the treadmill, and your head bobs up and down because of how we walk, can you still see the words as the monitor or page would also bob up and down? I have been thinking of treadmill desks for over a year now.

Elizabeth Tamblin
Elizabeth Tamblin  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:15
French to English
Now you mention it... Aug 13, 2015

Maxi Schwarz wrote:

As you walk on the treadmill, and your head bobs up and down because of how we walk, can you still see the words as the monitor or page would also bob up and down? I have been thinking of treadmill desks for over a year now.

Sometimes I nod off to sleep at my desk. If that happens while I'm on a treadmill, I could get seriously injured. Just a thought...

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:15
Member (2003)
Danish to English
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Treadmill? No way! Aug 14, 2015

I simply don't have the coordination for it, and my typing is bad enough already. But good luck to anyone who can do it.

I move about whenever I remember, and the frequency varies!

I make a pot of coffee in the morning and do a few mild exercises while it is brewing. Drink one cup and let the rest get cold - then it doesn't get that stale taste...

The next three times, I re-heat a cup in the microwave and move about - not necessarily actual exercises, mayb
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I simply don't have the coordination for it, and my typing is bad enough already. But good luck to anyone who can do it.

I move about whenever I remember, and the frequency varies!

I make a pot of coffee in the morning and do a few mild exercises while it is brewing. Drink one cup and let the rest get cold - then it doesn't get that stale taste...

The next three times, I re-heat a cup in the microwave and move about - not necessarily actual exercises, maybe go and collect the post, hang out the washing, annoy my husband or some minor break likke that.

Probably I will be one of those people who gets to be 100 and says 'Exercise? Why ever would I want to wear myself out like that ?'

A healthy walk is about my limit!

jcjenkins  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:15
German to English
A recent convert! Aug 14, 2015

This is very topical; I created a makeshift standing desk last week using boxes, after realising how much time I spend sitting down and becoming concerned about the effect on my health and posture.

I am now definitely a fan; my posture feels so much better and it encourages me to move around regularly. I am now keen to buy one of these
... See more
This is very topical; I created a makeshift standing desk last week using boxes, after realising how much time I spend sitting down and becoming concerned about the effect on my health and posture.

I am now definitely a fan; my posture feels so much better and it encourages me to move around regularly. I am now keen to buy one of these at some point in the future:

I run regularly, so it's not about improving my fitness. I would recommend to anyone that they try it, using boxes etc; I've been surprised by how comfortable it is and how quickly I've got used to it.

Nikki Graham
Nikki Graham  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:15
Spanish to English
No problem seeing the screen Aug 14, 2015

Maxi Schwarz wrote:

As you walk on the treadmill, and your head bobs up and down because of how we walk, can you still see the words as the monitor or page would also bob up and down? I have been thinking of treadmill desks for over a year now.

I have absolutely no problem seeing the words on the screen when I'm walking. You can always make them bigger. However, I would probably not use the treadmill if I was working from paper (but I very rarely do this kind of work these days anyway). It is very difficult to write when you're walking (I find), but not difficult to type. I use Dragon Naturally Speaking (DNS) a lot now, so I don't have to type much at all when using the treadmill.

Nikki Graham
Nikki Graham  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:15
Spanish to English
Haven't hurt myself yet Aug 14, 2015

Elizabeth Tamblin wrote:

Sometimes I nod off to sleep at my desk. If that happens while I'm on a treadmill, I could get seriously injured. Just a thought...

Hi Elizabeth, as I mention (I think) in my second article, walking on the treadmill actually makes me feel more alert. Given that I sometimes suffer from insomnia, I often feel like nodding off if I'm sitting in a chair, but I've never once felt as if I was going to fall asleep on the treadmill. If you use DNS, your hands are free to wave about and stretch, which also wakes you up.

As for hurting yourself, I've stumbled off the treadmill many times, mostly when I stop looking ahead at the screen and turn to talk to a family member at the door to my office, but I've never actually injured myself. When you walk and work, the speed is very low (I walk at 3 km/hour), which is just a gentle stroll.

Jan Truper
Jan Truper  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:15
Member (2016)
English to German
Get something like this Aug 14, 2015

You can switch from sitting to standing (and anything in between) in 2 seconds.

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Standing/treadmill desks

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